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BEC考試的顯著特點就是把商業實際和英語運用結合起來,分成初、中、高三級(BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage, BEC Higher),其中BEC中級最符合廣大考生的求職需求。BEC中級考試分成聽、說、讀、寫四項考查,各佔總成績1/4,其中寫作部分與聽、說、讀相比,因其考查形式固定,內容要求有限,因而最易得高分。寫作部分包含兩個部分:Part One, 備忘錄或電子郵件(Memo or Email),佔寫作成績的1/3;Part Two, 商務信件、報告或提議(Letter, Report or Proposal),佔寫作成績的2/3。兩部分相比,Part One要求簡單,較之Part Two更容易提高,本文以《劍橋BEC真題集(中級) 第二輯》的Test Two, Part One為例,詳細分析Part One的寫作流程,並在最後給出BEC寫作的複習資料。

樣 題

You are the Managing Director of a company whose profits have recently increased and you would like to reward staff for this.

Write a memo to all staff:

Thanking them for their contribution

Explaining why profits increased

Telling them what their reward will be.

Write 40~50 words


BEC中級寫作考試總時長為45分鐘,根據詞數要求和分值,通常小作文寫作不超過15分鐘。應試創作可分成以下三步:1.審題構思Read & Plan (3 mins);2.寫作Write (10 mins);3.檢查Check (2 mins)。

Part One的題目背景通常是一事、兩人、三要點。本題中,最近公司利潤增長,“你”作為公司的董事總經理(Managing Director)將對全體員工(all staff)進行獎勵,備忘錄的內容需包括三個要點:感謝員工的貢獻,解釋利潤增長原因,並告之獎勵內容。正文詞數要求為40~50個詞,因為商務英語要求簡潔,詞數要求有上限,這和四、六級以及考研寫作只規定詞數下限有所區別,但實際考試時允許少量超標,比如接近60詞。



首先可根據各要點的邏輯關係調整寫作順序,比如在本題中,先解釋利潤增長的原因,再感謝員工,最後宣佈獎勵。其次應針對要點簡要展開論述,比如利潤增長的原因可能是銷售量增加(the increase of sales)、成本降低(the reduction of cost)或推出新產品(the launch of the new product);而獎勵的內容經常是集體旅行(a company trip)、漲工資(an increase of salary)或發放獎金(bonus)。要點擴充套件應注意兩點:其一,商務交流要求具體,比如利潤的增長比去年同時段增加10%;其二,擴充套件內容應符合商務實際,如全體員工工資上浮50%、增加帶薪假期(paid leave)、開派對(a party)或唱卡拉OK(Karaoke)等獎勵都是不符合商務實際的。如果確實對商務實務不熟悉,可用簡單的理由以避免出錯,比如公司業績增長的原因可以寬泛地寫成是員工的努力工作和加班(hard work and long working hours)。





Part One題目中的要點通常以三個現在分詞形式給出,寫作時通常是三句話,即針對每個現在分詞寫一句話,平均句長在15個詞左右。備考時應針對題目中常見的分詞動詞準備相應的表達方式,儘量避免重複使用題目中的詞句即可。


連詞:because, since, for, so;短語:because of, due to, owing to


Thank you very much for...; I would like to thank you for...; I am very grateful for...; It was very kind of you to ...


A rise in salary of X%; A bonus of X% of your monthly salary; A trip to Hawaii/Athens/Maldives


正式 非正式

Headquarters, September (不簡寫) H.Q. Sept. (縮寫)

schedule, discuss (精確動詞) set, talk about (寬泛動詞或片語)

A copy has been sent. (被動語態) I sent you a copy. (主動語態)


最後需要考慮的就是備忘錄的形式。正式考試時,文字題目下方會模擬商務實際,附上備忘錄開頭片段,包括To, From, Date, Subject等細節,但是考生不必直接在片段後書寫,應該在試題紙背面寫作,寫作時不要求必須有From, To等內容,但若能準確而符合商務習慣地寫出備忘錄細節,無疑會增加文章的印象分,這裡簡單介紹一下備忘錄細節的注意事項。

