
首页 > 英语词典 > 贸易专业英汉词典 > bring ... into the orbit of是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释

bring ... into the orbit of是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释

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bring ... into the orbit of

padding-bottom: 133.33%;">bring ... into the orbit of是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释

词语: bring ... into the orbit of

解释: 纳入轨道

词典: 贸易专业英汉词典

bring ... into the orbit of 相关解释

bring ... into the orbit of 纳入轨道

纳入轨道 direct ... into the orbit of;bring ... into the orbit of

纳入轨道 direct ... into the orbit of;bring ... into the orbit of



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