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美語訓練班第102課:綠色環保 沉重的負擔

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A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!

ing-bottom: 133.33%;">美語訓練班第102課:綠色環保 沉重的負擔

B: 我是Mike! 楊琳,來告訴大家今天都要學什麼!

A: 好! 今天,我們要一起來聊聊綠色環保,看看怎麼表達沉重的負擔,還要告訴你怎麼說像紐約這樣的大熔爐!

B: Yep, everyone should do what they can to protect the environment. You should always recycle your garbage, always choose to go paperless with bank and utility statements, using disposable chopsticks! (Eyeing at Yanglin)

A: Who are you referring to?


A: 算了,不跟你計較! 同學們肯定等着急了,咱們趕快來進入第一個單元吧!

B: Let's listen to learn a word!

Learn A Word 1754 in recent memory

今天我們要學的詞是 in recent memory. In recent memory, recent is spelled r-e-c-e-n-t, and memory, m-e-m-o-r-y, memory, in recent memory. In recent memory 意思是在最近的記憶中。We just had the longest and coldest winter in recent memory. 剛過去的冬天是我們能記得起來的最漫長,最寒冷的一個冬天。與此同時,Skiing resorts had the best conditions in recent memory for the month of March. 滑雪渡假地三月份的雪況也是近年來最好的。Brittney Griner, one of the most dominant female basketball players in recent memory, came out as being gay. 我們能想得起來的最厲害的女籃球選手之一布蘭妮.格瑞娜宣佈,自己是同性戀。好的,今天我們學習的詞是 in recent memory, in recent memory, in recent memory...

A: We just had the longest spring in recent memory for DC! I love spring, it's the best season! 總覺得一切都充滿生機呢!

B: Not for me! I anything less then 75 degrees is too cold! I've even been avoiding going out with my friends because its been so cold.夏天怎麼這麼慢來?

A: HAHA,aw.... you poor thing! Sounds like a real millstone around your neck! I'm sorry at the bright side, at least you are working with me!

B: Exactly! (Sarcastically) But you did mention a interesting idiom "millstone around one's neck". Let's check out today's words and idioms!

Words and Idioms 837 Millstone Around One's Neck



M: Millstone around one's neck. Millstone is spelled m-i-l-l-s-t-o-n-e. Millstone-around-one's-neck. Millstone around one's neck.

在中文裏,Millstone 是磨石、磨盤的意思。Millstone around one's neck 脖子上掛着磨盤,意思是沉重的負擔,就象我表兄眼下的工作,雖然他不願意沒日沒夜地幹,但又無法放棄這份工作,成了負擔。It's a millstone around his neck.



M: "Imagine having your own vacation property; a place you can go whenever you want to relax! Before you invest, make sure you understand what you're getting involved in. The reality is that a second home can often be a tremendous demand on your time, energy and resources. Do you really want a MILLSTONE AROUND YOUR NECK?"


我的鄰居曾經有一艘私人遊艇。他後來告訴我說,賣掉遊艇的那一天是他除了結婚以外,這輩子最開心的一天,因爲保養遊艇需要太多的時間和精力。It was a MILLSTONE AROUND HIS NECK. 好的,讓我們再來聽聽上面那段話。

M: "Imagine having your own vacation property; a place you can go whenever you want to relax! Before you invest, make sure you understand what you're getting involved in. The reality is that a second home can often be a tremendous demand on your time, energy and resources. Do you really want a MILLSTONE AROUND YOUR NECK?"


M: "My wife and I looked forward to hosting my nephew while he looked for a job. But now it's been weeks since he arrived. We'd probably be more understanding if he offered to help out around the house instead of playing video games all the time. Frankly, he's become a MILLSTONE AROUND OUR NECKS. We can't endure him much longer."


這個人也真不懂事。在英語裏,這叫 overstay your welcome 已經變成了不受歡迎的人。有些人就是不自覺。我的一位同事自願提出,招待一個實習生在家住。一開始還很愉快,但是這個實習生的要求越來越多,He became a MILLSTONE AROUND HER NECK 成了負擔。我同事最後只好請他出去住。我們再聽一下上面的例句。

M: "My wife and I looked forward to hosting my nephew while he looked for a job. But now it's been weeks since he arrived. We'd probably be more understanding if he offered to help out around the house instead of playing video games all the time. Frankly, he's become a MILLSTONE AROUND OUR NECKS. We can't endure him much longer."

MILLSTONE AROUND ONE'S NECK 這個習慣用語最早可以在聖經裏找到。好的,這次美國習慣用語就到此結束了。

M: This has been Words and Idioms. Until next time.

A: I don't know how you can work full time and have an internship as well! From what you have been telling me it sounds like your internship has become a millstone around your neck. Why don't you just quit?

B: Well...I made a promise to them that I'm going to stay there for 10 weeks. I don't want to break my promise, plus I want to build some business contacts there as well.

A: Ehh, that sounds like a dilemma! it as an opportunity to learn how to manage your time better! You will benefit from it in the long term.

B: That's true. In today's business etiquette, we are going to talk about something that we can all benefit form in the long term as well. Go green and protect our environment!

A: Let's check it out!

