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興趣是最好的老師“Interest Is the Best Teacher大綱

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Everyone has many teachers during the school time. But there is one which is best among them always staying with you. That is interest.

興趣是最好的老師“Interest Is the Best Teacher


  Interest can be a very good teacher. It guides you to discover things you are interested in and explore the mysteries of some amazing thing. When your teacher asks you to learn something, you are forced to, not active. But if you are interested in something, you will be glad to study it. You will search the Internet to find information or ask someone who knows something about it. You will try your best analyze it and understand it. Doing so always has a good effect on yourself.


The famous basketball player, Michael Jordan once said: "I love this game." When asked why he could get great achievements in basketball. Interest became the teacher of Jordan. The love of basketball took him into the glory of success.


Rooted in everyone’s heart, interest is not far away from us. What’s the most important is how you take it. Our hearts are many wireless stations, the more you receive messages sent by interest, and the more successful you will be.



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