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8. They Don’t Expect Something for Nothing


Positive people don’t fall for “lose weight fast” or “get rich quick” scams. They know that anything worth having requires hard work (often, lots of it). Positive people are comfortable with the fact that achieving success might take a bit longer than they would like (but will be so worth it).

积极的人不会掉入“迅速减肥” “快速致富” 这样的陷阱里去。他们知道每件事都需要努力付出(持续,大量的努力)。积极的人永远乐于接受现实,哪怕成功的道路会比想象中要稍微长点(但绝对值得)。

9. They Don’t Get Bored

积极乐观的人不会做的14件事(2) 第2张

Boredom is a place where creativity, inspiration, and productivity die. Positive people are fascinated by everything around them. They explore the world with enthusiasm and curiosity, asking as many questions as they can. On a similar note, fun fact: did you know you have atoms in your body that were created in a star 13 billion years ago? True story (so you don’t get to be bored).
无聊扼杀创造力、激情和效率。积极的人会对周围的一切感到惊喜。他们带着激情和好奇去探索世界,问着各类问题。同样有趣的事实:你知道体内有一些分子是13亿年前就已经出现的么? 是真的哦!(你永远都不会觉得无聊了)。

10. They Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Hijack Their Brain

积极乐观的人不会做的14件事(2) 第3张

Positive people don’t subject themselves to a chorus of self-defeating negative thoughts. When a negative thought passes through their head, they remind themselves: if I wouldn’t say it about another person, I shouldn’t think it about myself.

11. They Don’t Make Comparison With Others

积极乐观的人不会做的14件事(2) 第4张

Positive people understand that everyone is different and has his own progress, so they don’t compare themselves to other people. They are confident about what they have and what they do. Instead of focusing on how others are doing, they pay attention on how to improve their own life.

12. They Don’t Agonize Over Every Little Mistake

积极乐观的人不会做的14件事(2) 第5张

Positive people don’t look at failure as a terrible thing to avoid at all costs. They know that failure is a possibility when it comes to trying anything new. Seeing failure for what it is (a learning opportunity and nothing more) helps positive people achieve massive success as they learn and grow.

13. They Don’t Think Life Is Perfect

积极乐观的人不会做的14件事(2) 第6张

Positive people forget about perfection, because it’s just not possible. When is the last time you thought, “Wow, this is the perfect day to get in shape,” or “You know what? This is the day I quit my job, move to Santa Fe, and pursue my real passion?” Oh, that’s right: you didn’t, because there isn’t a “perfect time” to do anything. Positive people take action in the here and now, perfection be damned.
积极的人不苛求完美,因为世上本无完美可言啊。“哇,今天真是适合健身的完美日子啊!” 或者“你知道么,就是今天,我要辞职搬到圣达菲起,追求我真正的梦想去了!” 上次这么想是什么时候来着?好像没有对吧,因为做任何事都不会有一个“完美的时机”。积极的人会立即行动,而不是亟待完美时机的到来。

14. They Don’t Hang Out with Toxic People

积极乐观的人不会做的14件事(2) 第7张

Positive people don’t let negative, toxic people drag them down. Instead, they surround themselves with other positive people who are fun and inspiring to be with. Why should a positive person spend their time with a person who complains about everything and gossips about everybody? Positive people know there is no good answer to that question.