禮節美語 Go Green part I

公司總裁 Tim 召集部門經理開會,討論公司可以採取哪些節能環保的措施。對話中經常出現的 going green 走環保之路。

Tim: Good morning folks, thanks for joining us. In light of the recent economic downturn, we thought we should pow-wow some ways we can conserve energy. This is Henry Peterson, a consultant with GreenOffices Inc.

Henry: Hi everyone. As Tim mentioned, not only is saving energy good for the environment, it's also a good way to keep costs that's a win-win situation for everyone. I'm sure some of you have suggestions for ways we could become "greener." Anyone?

總裁 Tim 說,今天召集大家開會,商量如何節省能源開支。 pow-wow 源於北美印第安人的語言,意思是開會。參加會議的還有節能專家 Henry Peterson. Henry 說,節能既環保,又能減少開支,是雙贏之舉,a win-win situation. 辦公室節能有哪些措施呢?

Faith: I think we could easily cut down on "vampire power." Our computers and other electronic devices actually continue to suck power, even when they are switched off.

H: Good one! The online encyclopedia Wikipedia claims that "vampire power" or "standby power" is responsible for using as much as 10% of electricity consumption.

Dana: We could unplug the equipment or put in power strips that can completely turn off power.

T: Just could save 10 or 15 % on our energy bill just by unplugging our computers! That's incredible!

Faith 提議削減 vampire power 吸血鬼功率,又稱 standby power 備用功率。因爲即使電腦關機,只要電源不拔,電腦就會繼續耗電,Henry 補充說,備用功率耗電量高達用電量的百分之十。Dana 建議拔掉電源或是採用可以切斷電源的接線板 Power strip。

H: And that's just the beginning! You see these lights above us? These use LED bulbs that are 10 times more efficient as the bulbs you are using in the rest of the office.

F: But they're pretty pricey, aren't they?

H: Yes, they cost more, but you'll find that they pay for themselves.

Henry 建議使用 LED 燈泡,比普通燈泡節能十倍。Faith 問 LED 燈泡是不是很貴,pricey, p-r-i-c-e-y。Henry 承認,LED 燈泡價格確實要貴一些,但是 they pay for themselves 非常划算。

D: I've got one that will require a bit of sacrifice. We really don't need to use bottled water for meetings. We could also get rid of paper cups for the water cooler and everyone could use their own mug instead.

F: Ahhh.... I love bottled water.... but I agree, Dana's idea is certainly more environmentally friendly.

H: Yep. Sometimes going green does require that we change our mindset. It's funny how many of us are very conscientious at home. We recycle and reuse, but when we get to the office, we sometimes become very wasteful.

Dana 建議公司取消瓶裝水,不用紙杯子,得到大家的認可。Henry 指出,工作場所節能需要改變思維 change our mindset。大家在家都很注意省電、回收,可一到辦公室就好象忘得一乾二淨了。

A: 公司總裁Tim開會要求大家注意節能,因爲這樣公司既能省錢,又能保護環境,it's a win-win situation, 雙贏的局面。這需要大家change our mindset, 改變思維,多用節能的東西,LED燈泡,自己的杯子等等。最開始的投入可能稍微多一點,but they pay for themselves, 非常划算。

B:That's true. Two months ago I changed all light in my apartment to LED bulbs. I saved almost 50 bucks on my electricity bill! They are a little pricey to begin with, but they sure end up paying for themselves.

A: Exactly! 要看長遠嘛! 這樣還爲你的兒子,還有你的兒子的兒子,你的兒子的兒子做了好事!

B: gh for showing off your 's keep listen and learn some other tips about how to save energy!

禮節美語 Go Green part II

公司總裁 Tim 召集部門經理開會,討論節能措施。

T: I've recently noticed how much paper I use on a daily basis and I've been trying to cut down. I've found that I very rarely actually need to print emails. Also, by utilizing my fax-modem, I don't ever need to print a hardcopy for faxing.

H: That's gonna add up! In the end you'll find it makes a huge positive difference!

D: But you know, even with all these good ideas and strategies, I feel like it counts for nothing when you factor in air travel. Our people make a lot of international trips each year and flying puts tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

總裁 Tim 說,他最近一直注意節省紙張,儘量不打印電子郵件和傳真。節能專家 Henry 表示,That's gonna add up! 日積月累,一定會有成效。Dana 提出,儘管這些想法很好,但是 it counts for nothing when you factor in air travel. 如果考慮到出差坐飛行釋放的二氧化碳,那麼這些措施都無異於杯水車薪。

H: Ah! Good point! Well, for starters, with teleconferencing and instant email one would hope business travel could be reduced. Did you know an economy class flight from Baltimore to Taipei makes you responsible for just over four tons of CO2? If you fly business class the number jumps to 12 tons.

Henry 說,這個問題提得好。Good point! 從巴爾的摩到臺北一張 economy class 經濟艙機票相當於釋放四噸二氧化碳,business class 商務艙更可怕,相當於排放12噸二氧化碳。

T: But sometimes there's just no alternative. We have to check out factories,

locations and in some countries, you really have to look the person in the eye and physically shake their hand.

