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We know that science doesn't have the answers to everything, but seeing that it's 2015 and the future is almost here, there are some questions we really expected it to have answered by now.


Does Turbulence Work?



Everyone has gone through a flight where the pilot asks you to tighten your seat belts because of excessive turbulence, but even though it is so important to things like air safety, we just have no idea how it works. It has perplexed scientists to such an extent that Einstein once famously said, “Before I die, I hope someone will clarify quantum physics for me. After I die, I hope God will explain turbulence to me.”

相信每个人都有过在飞机上遇到强气流而被要求系上安全带的经历,知道气流的形成对航空安全十分重要,然而,遗憾的是至今无人知晓当中原理。不少科学家深陷谜团,连著名科学家爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879-1955)也曾说过:希望在有生之年看到量子力学之谜被解开,而去世之后上帝可以向我解释气流的奥秘。

The problem is aggravated by the fact that wherever the need to study turbulence arises—like in jet propulsion—chemical reactions take place alongside the high pressure and extreme conditions, which makes it difficult for researchers to study the exact conditions needed to produce turbulence. If somehow we could figure it out, it could be applied to a variety of uses since turbulence occurs everywhere in nature. Maybe one day we'd even be able to predict hurricanes or other natural disasters with accuracy, thus minimizing the damage and finally scoring one over nature.


Do Cats Purr?


你身边仍未揭秘的十个小谜团(上) 第2张

We've shown before that cats don't always purr when they're happy, but the mystery goes way deeper than that. There is no purring organ in the throat of a cat, and even though extensive research has been done on the function itself, the exact origin of the function in the anatomy of cats is still 's theorized that they might do it by the constriction and dilation of the larynx, but no evidence has ever been provided to prove or disprove that theory. It was, however, found that the frequency of a cat's purr falls somewhere in the range required to accelerate bone regeneration and healing, so it might just be a healing superpower that we had no idea even existed in the animal kingdom. That might also explain why we take it to be a happy sound, as the frequency is not just beneficial for the cat—it tends to make us happier as well.


Causes Hypnic Jerks?


你身边仍未揭秘的十个小谜团(上) 第3张

Often when we are about to fall asleep, we experience a kind of a falling sensation which causes us to wake up with a start. It happens to almost everybody, and the sensation is known as a hypnic jerk. It also sometimes happens when you tilt the chair you're sitting on too far—somehow you can sense when you're about to fall, and you wake up with a hypnic jerk. We really have no idea what causes them or whether they serve any modern purpose, but science has come up with some interesting theories.


One hypothesis suggests that our bodies developed this mechanism when we used to sleep on branches or high ground, and it was meant to help us avoid a fall. But there is no evidence to support it, and humans rarely slept on trees or precarious cliffs as a matter of habit. Other theories suggest that it happens because of the slowing down of the body's processes when you fall asleep, but again, there are no scientific studies to support that claim either.


Exactly Do Magnets Work?


你身边仍未揭秘的十个小谜团(上) 第4张

Magnetism is a widely observed phenomenon in our universe, but a lot of things about it remain unexplained. For example, why do particles charged with electricity create a magnetic field strong enough to physically move things from far away? And when they do, why exactly do they align themselves to two poles, north and south?


Explanations range from “it's just one of those things” to particle movement at the quantum level, and MIT even has a whole laboratory dedicated to research on nothing but magnetism. We know that it's happening, and we have a good idea of what exactly is happening, too—the particles align themselves in a way that adds up their charge in one direction, but it's not very clear as to why the particles emit a magnetic field to start with. The fact that the Earth's magnetic field is not well understood either further restricts our ability to understand magnetism.


Do Giraffes Have Long Necks?


你身边仍未揭秘的十个小谜团(上) 第5张

Many may believe that only giraffes with long necks survived evolution because they had an advantage over the other, short-necked ones, but that's not really true. Longer necks provide no particular advantage to giraffes because they care more about the type of leaf than the height at which it's situated. If it's confusing to you, science doesn't have much of a clue either. There's just no consensus on the exact conditions that would have caused long necks to be selected positively among giraffes.


One theory is that the giraffes developed long necks as a mating trait—in other words, it helped with the ladies—but there's not much evidence to support that hypothesis. On the contrary, big, heavy necks, no matter how good they look, would be a definite disadvantage in the wild and are sure to die out at some point in the future. Another theory says that they had to develop long necks because of long legs, but again, that theory is based less on factual evidence and more on a scientist looking at a giraffe and guessing.


翻译:陈夏瑾 来源:前十网