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ing-bottom: 83.75%;">2017年12月六級大綱新增詞彙(七)

301 sinister['sɪnɪstə]


✎ 示例:

There is a sinister side to these events. 這些事件有邪惡的一面。

302 smartphone[smɑːtfəʊn]] 


✎ 示例:

On the way to the office, you can listen to a podcast on your smartphone.在去公司的路上,你可以用智能手機收聽播客。

303 snob [snɒb] 


✎ 示例:

Stop being such a snob. 別這麼勢利眼。

304 sodium ['səʊdɪəm]


✎ 示例:

Salt decomposes into sodium and chlorine. 鹽分解成鈉和氯。

305 solicit [sə'lɪsɪt]

v.①請求,懇求 ②(指妓女)拉(客) 

✎ 示例:

May I solicit your advice on a matter of some importance? 我有一件要事可以請教你嗎?

306 soothe [suːð] 

vt.①安慰 ②減輕,緩和(疼痛) 

✎ 示例:

Lucy soothed the baby by rocking it in her arms. 露西把寶寶抱在懷裏搖晃着,讓他安靜下來。

307 spaghetti [spə'geti] 


✎ 示例:

Standing in the next room, in the middle of what looked like piles of concrete spaghetti, I began to feel overpowered. 站在下一個房間裏,在這一大堆看起來就像水泥做的意大利麪條中間,我真有點受不了了。

308 spotlight ['spɒtlaɪt] 

n.①聚光燈 ②衆人注目的焦點 

✎ 示例:

I was sweating under the spotlight. 聚光燈照得我出汗了。

309 sprawl [sprɔːl] 


✎ 示例:

He sprawled out on the sofa. 他攤開手腳躺在沙發上。

310 stagnate [stæg'neɪt] 


✎ 示例:

His career had stagnated. 他的事業停滯不前了。

311 stammer ['stæmə] 


✎ 示例:

Whenever he was angry he would begin to stammer slightly. 他一生氣說話就開始有點結巴。

312 stance [stɑːns] 

n.①站立的姿勢 ②立場,觀點 

✎ 示例:

What is your stance on environmental issues? 你在環境問題上持什麼觀點?

313 stark [stɑːk] 

a.①無裝飾的 ②完全的ad.完全地 

✎ 示例:

In the cold dawn light, the castle looked stark and forbidding. 在黎明冰冷的光線下,城堡看上去了無生氣且令人生畏。

314 stationery ['steɪʃ(ə)n(ə)ri] 


✎ 示例:

She travels in stationery. 她到處推銷文具用品。



315 stifle ['staɪf(ə)l] 

vt.①使窒息 ②抑止,壓制 

✎ 示例:

He was almost stifled by the fumes. 他差點被煙燻得窒息了。

316 stigma ['stɪgmə] 

n.①(植物的)柱頭 ②恥辱,羞辱 

✎ 示例:

In the US, smoking carries a stigma. 在美國,吸菸是不光彩的。

317 strangle ['stræŋg(ə)l] 

vt.①勒死 ②抑制,扼殺 

✎ 示例:

The victim had been strangled with a belt. 受害者是被人用皮帶勒死的。

318 superstition [,suːpə'stɪʃ(ə)n] 


✎ 示例:

There are several possible origins for this superstition.關於這個迷信有一些可能的起源。

319 surveillance [sə'veɪl(ə)ns] 


✎ 示例:

They were under constant close surveillance day and night. 他們白天黑夜都受到嚴密監視。

320 syndicate ['sɪndɪkət]

vt.發表 n.辛迪加

 ✎ 示例:

His column is syndicated throughout America. 他的專欄文章在全美各地的報刊發表。

321 synonym ['sɪnənɪm] 


✎ 示例:

Give the synonym and antonym of this word. 給出這個詞的同義詞和反義詞。

322 tact [tækt] 


✎ 示例:

With great tact, Clive persuaded her to apologize. 克萊夫十分巧妙地說服了她去道歉。

323 tactic ['tæktɪk] 


✎ 示例:

Shock tactics are being used in an attempt to stop drunk drivers. 正在採取“震驚策略”來制止司機酒後駕車。

324 tenure ['tenjə] 

n.①保有期(權) ②終身教職 

✎ 示例:

It's becoming increasingly difficult to acquire academic tenure. 要獲得終身教職現在越來越難了。

325 tertiary ['tɜːʃ(ə)ri] 


✎ 示例:

Since then government poured more money in, the whole tertiary industry has flourished. 自從政府投資增多了,第三產業便興旺發達起來。

326 thrift [θrɪft] 


✎ 示例:

They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise. 他們因勤儉節約和開創精神而受到了應得的表揚。

327 toil [tɒɪl] 

vi.①辛苦工作 ②艱難跋涉n.苦役

✎ 示例:

I've been toiling away at this essay all weekend. 我整個週末都在埋頭寫這篇論文。

328 topple ['tɒp(ə)l] 

v.①(使)倒塌 ②推翻,打倒 

✎ 示例:

A stack of plates swayed, and began to topple over. 一大摞盤子搖搖晃晃,然後開始倒下來。

329 tornado [tɔː'neɪdəʊ] 


✎ 示例:

The tornado rubbished the whole village. 龍捲風毀掉了整個村莊。

330 tranquil ['træŋkwɪl] 


✎ 示例:

The tranquil atmosphere of the inn allows guests to totally at home. 這家客棧的寧靜氛圍讓客人們感到賓至如歸。

331 trauma ['trɔːmə] 

n.①痛苦,創傷 ②[術]外傷 

✎ 示例:

I'd been through the trauma of losing a house. 我已經歷過失去房子的痛苦。

332 tread [tred] 


✎ 示例:

Sorry, did I tread on your foot? 對不起,我踩到你的腳了嗎?

