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Steve Jobs took another medical leave of absence earlier this year with no estimated return date. The National Enquirer has now published some scary looking photos of Steve, which depict him looking thinner and perhaps more ill than ever.

The Enquirer followed him from breakfast to the Stanford Cancer Center. It says he has weeks to live, based on analysis of the photos by Dr. Gabe Mirkin and Dr. Samuel Jacobson. Neither are oncologists or have seen Steve in person. Mirkin, a radio talk show host, claims he has a "20-year track record of spotting breakthroughs and recommending effective treatments long before they become standard medical care" and makes his assessment of Steve based on the appearance of Steve's butt in the photos. Yes, this doctor is making a butt-diagnosis, remotely.

The National Enquirer has been right about things before, like the John Edwards affair. These photos do depict Steve. (We're only showing part of the image.) And Steve very likely was at the Stanford Cancer Center, since Radar is independently reporting it as well.


No one knows why he was there—no one has seen the medical records. The Enquirer is also wrong a lot—especially when it comes to proclaiming that celebrities have mere weeks to live. (Patrick Swayze, God bless him, beat their gruesome prognosis by a year. Kirstie Alley and Oprah will both be dead in a couple years by the Enquirer's reckoning.) The photos are shocking, but nearly every magazine retouches photos.

And just a couple weeks ago, Steve was supposedly spotted on Apple campus looking spry with a "full, genuine smile."

We hope that the Enquirer is wrong. And that's what our gut tells us. But who knows.

北京時間2月17日早間消息,美國八卦雜誌《National Enquirer》在最新一期上刊登了一張蘋果CEO史蒂夫·喬布斯(Steve Jobs)的照片,照片顯示喬布斯非常憔悴。該報同時報道稱,喬布斯可能僅剩下6周的生命。


這張照片目前尚未被髮布至網上,因此還沒有對蘋果股價造成影響。報道同時稱,喬布斯的體重已經從患癌症之前的175磅下降至130磅。而稀疏的頭髮表明,喬布斯目前正在接受化療。這張照片拍攝於2月8日,當時喬布斯正準備與妻子勞倫·鮑威爾(Laurene Powell)共進早餐,隨後前往斯坦福癌症中心。

醫師傑羅姆·斯彭博格(Jerome Spunberg)表示:“由於癌症復發,喬布斯很可能在斯坦福接受了門診化療。”醫師加布·米爾金(Gabe Mirkin)則表示:“他已經到了晚期。你能看見由於熱量消耗引起的肌肉萎縮,這是由於癌症引起的。他的臀部已經看不見任何肌肉,而這是癌症最後侵蝕的地方。”

