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 1月28日,91岁高龄的宜家创始人ingvar Kamprad 走完了他传奇的一生。 在周日的声明中,宜家公司确认他是在家中平静地离世。直到生命最后一刻,他还在工作。 从17岁创办宜家,一直到87岁退出董事会,Ingvar Kamprad 一直兢兢业业,忠于信念,将一生奉献给了这间公司。 "He worked until the very end of his life, staying true to his own motto that most things remain to be done," it added. Mr Kamprad eventually stepped down from the company's board in 2013, at the age of 87. 宜家对他的评价是--- 

Ingvar Kamprad 是个伟大的企业家,具有瑞典南方人典型的特点:勤奋、执着、总是满怀热情、眼睛里闪着光芒


"Ingvar Kamprad was a great entrepreneur of the typical southern Swedish kind - hardworking and stubborn, with a lot of warmth and a playful twinkle in his eye," the company said.

 这位勤奋的瑞典人一生最大的功绩,就是打造出全球最大的家居帝国---宜家(Ikea),并开创了平装家具( flat-pack furniture )的概念 说起宜家,很多人的印象是其简洁北欧风,以及宜家餐厅扎实的瑞典肉丸meatballs .  而宜家这种追求简洁、实用、高效的风格,其实深受创始人Ingvar Kamprad 个人秉持的节俭、简约的生活理念,以及白手起家的创业经历。 今天,我们就来看看这位创造了庞大家居帝国的Ingvar Kamprad,他的一生到底有多传奇? 他的传奇故事
His Legend
 1926年3月30日,Ingvar Feodor Kamprad 出生在瑞典南部小城 Småland。 (图中蓝色区域为 Småland) 他出生在一个普通家庭。但从小,Ingvar 便显露出过人的商业天赋。 6岁那年,小 Kamprad 就做起了卖火柴的生意。他从斯德哥尔摩批发火柴,然后售卖给邻居。 10岁那年,他骑着自行车,走街串巷,售卖圣诞装饰品、鱼和铅笔。 上学期间,他虽然患有阅读障碍症,但学习成绩依旧很棒。 17岁那年,因为学业优秀,他从父亲那里得到一笔奖励金。 正是凭借这笔钱,他开始创办Ikea。 而Ikea 名字的由来,深深融入了Kamprad对家乡的热爱。 Ikea 中的IK 来自于Ingvar Kamprad 名字首字母的缩写E则是Kamprad家所在农场Elmtaryd 的首字母A 则是农场附近的村庄 Agunnaryd 的首字母 两年之后,Kamprad 开始用牛奶车运送家具。 之后因为遭到当地家具制造商的抵制,他只能在家中自制家具。 


Thus the basic IKEA concept – simple, affordable flat-pack furniture, designed, distributed and sold in-house – was complete.


Kamprad 认为他这么做并不仅仅是为了节省成本、赚钱、而是为了让大家都买得起现代、时髦的家具。

The driving idea behind IKEA was, and is, that anyone should be able to afford stylish, modernist furniture. Kamprad felt he was not just cutting costs and making money, but serving the people as well.

 之后,宜家的生意越做越大。不仅拓展到瑞典全境,还开到了挪威和丹麦,并通过德国开到了欧洲大陆。 现在,宜家在全球51个国家,设有360多间门店。  而随着宜家一步步做大,Ingvar Feodor Kamprad 的财产也越来越庞大。 根据外媒估计,他的总资产大约在481亿美元,在彭博百万富翁指数中位列第8。 尽管如此,这位富商依旧秉承白手起家创业者的简朴精神。 平时身上的衣服都是从跳蚤市场买来的。 出行的时候,也坚持选择经济舱,并住在价格低廉的旅店中。 而他的座驾,则是一辆20年没换的老式沃尔沃。  但他也并不是毫无缺点。他早年那段狂热支持法西斯的历史,成为他人生最大的一个污点。 甚至于,1994年,他亲自写信请求员工们的宽恕。 说完这位传奇,很多人也很好奇为什么做家居的这么多,唯独宜家能成功? 下面,我们再来说说宜家成功的秘密。 宜家成功的秘密
Secret of Ikea's success
 1 简洁的设计和包装  宜家的成功,首先要归功于产品设计本身。IKEA excels at designing products that incur low manufacturing costs while meeting strict requirements for function, quality and efficient distribution. 宜家家居生产成本低,但要求严格,功能、质量不打折扣。 


Based on conscious design considerations, ready-to-assemble items are then provided to customers in flat-packed form which results in reduced cost of shipping, storing, construction and assembling.

 2 高效的供应链 宜家的供应链也是一大强项。 宜家在全球50多个国家都设有分店,在这些地区设有1800多个供应商。 宜家深知沟通和关系管理的重要性,和原料供应商的关系都非常好
As a high volume, global retailer buying products from more than 1,800 suppliers in 50 countries, IKEA understands the power of strong communications and relationship management with materials suppliers and manufacturers. 3 物流、仓储管理  宜家能够超越竞争对手的另一大原因,就是超高的物流管理技巧。 


IKEA is able to reduce the “cost-per-touch,” the idea that the more hands that touch the product the more it costs, by operating in a unique physical environment in which the retail store is also the warehouse itself.



The key to IKEA’s inventory system is to manage this retail-warehouse relationship via tightly controlled in-store logistics.
