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美式英語正音訓練第20期:Exercise 1 18 Reading with Staircase Intonation

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padding-bottom: 63.75%;">美式英語正音訓練第20期:Exercise 1-18 Reading with Staircase Intonation
第一章 練習18:階梯狀語調的應用 Exercise 1-18 Reading with Staircase Intonation

Exercise 1-18:

Reading with Staircase Intonation
Read the following with clear intonation where marked.
Hello, my name is ______.
I'm taking American Accent Training.
There's a lot to learn, but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible.
I should pick up on the American intonation pattern pretty easily,
although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time.
I use the up and down,
or peaks and valleys,
intonation, more than I used to.
I've been paying attention to pitch, too.
It's like walking down a staircase.
I've been talking to a lot of Americans lately,
and they tell me that I'm easier to understand.
Anyway, I could go on and on,
but the important thing is
to listen well and sound good.
Well, what do you think?
Do I?


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