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Professional fighters, newborn babies, and the supporting cast of Deliverance aside, pretty much everyone has a mouthful of teeth. We use our ivories on a daily basis, mashing up food and smiling at friends, but we often take our thirty-two teeth for granted. And that's just too bad. As it turns out, the human tooth is incredibly strange and is surrounded by weird and wild facts like…


rs' Teeth



There are quite a few actors out there who lose or gain a few pounds for a role, but that's nothing compared to the stars who attack their teeth. For the 1999 classic Fight Club, Brad Pitt knew he needed to radically alter his appearance to play anarchist Tyler Durden. After all, if you start up an underground boxing club, you probably won't end up with a movie star smile. Pitt paid a dentist to chip away at his chompers, giving Durden a much edgier look.


But you don't need to be an A-lister to go all method on your mouth. For his role as Stu Price in The Hangover, comedian Ed Helms also made a quick trip to the dentist. If you've seen the film, you know Stu pulls out his own tooth on a bet. Of course, the actor wasn't willing to go quite that far in real life. But Helms was a man literally born to play the part of Stu. Helms was born missing a tooth, and at the age of fifteen he filled the gap with an implant. When it came time to star in The Hangover he simply removed the fake. The process was probably a bit painful, as it involved unscrewing the implant and screwing a plug into the gap in his gum.

但是你不必為成為一名一線演員而在你的嘴巴里費盡心思。喜劇演員艾德·赫爾姆斯為了演好他在電影《宿醉》裡的形象,他也在短時間內去了牙醫那裡。如果你看過這部電影,你該知道西德在一次打賭時失去了一顆牙齒。當然,在真實生活裡演員可不希望自己長時間缺顆牙齒。但是赫爾姆斯真是一個生來就該演西德的人。赫爾姆斯出生的時候就少了一顆牙, 15歲時他補了顆假牙。當他參演《宿醉》時,他毫不猶豫地摘掉了假牙。這個過程有點痛苦,因為在擰開植入片後還要在牙槽缺口上擰進一個塞子。

Norwegian Tooth Bank


關於牙齒的十大趣聞(上) 第2張

There are all kinds of bizarre biological banks, from sperm banks to blood banks to banks full of eyeballs. But in Norway scientists are busy working on an even stranger special facility just for storing milk teeth.


Also known as deciduous teeth, milk teeth are the extras we lose as children, and researchers from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) hope parents will donate these little incisors and bicuspids to their ever-growing tooth bank. Scientists are currently working with 100,000 children in the hopes of building the largest tooth bank in the world. But why would anyone want milk teeth in the first place? It turns out that these temporary teeth are excellent indicators of what pollutants are in the environment. By studying them, along with blood and urine samples from the parents, MoBa researchers can learn how environmental contaminants affect a child and mother's health. As of 2013 the bank had 17,000 teeth, all kept in envelopes and locked away in the University of Bergen where no tooth fairy can ever find them.


h Tattoos


關於牙齒的十大趣聞(上) 第3張

They might sound like something out of a sci-fi novel, but teeth tattoos are actually quite popular these days. Applied to a cap or crown, these images are permanent and come in all shapes and sizes, from pictures of George Washington to sail boats to phrases like "Bite Me."


Scientists at Princeton and Tufts are taking teeth tattoos in a completely different direction. Instead of ink, they're using graphene, and it isn't for art's sake. These tattoos are actually electronic sensors, and they're a bacterium's worst nightmare. Imprinted on silk, the tattoos are placed onto a tooth, and after water washes the silk away the graphene remains and monitors the mouth for bacteria. Powered by electrodes and an inductive coil, the tattoo uses antimicrobial peptides to latch onto germs. Thanks to the electricity in a bacterium's cell membrane, a signal is sent to a nearby antenna which scientists use to determine what kind of bacteria is crawling around inside your mouth. You still need to brush, though.


Fake Braces of Asia


關於牙齒的十大趣聞(上) 第4張

In the west, most people think of braces as geeky, ugly and kind of uncomfortable. But beauty is relative, and in Asian countries like Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, braces are considered super cool… and super illegal, thanks to the rich kids.


In cities like Bangkok braces can run up to $1,200, which is a little expensive for most Thai kids. But like everything else owned by the rich and powerful, braces suddenly have an air of wealth and status about them. That's where fashion braces, or kawat gigi untuk gaya, come in. Running about $100, these braces are sold in markets, beauty salons, and online, and can be customized in all sorts of styles like Mickey Mouse and Hello Kitty. You don't even need a dentist to wear fashion braces. Do-It-Yourself kits are extremely popular, despite the fact that they're against the law in Thailand. In 2012, two teenagers developed deadly infections thanks to fashion braces. Authorities were also worried about the amount of lead found in the wires and were concerned kids might choke on loose pieces. Wanting to prevent any further deaths, the Thai government outlawed the practice, threatening to punish producers with up to six months behind bars. But that only gave rise to a thriving black market for braces.

像在曼谷這樣的城市裡,牙套的價格高達1200美元,對於大部分泰國孩子來說顯得有些貴。但是就像任何其他東西,一旦被有錢有勢的人擁有,牙套頓時就變成了財富和地位的象徵。這就是為什麼時尚假牙套(也叫kswat gigi untuk gaya)會出現的原因。在市場、美容所、網上等,這些假牙套以100美元左右的價格被出售,它們也可以被定製,做成像米老鼠、kitty貓等各種樣子。您不必去牙醫那裡清洗這些時尚假牙套,現在十分流行自己動手,儘管這是違反泰國法律的。2012年,有兩個少年由於佩戴時尚假牙套而發展致命的感染。權威部門同樣擔心線圈中的鉛含量,擔心孩子們會由於鬆散的碎片發生窒息。為了防止進一步的死亡,泰國政府取締了這種行為,威脅對那些生產者要處以6個月的拘役。但是這僅僅是助長了牙套黑市的發展。

ha's Teeth


關於牙齒的十大趣聞(上) 第5張

When most people think about relics, they generally picture Christian artifacts like the Holy Grail, the True Cross and the Shroud of Turin. But Buddhism has its share of holy objects as well — many are from the Buddha's own body, including quite a few plucked out of his mouth.


If you ever visit Sri Lanka be sure to drop by the city of Kandy, where you'll find the sage's left canine on display in the Temple of the Tooth. After the Buddha's cremation, the tooth became a symbol of power. Whoever owned the canine had the right to rule Sri Lanka, and it was passed down from monarch to monarch. As you might expect, quite a few people squabbled over the tooth, and holy men were forced to hide it from time to time until it finally ended up in Kandy for all the world to see. On your next trip you can stop by the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum in Singapore, where you can admire another one of the philosopher's pearly whites surrounded by prayer rooms and ornate dragons. However, the weirdest of all the Buddha's teeth is without a doubt the one in Rosemead, California. Worshippers claim the two-inch molar is actually still growing and even possesses miraculous healing powers.


翻譯:燕子 來源:前十網