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1950s 20世紀50年代

study hard and move forward every day 好好學習,天天向上

Mao Zedong wrote to honor an 8-year-old boy, Chen Yongkang, who helped police catch a spy in Suzhou, in 1951. Mao asked all kids to study hard to do a better job for the country. Banners with this slogan could be seen in almost every classroom.


food coupon 糧票

This allowed people to get certain food supplies under the planned economy. Low agricultural production meant insufficient food supplies and a quota system and the coupons were a means of distribution. The quota system lasted to the early 90s. The tickets are now the stuff of collectors.

計劃經濟體制下,糧票是人們購買某些糧食的必備憑證。較低的農業產出導致了食物供給的短缺和定額分配製度,而糧票恰恰解決了這一分配問題。這種定額分配製度一直持續到90年代早期。如今,它們已經成了收藏者們的摯愛。1960s 20世紀60年代

quotations from Chairman Mao 毛主席語錄

Practically everyone has heard of the Little Red Book. This collection of quotations from Mao Zedong's speeches and writings was published from 1964 until about 1976. People had to remember lines and use them to guide their thoughts. The title Little Red Book was coined by Westerners because of the red cover and pocket-book size.

幾乎所有人都聽説過《紅寶書》。1964年至1976年,人們從毛澤東的演講和著作中摘選部分內容製成語錄並出版發行。人們被要求背誦其中的語句,並以此來指導他們的思想。西方人根據該書紅色的書皮和口袋書的大小將其命名為 "Little Red Book"。

Red Guard 紅衞兵

Basically middle-school and college students during the "Cultural Revolution" that Chairman Mao allowed to act as revolutionaries. In primary schools, Little Red Guards replaced the Young Pioneers. The "Gang of Four" used Red Guards to challenge authority. They were a key cause of social disorder, but their reign ended in 1978.

在文化大革命時期,幾乎所有的中學生和大學生都是革命的"紅衞兵"。在小學,小紅衞兵替代了少先隊員。"四人幫"利用紅衞兵來挑戰權威。他們是導致社會動亂的主要原因。1978年,"四人幫"終於被徹底粉碎,紅衞兵也不復存在。1970s 20世紀70年代

educated youth 知青

From the mid-1960s to the late-1970s, about 17 million urban middle school grads answered Mao's call and flocked to the countryside. They were encouraged to pay respect to and learn from the peasants. By 1979, most educated youth were heading back to the cities but they had a hard time adapting to the changed world.


pull string 走後門

Literally, "entering through the back door". It originated under the planned economy when people used connections to get goods from the back door of a state-owned shop. This string-pulling reached a sort of climax in the late 1970s when the "educated youth" tried everything possible to get back to the cities.

"走後門"可直譯為"entering through the back door"。該詞源自計劃經濟下人們利用自己的關係從國營商店的後門獲取商品這一行為。這種現象在70年代末知青絞盡腦汁返回城市時達到了高潮。

laowai 老外

“老外”直譯就是"old foreigner"。“老外”這一新詞出現在70年代末,改革開放後,大批外國人湧入中國。起初,該詞含有一種戲弄的口氣。如今,該詞多用為一種友好的暱稱。比如大山這種在中國居住、工作或學習時間較久,精通中國文化的外國人常被稱作an old China hand(中國通)。1980s 20世紀80年代

iron rice bowl 鐵飯碗

A secure, lifetime job assigned by the government. Where was no fear of losing the job. By the 1980s, with the new market economy, there was a competitive model of employment. And the cherished iron rice bowl was gone after more than 30 years.


all-round good student 三好學生

Literally, "thrice-good", given to students who were virtuous, talented, and good at P.E.; first used in the 1950s by Mao to encourage young people to keep fit, study well, and work hard.


profiteering 倒爺

For the market economy, a dual-pricing system was tried in 1979. The price of certain goods was fixed and they were distributed instead of sold. If a factory exceeded its quota, it could sell the surplus at a higher price. People close to government or factory officials got the low-priced goods and sold them at a higher price. This profiteering was outlawed in 1987.

在 1979年的市場經濟體制下,價格雙軌制開始實行。那時,某些特定商品的價格是固定的,這些商品不對外出售而是採取分配的方式。若生產量超出配額,工廠可以高價賣出這些剩餘商品。如此一來,那些政府、工廠領導的"關係户"就能以低價買進這些商品,然後再高價賣出。到了1987年,這種倒買倒賣的行為才被禁止。

youth waiting for job 待業青年

The unemployed young people of the 1980s, after the government stopped assigning jobs to middle school grads, at State-owned enterprises or government offices. Some unemployed youth could "inherit" a post from a retired parent. Others tried small businesses.
