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英語常用口語每天學 第12課:精油都有花香精華

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A: When you smell them, they affect your nervous system.

ing-bottom: 100.47%;">英語常用口語每天學 第12課:精油都有花香精華

B: I thought you were supposed to put them in some kind of burner with a candle...

A: You can do that, too. Both methods have a healing effect.

B: So what's your illness... shopping fever, sale-itis?

A: Ha-ha...I'm just fatigued. And tomorrow is a big day.

B: What's tomorrow?

A: More sales!

smell vt.聞, 嗅
Do you smell anything unusual?

nervous system n. 神經系統

burner n.火爐

healing effect 治療效果


fatigued a. 疲憊的
I was fatigued with work with sitting up all night.

A: 當你聞精油的時候,它們會對神經系統有影響。

B: 我原以爲你該把它們放在某種爐子裏用蠟燭燒呢……

A: 你也可以這樣做啊。兩種方法都有療效。

B: 那你是生了什麼病?……購物狂,每逢拍賣必去搶購族?

A: 哈哈……我只是很疲倦。而且明天可是個重要的日子。

B: 明天是什麼日子?

A: 有更多的折扣甩賣!
