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ing-bottom: 100%;">商務英語高級口語練習(5)
1.I asked him to set a value on the pictures.
  重點詞語:set v.樹立,規定 n.一套,一批;趨勢 adj. 固定的;規定的
  商務用語:set up 創立
  set a value on 估價,評價
  set bounds to 限制來源:恆星英語
  yone works several hours each day.
  重點詞語:several adj.幾個的;不同的 pron.幾個
  商務用語:two several items 兩個不同的項目
   jeweler showed the necklace to the customer.
  重點詞語:show n.表示;展覽;外觀 v.指示,說明,展出
  商務用語:show bill 海報,招貼
  show business 娛樂性行業
  show case 陳列櫃,櫥窗
   often shop in Wangfujing Street.
  重點詞語:shop n.商店,店鋪 vi.買東西,購貨
  商務用語:closed shop 限制行業(只允許本工會會員)
  open shop 開放行業(非會員可從事的工作)
  shop steward 工會管事
  shopfloor 生產場所
   parties have signed the contract!
  重點詞語:sign n.標記,符號 v.簽名(於),署名(於)…,簽署
  商務用語:sign away 簽名放棄
  sign in 簽到,記錄到達時間,簽收
  sign on the dotted line 在虛線上簽字,全部接受
  sign over 簽字移交One section of the class was reading and the other section was writing.
  重點詞語:section n.部分,區
  商務用語:section foreman 領班
  all sections of poeple 各界人民
  show sth. in section 把某物以斷面顯示出來
   were selected from many applicants.
  重點詞語:select vt.選擇,挑選 adj.精選的
  商務用語:a select club 選擇會員嚴格的俱樂部
  be select in choosing one's friends 謹慎擇友
  3.I'll send down to the kitchen for coffee.
  重點詞語:send vt.送,寄,發送,派遣,打發
  商務用語:send away for 函購
  send in an account 開送賬單,報賬
  send by dispatch 把(某物)作快件送發
  send to the hammer 拿出去拍賣
   received a heavy sentence.
  重點詞語:separate vt.分開 adj.分開的;不同的
  商務用語:separate estate 獨有財產
  separate maintenance 分居贍養費
  separate the good ones from the bad ones 區分好壞
  separate sth. into several portions 把某物分成幾份