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經濟金融術語漢英對照表Q T

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 經濟金融術語漢英對照表 Q-R


企業辦社會 enterprises burdened with social responsibilities

企業集團戰略 corporate group strategy

企業兼併重組 company merger and restructuring

企業領導班子 enterprise management

企業所得稅 enterprise(corporate)income tax

企業效益 corporate profitability

企業資金違規流入股市 irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock market

欠稅 tax arrears

欠息 overdue interest

強化稅收徵管 to strengthen tax administration

強制措施 enforcement action

翹尾因素 carryover effect

切一刀 partial application

清理收回貸款 clean up and recover loans

(破產)清算 liquidation

傾斜政策 preferential policy

區別對待 differential treatment

趨勢加強 intensifying trend

全球化 globalization

權益回報率 returns on equity(ROE)

缺乏後勁 unsustainable momentum


規模貸款 to circumvent credit ceiling

人均國內生產總值 per capita GDP

人均收入 per capita income

人民幣升值壓力 upward pressure on the Renminbi(exchange rate)

認繳資本 subscribed capital

軟貸款 soft loans

軟預算約束 soft budget constraint

軟着陸 soft landing

 經濟金融術語漢英對照表 S-T


三角債 chain debts;inter-enterprise arrears

善政廉政 good governance

商業貸款 commercial loans

上市公司 (publicly)listed corporations

設備利用 capacity utilization

社會保障 social safety net;social security(insurance)

深層次矛盾 deep-rooted structural imbalance

審批金融機構 to license financial institutions

審慎監管 prudential supervision

生產能力閒置 unutilized capacity

生息資產 interest-bearing assets

實際利用外資 disbursement of foreign capital;actual inflow of foreign investment

實際有效匯率 real effective exchange rate

實時 real time

實收資本 paid-in capital

實現利潤 realized profit

市場分割 market segmentation

市場經濟 market economy

市場佔有率(市場份額) market share

市場準入 market access(指商品和勞務的進入);market entry(指機構的審批)

市價總值 market capitalization

適度從緊 appropriately tight

適時調節 timely adjustment

收回對金融機構貸款 to recall central bank loans (to financial institutions)

稅後還貸 amortization(repayment of loans)after tax

稅收流失 tax erosion

稅源不足 weak tax base

私營經濟(私人經濟) the private sector

私有制 private ownership

所有者權益 owner's equity


逃稅(請見“避稅”) tax evasion

套匯 (1)指合法:currency swap;arbitrage(2)指非法:illegal purchase of foreign exchange

剔除季節性因素 seasonally adjusted

調節流動性 to influence liquidity level

貼現窗口 discount window

同比 on year-on-year basis;over the same period of the previous year

同業拆借(放) inter-bank borrowing(lending)

同業拆借市場利率(中國) CHIBOR(China inter-bank offered rate)

同業融通票據 inter-bank financing bills

同業往來 inter-bank transactions

透支 overdraft

退稅 tax refund(rebate)

頭寸 position

吞吐基礎貨幣 adjustment of monetary base

脫媒現象 disintermediation