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ing-bottom: 100%;">英語四級考試選詞填空答題技巧整理

(一) 確定詞性,確定選項的選擇範圍

1) 關於動詞的判斷  前後都是名詞短語,中間是動詞 。


Nowadays, weather experts are able to forecast when an El Nino will 55 , but.


55. O strike

Scientists 54 this to be the longest El Nino for 2,000 years.

(此句後只有一個to be,是非謂語動詞,故空格必爲謂語動詞;且空格前後均爲名詞性,也基本確定它是動詞。)

54. A estimate


The rainfall is increased across South America, 50 floods to Peru.  (前面是一個完整的句子,逗號後跟的,一般是非謂語動詞短語。此題選項中非謂語動詞只有一個,故直選之。)  50. L bringing

2) 其它詞的判斷

形容詞或名詞修飾名詞,限定詞(the, this, that, a, my之類)後必有名詞

This strange 47 happens every five to eight years.

47. F phenomenon

The hot, humid (潮溼的) air over the ocean causes severe 49 thunderstorms.

48. E tropical

49. El Nino usually lasts for about 18 months. The 1981-83 El Nino brought the most 52 weather in modern history.


52. J destructive


…, but they are still not 56 sure what leads to it or what affects how strong it will be.(修飾形容詞sure, 當爲副詞)

55. I completely

謂語動詞前有名詞主語  This strange 47 happens every five to eight years.


47. F phenomenon介詞後面必有名詞

As the trade winds lessen in 48 , the ocean temperatures rise, causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5 °C.

(在介詞in的後面,當爲名詞無疑,此處整個短語來修飾lessen減少,當爲在某個方面減少。)  48. B strength

(二) 句裏句外,猜測詞義

一看搭配:主謂賓、主系表與修飾 詞直接的搭配關係決定着詞的意義。所以先看它被誰修飾,與誰形成主謂賓關係。看一種關係不行就看另一個,靈活處之。

This strange 47 happens every five to eight years.  strange修飾47,也許看不出來是什麼,再看47與happen形成主謂關係,能夠發生的是什麼最好的當然是現象。

48. F phenomenon


1. 句內(狀語從句,解釋,並列等)

As the trade winds lessen in 48, the ocean temperatures rise, causing the Peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5 °C.


49. B strength

So while some parts of the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face drought, poor crops and

50. 空格與前面兩個名詞並列,意味着意思相近。與乾旱、收成不好一致的,很容易選出starvation饑荒.

51. K starvation


This strange 47 happens every five to eight years.

This告訴我們,此處是重提前面講到過的某個東西。前面講到過的核心概念就是El Nino, 無疑是一種天氣“現象”。

47. F phenomenon


與this一大類的.還有:This/these/such; the same/similar; worse/better/more/less等。


遞進:Moreover/furthermore/what’more/besides/in addition/even/also



2. 後文

El Nino usually lasts for about 18 months. The 1981-83 El Nino brought the most 52 weather in modern history. Its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,000 people dead and caused over eight billion pounds 53 of damage.

段落開始部分,提出一個總的概括性的說法。往往在下文有分述。El Nino究竟帶來的是什麼樣的天氣,後面一句就交代得十分清楚。

51. J destructive (dead , damage)

(三) 看習慣用法:固定搭配

Its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,000 people dead and caused over eight billion pounds 53 of damage.

52. N worth 此處考的是worth這個詞的特殊用法。它本是一個形容詞,但可用…worth of sth, 來表明價值某物的某東西。

e.g. The fire caused thousands of pounds' worth of damage.