333 treasury ['treʒ(ə)ri] 

n.[C]①(theT)(英、美等國的)財政部 ②(城堡中的)寶庫 

✎ 示例:

Treasury officials have said this would be “catastrophic”. 財政部官員表示這將是“災難性的”。

334 trek [trek] 


✎ 示例:

He is on a trek through the South Gobi Desert. 他正徒步穿越南戈壁沙漠。

335 tribune ['trɪbjuːn] 


✎ 示例:

For a time Jack was consul, then proconsul and eventually a tribune.  傑克曾做了一段時間的執政官, 然後是總督,最後是保民官。

336 trickle ['trɪk(ə)l] 

vi.①滴,淌 ②緩慢地移動 

✎ 示例:

The tears trickled down her cheeks. 淚水順着她的面頰流了下來。

337 trophy ['trəʊfi] 

n.①(體育比賽的)獎品 ②戰利品 

✎ 示例:

A lion's head was among the trophies of his African trip. 在他的非洲之行的戰利品中有一個獅子頭。

338 tropic ['trɒpɪk] 

n.①迴歸線 ②(thes)熱帶地區 

✎ 示例:

Dry rosin is best in tropic and soft rosin in cold climate. 乾的松香在熱帶最適用,而軟的松香適用於寒冷的氣候。

339 turmoil ['tɜːmɒɪl] 


✎ 示例:

She lived through the turmoil of the French Revolution. 她經歷過法國大革命的混亂之後仍舊活着。

340 ultra ['ʌltrə] 


✎ 示例:

Her father is an ultra-conservative who is still opposed to freedom to choose her spouse. 她爸是個老古董,現在還反對她自由戀愛。

341 underlie [ʌndə'laɪ] 


✎ 示例:

Its ideas of harmony with nature underlie many aspects of Chinese culture, from calligraphy and painting to architecture and medicine. 其自然和諧的思想是中國文化多方面的基礎,從書法和繪畫到建築和醫術。

342 unleash [ʌn'liːʃ] 

vt.①解開皮帶以放開(狗) ②把(情緒等)宣泄出來 

✎ 示例:

The announcement unleashed a storm of protest from the public. 公告引發了一場公衆的抗議風暴。

343 upload [ʌp'ləʊd] 

v.上載,上傳 n.上傳 

✎ 示例:

It might take a while for this to upload. 上載這個可能要花些時間。

344 uprising ['ʌpraɪzɪŋ] 


✎ 示例:

Yet the uprising itself did not come as a surprise, only perhaps its speed and its bloodiness. 然而暴動本身並不令人驚訝,只是偶爾詫異於它的速度及血腥程度。

345 uranium jʊ'reɪnɪəm] 


✎ 示例:

The fuel was enriched with uranium  235 for the nuclear reactor. 核反應堆的燃料被鈾 35濃縮。

346 urine ['jʊərɪn] 


✎ 示例:

The doctor took a urine sample and a blood sample. 醫生取了尿樣和血樣。

347 viable ['vaɪəbl] 


✎ 示例:

The committee came forward with one viable solution. 委員會提出了一個切實可行的解決方法。

348 vogue [vəʊg] 


✎ 示例:

Short skirts are very much in vogue just now. 短裙目前非常流行。

349 volatile ['vɒlətaɪl] 

a.①動盪不定的 ②易怒的 

✎ 示例:

There have been riots before and the situation is volatile. 先前一直就有暴亂,局勢變化無常。

350 waive [weɪv] 


✎ 示例:

She waived her right to a lawyer. 她放棄了請律師的權利。

351 warranty ['wɒr(ə)nti] 


✎ 示例:

The car is still under warranty. 這輛汽車還在保修期內。

352 wed [wed] 


✎ 示例:

In 1952 she wed film director Roger Vadim. 1952年,她嫁給了電影導演羅傑·瓦丹。

353 wharf [wɔːf] 


✎ 示例:

Our ship is on to the wharf. 我們的船靠向碼頭。

354 whereabouts [weərə'baʊts] 

ad.在哪裏,靠近哪裏 n.(pl.同sing.)下落,行蹤,所在 

✎ 示例:

Whereabouts do you live?你住在哪一帶?

355 wholesome ['həʊls(ə)m] 

a.①有益健康的 ②有道德的 

✎ 示例:

Water is a wholesome drink. 水是有益健康的飲料。

356 wield [wiːld] 


✎ 示例:

That woman wields a lot of influence. 那個女人是一個很有影響力的人。

357 wink ['wɪŋk] 

v.①眨眼(示意) ②(光)閃爍n.眨眼 

✎ 示例:

The strong wind made me wink. 大風吹得我直眨眼。

358 wither ['wɪðə] 


✎ 示例:

Flowers withered up soon after they were cut. 花兒摘下不久就枯萎了。

359 wrestle ['res(ə)l] 


✎ 示例:

They taught me to wrestle. 他們教我去摔跤。

360 yearn [jɜːn] 


✎ 示例:

He yearned for freedom. 他曾渴望自由。



361 zeal [ziːl] 


✎ 示例:

He worked for the cause with great zeal. 他懷着極大的熱忱爲理想而努力。