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全國愛眼日 The National Sight Day

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The sight day is celebrated on each year on 6 June, but the day first commemorated on May 5th, 1993, and it is first proposed by Wang yanhua, a professor ophthalmology in the Medical university of Tianjin. The professor Wang proposed the day for asking people to take care of their eyes, his proposal got high praise by the others. Then, in 1996, 12 ministries, involved in the National Ministry of Healthy, the National Ministry of education, the League Central Committee, China Disabled persons federation (CDPF) and other ministries jointly announced that the sight day listed as a national day, and commemorated the day on June 6th.

全國愛眼日 The National Sight Day
每年的6月6日是全國愛眼日,但是最早的愛眼日是在1993年的5月5日,由天津醫科大學的眼科教授王延華最先提出。王教授提議建立愛眼日是希望人們能夠關愛自己的眼睛,他這提議受到大衆的高度讚賞;這之後,在1996年,國家衛生部、教育部、團中央、中國殘聯會等等十二個部委聯合發出通告將全國愛眼日列爲國家節日之一,並確定每年6月6日爲全國愛眼日。This year is the 19th sight day, the 2014 official slogan is “Pay attention to eye health, prevention of diabetic retinopathy”. In China, schools and some institution will celebrate the day by holding some activities, like some hospitals will provide free clinic for the patients with eye disease. 今年是第十九個愛眼日,今年的愛眼口號是“關注眼健康,預防糖尿致盲”。在中國一些學校組織機構會在這一天舉行愛眼日活動,比如,一些醫院會爲有眼科疾病的病人免費檢查。According to the latest survey, in china, the number of the students with short-sight is big and still increasing in a rapid speed, and most children have no awareness to protect their eyes. And they also have some bad habits which lead to short-sight and other eye problem. 據最近的一項調查顯示,在中國,學生得近視的人數龐大且這個數目還在快速增長。許多的孩子都沒有良好的愛護眼睛的意識;而且他們還有着很多傷眼的惡習。Have you do something right for your eyes? Or you are doing something bad? There are some bad habits hurt your eyes: firstly, smoking is bad for your eyes’ health. People usually know that smoking can cause respiratory ills, but few people know the worst problem that smoking causes is amblyopia. Secondly, alcohol is also an enemy for our eyes. Finally, people have many wrong ways of eyes’ usage, such as making your eyes overwork, reading books on bed and watching TV at a close distance. Therefore, if you have do the things above, please stop doing it!你有做些保護自己的眼睛的事嗎?還是你正好相反?這裏列出幾大傷眼惡習供你參考下:首先,吸菸對眼睛的健康有着很大危害。很多人都知道吸菸會導致呼吸系統疾病但是他們卻不知道吸菸其實也會造成弱視。其次,酒精是眼睛的敵人。最後一點是,人們錯誤的用眼方式,像是用眼時間過長,在牀上看書,以及近距離看電視等。總之,如果你有以上惡習,趕緊戒掉吧!
