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環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽)

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Marseille, spelled Marseilles in English, has a lengthy history of being French, and not so French. A port city, Louis XIV built two forts on either side of the harbor. Suspicious of Marseille's allegiances, the fort guns faced the city, rather than the water. Louis was right, as Marseille strongly supported the Revolution. Soldiers sang a song on the march to Paris that later became know as La Marseillaise. Today, it's France's national anthem. Marseille France also has a diverse ethnicity, and a lively African feel, most notable in the vibrant street markets. Trade grew in the 19th century due to Marseille's proximity with North Africa, and today, Marseille is one of France's most important ports. There are a lot of great places to stay while visiting, and Marseille hotels are charming and modern. On the whole, Marseille France has a lot to offer travelers.

When in town check out the Musee de la Marine et de l'economie de Marseille for lessons on Marseille's maritime history since the 17th century, and for hundreds of models of steamboats and schooners. The Musee de la Mode Marseille is all about fashion, showcasing exhibits dating back to the 1920s. On the waterfront of Marseille France is the Jardin des Vestiges (Garden of Remains), a recently uncovered section of Greek fortifications and loading docks. Le Panier is the center of old Marseille, with tall houses, cobblestone streets, and stone stairways. As mentioned, be sure to check out the guns at Fort St-Jean and Fort St-Nicolas in the old port.

Marseille hotels include Mercure Beauvan Vieux Port, a top of the line hotel, recently redone. This Marseilles hotel overlooks the port, has old world charm, and modern comforts. Le Petit Nice is another exceptional Marseilles hotel. Located overlooking the sea, Le Petit Nice is a former villa, with simple rooms, beautiful views, and a fantastic restaurant. Located on the old port, like many Marseille hotels, Alizé is good lodging for an affordable price. The Hotel Saint Louis is a tall building, with an ornamental façade and modern rooms. The Montgrand, with recently remodeled rooms, is another Marseilles hotel located near the port.

Marseille France has a rich and turbulent history with the mother country, officially becoming part of France in the late 15th century. Today, Marseille is an important port of France, and undeniably French. With a diverse population, interesting museums, and striking monuments, Marseille is a fascinating city, well worth a look.




先讓我們從中央車站眺望整個城市全貌,對它的方向和位置關係有個大致的把握。位於正面稍高的岩石山上的白色教堂,是賈爾德聖母院,塔上的瑪麗亞像放射出金色的光芒。遠處是漂浮著伊福島的地中海,而眼前則是停泊著遊艇和船隻的舊港。在舊港中央的貝爾朱碼頭,每天清晨便會響起漁民和魚販及其他買魚者的叫賣、計價還價等喧囂聲。從這個碼頭至伊福島有遊船。在馬賽老港口的伊福島上,有法國名作家大仲馬在他的小說《基度山伯爵》裡曾著力描寫的伊福古堡。加德聖母院屹立在48米的高地上,塔頂有高10米的守護神像,這裡是馬賽著名的朝聖地。從舊港延伸出去的大街叫卡努比埃爾大街。沿著這條街朝與舊港反方向看,便會看到建有美術館等設施的一片蔥綠中的隆夏宮(Palais Longchamp)。


環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽)

瑪卓大教堂(Cathedrale Sainte Marie Majeure (La Major))

環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽) 第2張

瑪卓大教堂(Cathedrale Sainte Marie Majeure (La Major))是建於十二世紀,屬於一座羅馬式的建築,大教堂莊嚴巨集偉,華麗典雅,是19世紀羅馬拜占庭式建築瑰寶,今天所見是重建後的結果,但內部仍有收藏1122年義大利藝術家Luca della Robbia(1400~1482)所造的一個祭壇,和15世紀一座獻給Lazarus(聖經人物,撒拉路)的祭壇。

環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽) 第3張


在17世紀時被用作監獄,為囚禁重要的政治犯,曾在此入獄的包括18世紀因鼓吹革命而被判刑的法國政治家ComtedeMirabeau(1749~1791年),和一些16、17世紀的新教徒。傳說中路易14的孿生兄弟鐵面人即曾囚禁在此地。不過,真正讓這個小島不朽的是大仲馬(AlexanderDumas)著名小說“基度山恩仇記”(le Comte de Monte Cristo),這部以馬賽為故事發生地的小說,其中的男主角艾得蒙即監禁在此處,所以島上的監獄還刻意仿故事內容,設計兩間相鄰的囚室,有一條祕密通道穿過牆壁,導遊甚至會煞有其事地告訴您,哪一個是艾得蒙脫逃時的路線。

環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽) 第4張

聖維克多教堂(Basilique St-Victor)

環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽) 第5張

維克多教堂(Basilique St-Victor)原本是公元三世紀時所建的一座規模很大的修道院,1040年阿拉伯人入侵馬賽時將其毀壞,僅剩下這座公元五世紀建造的教堂和地底墓穴。

環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽) 第6張

馬賽美術館(Musee des Beaux Arts)

環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽) 第7張


環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽) 第8張

賈爾德聖母院(Basilique Notre Dame De La Garde)

環球之旅:Marseille France( 法國馬賽) 第9張

賈爾德聖母院(Basilique Notre Dame De La Garde)位處市內154米高的地點,上面還有一座46米 的鐘樓。第一座教堂建於1214年,後來FrancoiseI於1524年下令在此興建一座堡壘,到了第二帝國時期再度大興土木,根據建築師Esperandieu的設計圖進行加建工程,成為現在羅馬拜占庭式風格的建築物,其後在1864年受封為聖母院。在這裡的海濱廣場,您可欣賞馬賽最壯觀巨集偉的一面。從大門進入,首先是僧侶的宿舍,裡面約有30名僧侶。這些僧侶終身都在此修行,每天凌晨2點即展開第一次的祈禱,下午又回到宿舍進行晚禱,從東邊的階梯走下去進入教堂內,裡面有許多祈禱航海平安的模型船,牆壁上還留存著第二次世界大戰時期,德軍與聯軍交火的槍彈痕跡。放置在聖母院內的「馬賽聖母像」舉世聞名,每年有1,600,000名遊客慕名而來一睹她的芳容。聖母院內還收藏了許多謝恩牌,全部都是民間藝術珍品。