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ing-bottom: 55.67%;">中國汽車品牌本土化政策適得其反

Even the most ardent car lovers would struggle to identify some of the vehicles built by major multinational auto companies in China.


A BMW Brilliance Zinoro, an SGMW Baojun and a Dongfeng Nissan Venucia are among the “indigenous” brands that the Chinese government requires foreign-invested joint ventures to develop in return for approvals to expand production capacity in the world’s largest auto market.

華晨寶馬(BMW Brilliance)的之諾(Zinoro)、上汽通用五菱(SGMW)的寶駿(Baojun)以及東風日產(Dongfeng Nissan)的啓辰(Venucia)都屬於中國政府要求這些合資企業生產的車型。只有推出這些車型,中國政府纔會批准它們擴大在華產能。目前,中國是世界最大的汽車市場。

SGMW – GM’s joint venture with SAIC Motor and Liuzhou Wuling Motors – embraced the dictat by developing popular Baojun sedans and mini-cars. SGMW sold more than 100,000 Baojuns in 2013, up almost 20 per cent.

上汽通用五菱是通用汽車(GM)與上汽集團(SAIC Motor)以及柳州五菱汽車(Wuling Motors)建立的合資企業,爲支持政府以上指示,該公司開發了廣受歡迎的寶駿(Baojun)轎車及微型轎車。2013年,該公司賣出了逾10萬輛寶駿,銷量增長近20%。

Priced at just Rmb50,000 ($8,000) to Rmb70,000, Baojun’s success has come primarily at the expense of China’s struggling domestic automakers, suggesting that the policy has had at least one unintended consequence.


“After several decades in China, the earliest models introduced by the foreign joint ventures are now priced as cheaply as Chinese brands,” Liu Bo, vice-president of Chang’an Auto, said at a seminar held in conjunction with April’s Beijing car show. “Their ability to focus global R&D resources on the China market is putting a lot of pressure on us.”

在4月份與北京車展一同召開的一次研討會上,長安汽車(Chang'an Auto)副總裁劉波表示:“在中國,經過幾十年的發展,如今由中外合資企業最早引入的車型價格與中國國產品牌的價格差不多。他們將全球研發資源集中於中國市場的能力爲我們帶來了很大壓力。”

March sales of Chinese brand sedans fell 12 per cent year-on-year, as local automakers lost their market lead in the segment to their German rivals led by VW. “The indigenous brand policy is really dumb because all it does is cannibalise the local Chinese brands,” said Janet Lewis, head of Macquarie Securities industrials research team in Hong Kong.

今年3月,中國國產品牌轎車的銷售量同比下跌了12%,中國本土汽車製造商的市場領導地位也被以大衆(VW)爲首的德國競爭對手所取代。麥格理證券(Macquarie Securities)駐香港的行業研究團隊主管詹尼特•路易斯表示:“品牌本土化政策確實非常愚蠢,該政策所產生的效果只有一個,這就是蠶食國產品牌。”

The damage that Baojun and other joint ventures’ indigenous brands, such as Nissan and Dongfeng Motors’ Venucia, are inflicting on Chinese car companies could explain why the government does not appear to be putting much pressure on multinationals who have only done the bare minimum.

寶駿及其他合資企業的本土化品牌,如日產(Nissan)和東風汽車(Dongfeng Motors)的啓辰,對中國汽車企業造成的打擊,能夠解釋中國政府的舉措——中國政府似乎對那些只在最低限度上實現品牌本土化跨國公司並未施加太多壓力。

BMW’s joint venture with Brilliance Auto “rebadged” the German company’s X1 and electrified it for China’s anaemic new energy vehicle market – thus avoiding confusion with its better selling conventional cars – while Ford has yet to reveal its local contribution to the market.

寶馬(BMW)與華晨汽車(Brilliance Auto)建立的合資企業將寶馬的X1車型“重新貼牌”,並針對中國十分疲軟的新能源汽車市場將該款車型做了電氣化處理——這樣就能避免該款車型與旗下銷售狀況更好的常規車型相混淆。而與此同時,福特(Ford)則尚未披露他們將在中國市場推出的本土車型。

“Zinoro is a brand of our joint venture here in China,” Karsten Engel, BMW’s country head, said at the Beijing car show. “It’s a brand only for China. It’s based a little bit on the BMW X1.”

寶馬大中華區主管卡斯滕•安格(Karsten Engel)在北京車展上表示:“之諾是我們在華合資公司旗下的品牌。該款車型只在中國出售。該車型略微借鑑了寶馬X1型的設計。”

BMW chose not to display the Zinoro at the show, instead highlighting its premium i3 electric car. “BMW’s i3 could generate interest in China,” said Bill Russo, founder of industry consultancy Synergistics. “Zinoro doesn’t have the brand panache. Even if it’s an X1 [customers] want to be able to call it what it is.”

寶馬選擇不在車展上展示之諾車型。與此相反,該公司在車展上高調展示了豪華型i3電動汽車。汽車業諮詢公司Synergistics創始人羅威(Bill Russo)表示:“在中國,人們可能會對寶馬的i3車型產生興趣。之諾卻沒有這種品牌光環。即便之諾實際上就是X1,(客戶)還是希望能夠直接以X1來稱呼它。”

The Chinese government’s indigenous brand requirement is particularly challenging for Ford as it runs counter to outgoing chief executive Alan Mulally’s “one Ford” strategy, under which the company jettisoned brands such as Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo Cars to focus on a narrower portfolio.

對於福特來說,中國政府提出的品牌本土化的要求尤其具有挑戰性,因爲這一政策與該公司即將離任的首席執行官艾倫•穆拉利(Alan Mulally)提出的“一個福特”戰略背道而馳。在“一個福特”戰略的影響下,福特公司曾放棄了捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)和沃爾沃轎車(Volvo Cars)等品牌,以便將精力集中於數量更少的產品組合。

“We were trying to be world class at so many things,” said Mr Mulally, adding that the strategy was in keeping with the vision of the company’s eponymous founder. “Henry [Ford] wanted to be part of the fabric of economic development in every country in which he operated but he didn’t know that Ford would have a different Ford in every country.”

穆拉利表示:“我們努力在諸多事情上保持世界一流水準。”此外,穆拉利還補充說,該戰略符合公司同名創始人福特的願景。他說:“亨利(Henry Ford)希望在每一個他開展業務的國家中都成爲其經濟發展構架中的一份子,不過他沒想到福特在每個國家都會有一個不同版本的‘福特’。”

John Lawler, the head of Ford’s China operations, insisted that the US automaker is in compliance with Chinese government policy mandates, even though it still has not rolled out an indigenous brand.

福特大中華區負責人羅力強(John Lawler)堅稱,儘管福特還未推出本土化的品牌,福特公司並未違反中國政府的政策規定。

“We’re satisfying all the requirements from the government but at this point there really isn’t anything for us to announce relative to an indigenous brand or anything along those lines,” said Mr Lawler.
