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padding-bottom: 133.33%;">每天10組詞彙,衝刺口譯考試(三十二)
口譯考試快來了,詞彙還不牢?每天十組表達,考試大幫你日積月累應考,輕輕鬆鬆過關!增強憂患意識 be mindful of potential danger 戰略部署 strategic plan 戰略性調整 strategic adjustment 朝氣蓬勃、奮發有爲的領導層 energetic and promising leadership 整頓和規範 to be rectified and standardized 正規化 regularized 政府幹預 government intervention 政府機構 government organs; government institutions 政府特殊津貼 special government allowance 政事分開 separating the functions of government from those of institutions