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雅思 口語話題家用電器

Describe a piece of equipment in your home

You should say:

what it is;

how often you use it;

who you usually use it with;

and explain why this item is important to you.

sample answer

Well, I’m going to talk about something you may well be familiar with – a laptop computer. I use mine mostly for e-mails but also for word processing, especially when I’m writing reports or something for work. I find I can organise my ideas more clearly than with the traditional pen and paper. Although I do take it with me most days, I don’t actually use it for very long at a time because the power doesn’t last for more than a few hours if it’s not plugged in. Like most people, I use my phone for most smaller tasks so although I have my laptop, it’s not always on.

Now, the first step in using a laptop is quite obvious – you have to turn it on. This can take quite a while depending on the model. What you do next depends on your particular reason for using it, but I’m going to talk about connecting to the Internet. After making sure that the laptop is on, you need to click the wifi signal icon to connect to a wireless network. Of course, you don’t need to do this if you have already connected to that network before as your computer will remember and automatically connect you. If it’s your first time connecting, most places will then ask for a password. Once you’ve entered that, it can take up to a minute to connect, but then you should see a small notice on the screen telling you that you are now online – you know, connected to the Internet. Finally, simply type in the website address you want, or if you are just surfing then type the word or words in the search bar.

It’s not at all difficult to use, but some people still have difficulty.

  雅思口語考試技巧 教你快速衝雅思


考題中有很多問題是帶有最高級的,如:What's the best time of a day- 對於這類考題,無論您用的是什麼樣的拓展方式,一定要在最後點出題目的回答重點,即“最爲…………的是……”。切忌說了一大堆,最後卻忘了去對某一點進行特殊強調。在回答的過程中也可適當的用一些表述特殊強調的詞,比如my favorite is…等。


有些考題有明確的地域性規定,如:How's the traffic around your home- What can you see from your window- Are there any fitness facilities near your home- 這些題目中都是些表明地點限制的短語。在考場中,經常有學生忽略這些限制,比如在回答第一題時,只是泛泛而談上海的交通狀況,卻隻字未提家周圍的交通狀況。


考題中的修飾語通常最易被考生錯過,通常一個小小的形容詞就已經點明瞭考題的回答方向。而這樣的形容詞又很容易在考試聽題時被錯過,特別是那些名詞之前出現的形容詞,經常被學生當作不會影響對考題理解的詞而自動過濾掉。但是實質上,對於這些詞的把握會對答題的質量和角度產生決定性的影響。比如在聽到Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits- 這道題時,學生經常會無視fresh這個詞,而只是泛泛的談論購買蔬菜水果的問題。但是事實上fresh這個詞放在這裏給我們提供了很多回答的角度,實質上我們就可以抓住這個詞,將fresh vegetables and fruits和preserved vegetables and fruits做一個對比。這樣,我們的回答會更加緊扣考題並又非常具有特色。


時態細節是最基本的,而且是一定要把握的,如果時態弄錯將會導致較爲嚴重的後果。而很多的學生本身就對動詞的時態變化不夠熟悉,在說的時候更容易混淆的一塌糊塗,所以這也是我們練習的一個重點。特別是過去時,所以我們在考前一定要熟悉基本動詞的過去式和過去分詞,因爲考過去時的考題佔的比重還是非常之大的。此外,虛擬語態的考題也有一定的比重,也是大多數學生會出現錯誤的地方,如If you can redesign your home, what would you do- Would you like to change your job in the future- 在回答這些題目時我們也要用到虛擬語態,也是我們需要練習的重點。


有很多我們從小說到大的英語並不一定是非常貼切的,更加不是老外們的street language.比如,我們從小學到的對於How are you-的標準回答是Fine thank you, and you-實質上這種回答在老外聽起來是相當不禮貌的。所以適當的學習一些地道式的英語表達將會爲您的回答增色不少。推薦考生最好的辦法是多看些原版的電影和書籍,特別是那些較爲生活化的情景劇,從中,我們可以學到不少的地道表達方式,從而也可以讓我們自己的回答聽起來洋味十足。


流利度和連貫性(Fluency and Coherence)

詞彙資源(Lexical Resource)

語法範圍和準確度(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)



Fluency 就是語速快嗎

首先考生需要注意your rate of speech, 這裏可不是要求大家的口語語速越快越好,而是需要你說話的速率流暢而且自然。既不能連珠炮一樣飛快飆語速,也不能擠牙膏一樣單個單詞蹦出來。

回答中 可以出現停頓嗎


Fluency的另一項標準就是the smoothness and the continuity of your speech, 也就是說你的回答應該沒有過多的pauses. 否則一定會影響你在流利度這一項的得分。

Coherence 包括哪些項


1 Your sentences are sequenced logically

也就是說你的句子不應該是一盤散沙,句子間的排列順序應該具備logical order, 邏輯順序. 我們舉例說明:

My hometown is a beautiful place and you can only get there by four-wheel drive. It has lovely old buildings and tall flourishing trees. 這段話就沒有正確的邏輯順序,首先說家鄉很美,再說怎麼到達,最後又回覆到對家鄉景色的描寫。

正確的順序應該是:My hometown is a beautiful place and it has lovely old buildings and tall flourishing trees. You can only get there by four-wheel drive.


2 Use some signposts to organize your answer

使用一些語篇標記來組織你的回答,通俗點說就是用一些模板用詞來提醒考官你下面要說什麼,最常見的就是for example。比如表示並列、舉例、對比、總結、原因、結果、強調等語義的標註詞。

3 Use conjunctions to link ideas


4 Link your ideas to the question


A. refer directly, 也就是問什麼答什麼。

比如考官問 What of place is your hometown. 可以直接回答My hometown is beautiful because……直接重複hometown來扣題

B. reference words, 也就是代詞的使用。

還是前面提到的回答。My hometown is a beautiful place and it has lovely old buildings You can only get there by four-wheel drive. 使用代詞避免用詞重讀,也增強句間的銜接。




1. 話題分類


2. 話題點合併


Describe someone who you think is a good parent. 這個話題卡的第三個展開點是why you think he/she is good?

另一個話題是Describe someone who is knowledgeable. 這個話題卡的第二個展開點是what kind of person he/she is.


3. 寫關鍵詞

上面的兩個話題點可以統一合併爲“你的家長”,比如我的父親就是一個好的家長,因爲他什麼都懂,樂於分享知識,是一個好榜樣。考生要準備的關鍵詞就是know everything, share以及good example.

4. 大量重複練習



My father is an engineer who knows everything. He tells me so many interesting things that are very helpful in my study. I think he is a very good example because I also want to be like him one day.


My father as an engineer is the encyclopedia in my family. As a parent he’s always willing to share so many absorbing things related or not related to my study, which also set a good example for me to follow him or to be like him.

提高後的答案相比第一份答案,使用了更多的less common words並且銜接更爲緊密。大家在備考時可以將自己的答案進行錄音,隨後檢查語法升級詞彙,使你的答案更加自然流暢。


1. 準備能串聯最多話題點的素材並且反覆熟練練習。不是背誦,而是做到在自然交流的狀態下能夠對準備的素材應用自如。

2. 準備那些生僻以及自己完全沒有思路的話題。如果考場上遇到這些話題,自己不至於完全答不出任何內容。

3. 習慣於兩分鐘的時長。不要邊說邊看錶,而是將自己的答案長度進行計時,從而掌握怎樣的內容長度最適合兩分鐘的回答時長。我們上一講說過,part2一定要說滿兩分鐘。即使被考官打斷,只要你已經開始回答話題卡上的最後一個展開點,都是沒有問題的。