H: This is true. So I'd like you all to consider buying carbon credits.

總裁 Tim 提出,有些時候,除了出差,沒有其他辦法 sometimes there's just no alternative。Henry 因此建議大家考慮購買 carbon credits 碳信用額。

F: Ah, I've heard about that. You can actually calculate how much carbon your trip is likely to put into the environment and you can offset that by paying to plant some trees.

H: That's right! There are web sites such as . They can help you work out our carbon debt, and then direct you to where you can buy carbon credits that go toward planting new trees.

D: That would make me feel a lot less guilty.

H: Well, it's great that you are all so willing to do your part to make a difference. Let's get back together in two weeks for another brainstorming session.

碳信用額就是把飛行里程摺合成對環境的傷害,然後出錢種樹,作爲補償。Henry 告訴他們,可以到 等網站上尋找幫助。大家決定兩週後 have another brainstorming session 再開會,繼續集思廣益。

A: 我也覺得咱們該多用電子版的東西! Do you know how many scripts we print out each week? It's such a waste!

B: I totally agree. I think we could print out just one copy and hold on to it, instead of printing out new ones every other day.

A: 好嘛,互相監督! 希望大家也一樣,爲了我們的地球,節省能源,環保靠大家!

B: Haha, I forget how much you love slogans! All right, now let's continue our class! Let's listen to another learn a word!

Learn A Word 1755 on the basis of

今天我們要學的詞是 on the basis of. On the basis of, basis is spelled b-a-s-i-s, on the basis of. On the basis of 根據某種原因。The study drew its conclusions on the basis of hard data. 這項研究是根據硬數據得出研究結論的。He was denied employment on the basis of nationality. 他因爲國籍不符合要求,沒有被錄用。美國童子軍正在討論取消禁止同性戀加入的規定,如果通過的話,No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation. 任何年輕人都不能因爲性取向的理由被拒於童子軍的大門之外。好的,今天我們學習的詞是 in on the basis of, on the basis of, on the basis of...

B: So Yanglin, what is your favorite place you have been to so far?

A: Based on my person preferences, DC is my favorite city besides my hometown Beijing!

B: Oh really? Why is that?

A: I love learning different cultures, meeting different people, and DC is the place to offer that! The city is so diverse, the next person you meet might be from Sweden, or Nigeria, or Sri Lanka! The city is a mixed bag, and I love it for that.

B: Ha, I feel the same way! And you mentioned a very good idiom: a mixed bag! Let's check out today's words and idioms!

Words and Idioms 838 A Mixed Bag

美國習慣用語第 838 講


M: A mixed bag. Mixed is spelled m-i-x-e-d, and bag; b-a-g. A-mixed-bag. A mixed bag.

在中文裏,mixed 是混合的意思。A mixed bag 是指各式各樣的人、東西或是活動。用 A mixed bag 來形容我的鄰居的組成簡直是再貼切不過了,they are a mixed bag. 在下面這個例子裏,一位記者在介紹爲美國新總統奧巴馬舉辦的音樂會時,就用到了這個習慣用語,讓我們一起聽聽看。

M: "Did you happen to see the concert for the new president on TV? It featured so many different styles of music, from pop to country, hip-hop to rock and roll. In addition to the talented singers, many famous actors also made presentations. The event represented such A MIXED BAG that viewers of every age and taste seemed to enjoy it."


那場表演我也看了,絕對一流。說到音樂,我的MP3播放機裏就有各種各樣的音樂,有上榜金曲,有懷舊老歌,還有古典音樂。I like listening to A MIXED BAG. 否則的話,聽不了多久就會感到千篇一律。好的,讓我們再來聽聽上面那段話。

M: "Did you happen to see the concert for the new president on TV? It featured so many different styles of music, from pop to country, hip-hop to rock and roll. In addition to the talented singers, many famous actors also made presentations. The event represented such A MIXED BAG that viewers of every age and taste seemed to enjoy it."


M: "My girlfriend and I have been looking through the catalog of courses that our community offers. We thought there'd only be a few choices, but there's quite A MIXED BAG. Among the assortment are classes in many areas, such as cooking, dancing, computers, arts and crafts, recreational activities and foreign languages! We may have to take a couple."



M: "My girlfriend and I have been looking through the catalog of courses that our community offers. We thought there'd only be a few choices, but there's quite A MIXED BAG. Among the assortment are classes in many areas, such as cooking, dancing, computers, arts and crafts, recreational activities and foreign languages! We may have to take a couple."

A mixed bag 這種說法早在二十世紀上半葉就已經出現了。閉上眼睛想象一個大口袋,裏面裝滿了各式各樣的東西,保證你一定能夠記住這個字。

好的,這次美國習慣用語就到此結束了。我是蔚然,我是 Douglas Johnson。這次節目的製作人是胡小玲。別忘了,美國之音中文部除了英語節目以外,還有新聞、時事、音樂、文化各種其他節目,種類繁多。Now that's a mixed bag you don't want to miss!

M: This has been Words and Idioms. Until next time.

A: I feel like our agency is a mixed bag! We have people from all over the world!

B: Yep! luckily everyone seems to be hard workers, well except for you......