To: 備忘錄物件

如果具體到人,最好寫出全名,不要寫自己的真實姓名,有作弊嫌疑,尤其不能“重名”,如Bill Tom,Bill和Tom都是名(Given name),而不是姓(Family name),一個簡單的處理方法就是use others?name,比如男名Bill Gates, Michael Scofield, Jay Chou或女名

From: 備忘錄作者


Date: 日期

BEC屬於英聯邦國家的考試,日期的寫法一般為日、月、年,比如7 December 2002,注意月份用英文而不是數字,以免和日期混淆,可以縮寫,比如將一月寫作Jan(也可以用開放標點)。

Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston等;若顯示關係親密,還可以把名字縮寫,比如B. Gates, M. Scofield, J. Chou, B. Spears, J. Aniston等;如果寫給上級,還應該加上尊稱甚至職位,比如Mr. Bill Gates ― Managing Director, Mr. Jay Chou ― Art Director等;現代商務寫作中流行開放標點(Open Punctuation),即標點不影響理解的時候可以不用,所以Mr./Ms./Mrs.後面的省略點也可以省去,簡單寫成Mr/Ms/Mrs;最好不要省去名字。



To: All Staff

From: Bill Gates

Date: 7 December 2002

Subject: Staff Reward

The profits of our company this month went up 10% compared with the same period last year, due to your hard work and long working hours. I would like to thank you for your long devoted service. A trip to Hawaii has been arranged next month as a prize. Enjoy!


《劍橋標準商務英語教程》(Cambridge Business Benchmark)劍橋大學出版社出版。

《劍橋BEC真題集(中級) 第二輯》,劍橋大學考試委員會編

Cambridge BEC Vantage 2 (Student Book with Answers)

《劍橋BEC真題集(中級) 第三輯》,劍橋大學考試委員會編

Cambridge BEC Vantage 3 (Student Book with Answers)

《新編劍橋商務英語(中級) 學生用書》,經濟科學出版社出版

Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage (Student Book)

輸入決定輸出,閱讀決定寫作,複習BEC寫作時,首先應系統學習《新編劍橋商務英語》,補充商務常識和商務詞彙,此書分為10個雙單元,共涉及 20個商務場景,每個場景中最易於自學的就是閱讀部分,同學們可以先朗讀文章,熟悉商務背景,然後學習每個雙單元后自學部分總結的詞彙和特定語法現象,為寫作積累素材,最後做每個雙單元后面配備的和考試技能相關的各種練習。而寫作複習的衝刺階段,則要圍繞《劍橋BEC真題集(中級) 》,進行真題訓練。








You have been informed that next Wednesday your company's computer system will be closed down so that improvements can be made.

Write an email to all staff in your department:

? saying what time on Wednesday the system will be closed down

? suggesting how staff should prepare for this

? saying how the system will be better after the improvements

Write 40--50 words


From: Jenny Xu

To: All Staff

Date: 5 April 2009

Subject: Computer System

I want to tell you that our Intranet based on Linux will be closed next Wednesday at 10 o’clock.. I want to suggesting that you should save all your important documents. The computer system will be faster because we will use a newer SAP system. The new system is according to ISO900 and we will benefit from that.




1. 漏掉題中給出的已知條件。

2. 給出的已知條件沒有表達清楚,用詞過於口語化,沒有條理,暴露出語言功底薄弱。

3. 切忌過於花哨的發揮,多說多錯。


以這篇習文為例,作者在具體語言的表達的雕琢上可圈可點,比如說第一個句子中based on引導的過去分詞做後置定語,但是顯而忘記了這篇文章的主要目的,那就是通知同事公司電腦系統要升級,但update這個詞始終沒有在文章中出現,因此讀下來以後,可能同事還不是非常清楚,為什麼computer system will be closed down, 儘管後面提到了improvement,總讓人覺得有些如鯁在咽,言之不盡;因此,思路不清晰是這篇習文最大的問題。


