
首頁 > 英語學習 > 四六級英語 > 2020年7月英語四級高頻詞彙:形容詞組和固定搭配


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ing-bottom: 52.03%;">2020年7月英語四級高頻詞彙:形容詞組和固定搭配


  be able to (do) 能(做),會(做)
  be about to (do) 即將,正要
  be absent from 缺勤,缺課
  be abundant in 豐富的,富裕的
  be accustomed to 習慣於,適應於
  be acquainted with 與…相識,熟悉,瞭解
  be active in 積極於
  be afraid of 恐怕,害怕,擔憂
  be alive to 注意到,對…敏感
  be angry at 因某事生氣
  be angry with 對…發怒
  be anxious about 擔心,爲…擔憂
  be anxious for 急切盼望,渴望
  be anxious to(do) 渴望(做)
  be ashamed of 爲…感到害臊
  be aware of 意識到
  be bad at 拙於,不善於
  be based on 根據,以…爲基礎
  be beside oneself 極度興奮,對自己的感情失去控制
  be better off 生活優裕起來,境況好起來
  be bound to(do) 一定會,不得不
  be careful to(do) 務必注意(做)
  be certain to(do) 一定(做),必然(做)
  be capable of 能夠
  be confident in 對…有信心
  be characterized by 以…爲特徵
  be clever at 擅長於
  be combined with 與…結合
  be composed of 由…組成
  be concerned about 關心,掛念
  be curious to(do) 很想(做)
  be dependent on/upon 取決於,依賴
  be determined to (do) 決心(做)
  be different from 與…不同
  be eager for 渴望
  be eager to (do) 急於要(做)
  be equal to 等於
  be famous for 以…著名
  be fond of 喜歡,愛好
  be free from 無…的,擺脫了…的
  be friendly to 對…友好
  be glad to (do) 樂於(做),對…感到高興
  be good at (doing) 善於,擅長
  be good for 適於,在…期間有效
  be grateful to 感謝,感激
  be independent of 脫離…而獨立,與…無關
  be indispensable for 對…必不可少的
  be interested in 對…感興趣
  be kind enough to (do) 承…好意,懇請
  be late for 遲到
  be likely to (do) 可能要,像是要
  be mad about 迷戀
  be well off 生活富裕
  be pleased to (do) 樂於
  be pleased with 對…感到滿足
  be popular with 得人心的,受…歡迎的
  be present at 出席
  be proud of 以…自豪,因…感到滿意
  be ready to (do) 裝備好(做),樂意做
  be ready for 爲…準備好
  be rich in 富於
  be satisfied with 對…滿意,滿足於
  be second to 次於
  be short for 是…的縮寫(簡稱)
  be short of 短缺
  be sick for 渴望
  be sick in bed 病在牀上
  be sick of 對…感到厭倦
  be sorry for 對…感到抱歉
  be strict with 對…要求嚴格
  be suited to 適合於
  be supposed to (do) 應該,非…不可
  be sure of 堅信,確信
  be surprised at 對…感到驚奇
  be though with 結束
  be tired from 因…而厭倦
  be tired of 厭煩,對…厭倦
  be tired out 疲倦極了
  be true to 適用於
  be unconscious of 不知道…
  be unequal to 無法勝任…的
  be unfit for 不適合,不勝任
  be useful to 對…有用
  be well up in 精通,熟悉
  be wild with jay 欣喜
  be willing to (do) 樂意…
  be worried about 爲…而擔心
  be worse off 處境較壞,情況惡化
  be worth (doing) 值得(做)
  be wrong with 有點毛病,有些不舒服
