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我的最大優點 或許是我總是早到

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I was sitting in Heathrow Terminal 2 last Wednesday, having arrived a couple of hours early for a short flight to Dublin. I had installed myself in Eat, where I was enjoying a bowl of porridge and doing my emails, when I came upon a link to the latest ad for the Clinton campaign.

上個月,我坐在希思羅機場(Heathrow) 2號航站樓,早到了兩小時,準備搭乘短途航班到都柏林。我走進Eat餐廳,點了一碗粥,順便收發郵件,這時我看到有一個連結指向希拉里競選活動的最新廣告。

Normally I would have ignored it: the US election has become so ugly that the only rational response is to pretend it isn’t happening. But as I had time to kill I clicked on the link and there was Barack Obama, his handsome face alert and amused, speaking to camera. “My greatest strength? Probably that I’m always early.”

我通常不會去理睬這種東西:今年的美國大選變得非常醜陋,唯一理性的迴應是假裝它沒發生。但由於我在消磨時間,我點開了那個連結,出現的是巴拉克.奧巴馬(Barack Obama)那張英俊的臉,機智且有趣,他對著鏡頭說:“我的最大優點?或許是我總是早到。”

我的最大優點 或許是我總是早到

The president went on to explain that he likes to turn up early for every meeting, speech and press conference. “My commitment to being early isn’t just good for me. It’s good for the nation. It’s good for the world.” At this I started nodding so violently that the man next to me looked up to see what was going on.


Earliness has almost everything going for it. Being early makes you feel in control — or makes others think you are in control, which is the next best thing. It gives you the moral high ground. If you arrive first at a meeting, not only do you choose where to sit, you are also in a position to lord it over those arriving later.


The only time when it is not entirely good to be super-punctual is when arriving for a meal at a private house. But in that case, all you need do is walk round the block a few times, by which time you will have built up an appetite for the meal ahead.


Earliness is the defining characteristic of my entire family. Both my parents were wildly early for everything. All three of their children and all 10 grandchildren — even when in the throes of assorted teenage phases — could always be relied upon to pitch up with bags of time to spare for any given occasion.


To my knowledge, none of my blood relations has ever missed a plane. This means, according to George Stigler, the Nobel Prize-winning economist, we are managing our time poorly and spend far too much time in airports. I have seen the maths that supposedly proves this, but I am unmoved.

就我所知,我們家的人甚至從未錯過航班。按照諾貝爾獎(Nobel Prize)得主、經濟學家喬治.斯蒂格勒(George Stigler)的理論,這意味著我們的時間管理很糟糕,在機場停留了太長時間。我看到過據稱證明這一點的計算,但我一點也不在乎。

Time spent waiting is not wasted. It is time that you have chosen to set aside and is a peaceful period that can be used for reading, making phone calls and emailing. Moreover, the stress saved by knowing that you will never have to run down a moving conveyor belt with heavy bags just as flights close has too great a value to be captured by any equation.


To see how the famous and successful feel about turning up before the appointed time, I have been leafing through the archives of Lunch with the FT. My impression was that our most self-important guests were routinely late — their time, after all, being more important than the time of journalists.


I was wrong. Most of our interviewees arrive on the dot — or are neither early nor late enough to warrant the recording of it. Among the rest, the early outstrip the late by about five to one. The only two examples of lateness in recent interviews were Edward Snowden and Russell Brand — both of whom have upset so many people in the course of what they do, it makes no odds if they upset them a bit more by virtue of showing up late.

我錯了。我們的多數被採訪者都是準點到達(或者說沒有早到或姍姍來遲到值得記錄的程度)。在其他被採訪者中,早到的人數與晚到的人數之比大約是5:1。在近期的採訪中,僅有的兩個晚到者是愛德華.斯諾登(Edward Snowden)和羅素.布朗德(Russell Brand),這二人所做的事情讓很多人失望,因此他們晚到讓人們更失望一點並不奇怪。

The early crowd were more of a mixed bunch. Adair Turner, former head of the Financial Services Authority, was predictably early. So was Paul Krugman and Nouriel Roubini and, more surprisingly, Sean Penn, the former Hollywood hell raiser turned political activist. People on the back foot seem to make a point of arriving super-promptly, possibly in the hope of reclaiming a few brownie points. Sepp Blatter got there early for his lunch. So did Jeremy Clarkson.

早到的人士形形色色。英國金融服務管理局(Financial Services Authority)前局長阿代爾.特納(Adair Turner)不出所料地早到。保羅.克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)和魯裡埃爾.魯比尼(Nouriel Roubini)以及(這比較讓人意外)由好萊塢硬漢變成政治活動人士的西恩.潘(Sean Penn)也都提前到達。處於較不利境地的人似乎刻意超級準時,可能是希望贏得幾個印象分。塞普.布拉特(Sepp Blatter)提前到達了午餐地點。傑里米.克拉克森(Jeremy Clarkson)也是。

But my favourite lesson from Lunch with the FT cuttings comes from Stephen Green, then head of HSBC. He turned up three minutes early for the meeting and apologised for being late.

但我最喜歡的是與FT共進午餐系列中的匯豐(HSBC)董事長葛霖(Stephen Green)。他早到了3分鐘,但道歉說自己遲到了。

This is a stroke of genius. It forces the other person, who had been occupying the moral high ground by dint of getting there even earlier, to pull out his watch and protest that, on the contrary, the new arrival is early too.


Thank you, Mr Green. I will remember this trick if I ever find myself in the unusual position of arriving at anything after anyone else.



  • 1“鋼鐵俠”的戰甲或許真能走進我們的生活
  • 2韓語每日一說:明天是人生中最重要的東西,一旦到了子夜,明天會以一種嶄新的狀態向我們走來,會以完美的樣子來到我們的身邊回到我們手裡,明天希望我們可以從昨天裡學到一些什麼。
  • 3日語每日一句:我的經驗或許對朋友有用。
  • 4英語每日一說:是的,生活中我們都在尋求對某些事情的掌控。也許,我們想掩蓋複雜隱情的遺骸,或減輕放手時的痛楚,或抹去孩子犯下的過錯。但有時,真正改變我們生活的唯一辦法就是徹底放手,不管代價如何。
  • 5我為韓語聽力狂—662告訴我你的優點
  • 6我非常討厭跑步,直到50歲我改變了這一點
  • 7每日一句泰語:或許他並沒有想要給我們希望 只是我們想多了而已
  • 8西班牙語每日一句:當你向我問好或微笑的時候,我就是世上最幸福的人
  • 9每日一句口語 第1112期:三個最重要的人生命題:我是誰,我從哪來,我要到哪去
  • 10韓語每日一說:我今天早上睡懶覺,差點遲到了。
  • 11【口語天天向上】每日一說一週彙總:我想,我做,我得到
  • 12每日一句口語 第2832期:我從來沒有不經努力或運用我最好的判斷
  • 13韓語每日一句:明天是人生中最重要的東西,一旦到了子夜,明天會以一種嶄新的狀態向我們走來,會以完美的樣子來到我們的身邊回到我們手裡,明天希望我們可以從昨天裡學到一些什麼。
  • 14我為韓語聽力狂—698我明天早上得早起
  • 15意語美文:我能想到最大的滿足