1. 有些用詞過於口語化,比如說,文章開頭, I want to tell you, 文中you should save這樣的用語;

2. 建議Linux, 將SAP, ISO900等唬人術語統統除去,誠然BEC涉及到基本的商務知識,但是真正考核的還是語言功底,語用能力;商務知識好比是蓋澆飯裡面的小炒而已。

3.裡面還有一個明顯的語法錯誤,I want to suggesting….,當然閱卷者不會刻意去搜尋語法錯誤,而是綜合考量語法得分,但由於小作文篇幅較短,那麼這個錯誤就顯得非常明顯。


Please be informed that our computer system will be closed next Wednesday at 12 o'clock for system upgrade. The closure will last for at least two hours. Make sure that you have saved all your documents before that time. The whole system will run on a new server, much faster than the current one.


l You work for PJT Ltd, a manufacturing company. You need more staff in your department and your line manager has asked you to write a report explaining why.

l Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.

l Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report.

l Write 120-140 words.


The purpose of this report is to explain why we need more staff in our department.

We compare the number of staff in our department between 2001 and 2003, it only increased five staff. But the average number of ordered units grow up from 200000 to 400000 between 2001 and 2003.

Our sales department has announced a big new order from an international company recently. It will bring us much more workload. And the annual holiday increased to 5 weeks per year. That means that we have more workload and less working days.

If we had more staff the order should be on time. We should save our company’s reputation. And the workflow will be improved.


BEC中級的大作文題型一般以寫報告、書信為主,因此,這些必考問題的具體格式必須掌握。英文商務報告的格式有五個部分組成,其中包括報告的Subject, Introduction (This report aims/sets out to……),Findings (it was found that), Conclusions(It was decided/agreed/felt that……), Recommendations (It is suggested that…..) 括號中是每段開頭固定的表達方式,考生不宜自己去創造。同樣寫信也有格式化的表達方式,再此恕不展開。 和第一部分一樣,大作文的寫作審題是第一步,所有給出的已知條件必須用足。



2.在審題上還有一些欠缺,比如 Another reason for more staff is that we will have fewer delays. 在題目中給出的已知條件中,有一份客戶的投訴信件,應當作為佐證被引用,否則order should be on time無從談起。

3.除了沒有按照報告的固定格式外,考生語言太隨意。比如說,our sales department has announced a big new order,沒有出處,而根據文章中給出的已知條件,這是公司Newsletter所通告的,那麼根據報告的要求,應該指出資訊來源。

4.中國學生還普遍特別敏感的就是企業的信譽,因此經常會看到學生動輒就是喊口號的語言,比如說文中We should save our company’s reputation. 這樣空洞無物的話應該避免。

5.還有就是細節處理,句子和段落之間連線忽略了。比如說,It will bring us much more workload. And the annual holiday increased to 5 weeks per year. 以及最後一句話And the workflow will be improved.其中的and 這個詞用在這裡顯隨意了些,可以考慮用Meanwhile 有“禍不單行”的意思。後面的And 應該刪除。That means that we have more workload 這裡兩個that離的太近,可以考慮把後面一個去掉,同時時態應該是we will have。


Report on: More staff in our department

Date: 27.03.2004


This report aims to explain why our department needs more staff.


Statistics show that there exists a big gap between the number of staff in our department and staff workload. While the number of ordered units grew up from only 200000 to 400000 in 2 years, the number of staff grew only by 5 people. According to the Staff Newsletter dated February 2004, we have won a big new order from an international company. That will bring us more work. At the same time, annual holiday has been increased to 5 weeks per year, meaning there won’t be enough staff for all the work. Our customer service department recently received a complaint from one of our clients about a tremendous delay in our delivery.


There are many reasons which explain the need of more staff. It is especially important for reducing the number of delays in delivery and to optimize the workflow.


More staff does not only mean more costs, it also means improved customer satisfaction.