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ing-bottom: 56.09%;">高三英語考試常考知識點


1、 at

如: 常用詞組有: at noon, at night

表示時間的 at, in, on:表示片刻的時間,at 8 o’clock,at midnight, at the end of, at thattime, at the beginning of, at the age of, at Christmas, at New Year 等。

in 表示一段的時間

如:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in October, in 1998, insummer, in the past, in the future 等。

on 總是跟日子有關,on Monday, on Christmas morning, on the following, on May Day,on a warm morning 等。

2、表示時間的 since 和 from:since 表示從過去到現在的一段時間的過程,常與現在完成時連用:from表示從時間的某一點開始,不涉及與現在的關係。一般多與現在時、過去時、將來時連用。

如:I hope to do morning exercises from today./ We have not seen each othersince 1995.

3、表示時間的 in 和 after:兩者都表示“在(某個時間)之後,區別在於in表示“在(一段時間)之後” ,而 after則表示“在(某一具體時間點之後),in 短語和將來時態連用,after 短語和過去時態或將來時態連用。

如:We’ll be back in three days.

After seven the rain began to fall.

What shall we do after graduation?

After two months he returned. 注意:after 有時也可以表示在一段時間之後(常用在過去時裏)

4、表示地理位置的 in, on, to:in 表示在某範圍內,on 指與什麼毗鄰,to 指在某環境範圍之外

如:Changchun is in the northeast of China./ Mongolia is on the north ofChina./ Japan is tothe east of China.

5、表示“在……上”的 on 和 in:on 只表示在某物的表面上,而用 in 表示佔去某物一部分,表示……上

如:There is a book on the piece of paper./ There is an interesting articlein the newspaper./ He dug a hole in the wall.

6、表示“穿過……”的 through 和 across:through 表示從內部通過,與 in 有關;across表示“穿過……”,表示從一端至另一端在表面上的通過,與 on 有關。

如:Water flows through the pipe./ The old man walked across the street.

7、in the corner, on the corner, at the corner:in the corn 表示在落,in 指角的內面;onthe corner 表示“在角上” ,on 指的不是內面,也不是外面,而含內外兼有之意;at the corner指“在拐角處”指的是拐角外附近的外面。

如:The lamp stands in the corner of the room./ I met at with him at thestreet corner./ He sat on the corner of the table.

8、in the end, at the end of, by the end of:in the end作“最後”“終於”解,可單獨使用,後不接介詞 of;at the end of 表示“在……末梢”“到……盡頭”,既可指時間,也可以指地上或物體。不可單獨使用;by the end of 作“在……結束時”“到……末爲止”解,只能指時間,不可單獨使用。

如:In the end they reached a place of safety./ At the end of the road standsa beautiful garden./ They decided to have an English evening at the end of thisweek./ by the

end of last month he had finished the novel

9、表示“關於”的 about 和 on:兩者都有“關於”的意思,不過前者爲一般用詞,而後者表示“關於” ,爲較正式的 “論述”

如:He came to tell me about something important./ He wrote a book onscience

10、between, among:一般說來,between 表示兩者之間,among用於三者或三者以上的中間。

如:You are to sit between your father and me./ He is always happy among hisclassmates.


如:Agreements were made between the different countries. 在談到一些事物或一組事物,

而把它們視爲分居兩邊時用 between。

如:The little valley lies between high mountains.

在談事物 間的差別時,總是用 between。

如:They don’t know the difference between wheat, coats and barley.

11、besides, except, but, except for:

besides 指除了……還有

如:All went out besides me

except 指“除了,減去什麼” ,不能放在句首。

如:All went out except me.

but 與 except 意思近似,表示“除了……外”經常用在 no, all, nobody, anywhere, everything 等和其他疑問詞後面。

如:I never saw him reading anything but the newspaper.;

except for 表示“如無……就, 只是”表明理由細節。

如:His diary is good except for a few spelling mistakes.

12、表示“用”的 in 和 with:表示工具的“用” 、表示“ ,用 with,而表示材料、方式、方法、度量、單位、語言、聲音等的 “用” 用in。

如:He is writing a letter with a pen./ He wrote the letter in pencil

We measured it in pounds./ Read the text in a loud voice./ Tell me thestory in English.

13、charge of 和 in the charge of:in 兩者都表示 “由誰負責、照顧、管理” 區別在於: charge of後接被照管的人或物, in the charge of 後面則跟照管的人。

如:Who is in charge of the project

The project is in the charge of an engineer

14、as, like:as 作“作爲”“以……地位或身份”解。

如:Let me speak to you as a father.(事實是父親)

like 作“象……一樣”解

如:Let me speak to you like a father.(事實上不是父親)

15、in front of 和 in the front of:in front of =before,是“在……前面”的意思(不在某物內)

in the front of 則是“在……前部”的意思(在某物內)

如:There is a desk in front of the blackboard./ The boy sat in the front ofthe car.

16、in, into:into 表示動向,不表示目的地或位置。

如:We walked into the park.;in 通常表示位置。

We walked in the park;

in 和 drop, fall, put, throw, break 等終止性動詞連用時,也可以表示動向。

如:I have put the coin in (into) my pocket.我把硬幣放進衣袋。


(1)—How about coming to my house?

—I’d love to if it doesn’t give you so much trouble.

在hope, like, love, promise, want, wish等詞後作賓語的不定式常省略。再如:

You may go if you want to.

She can get a job if she hopes to.

—How about going hunting with me tomorrow?

—I’d like to, but I have no time.

(2)Don’t close the window until I ask you to.

在allow, ask, tell 等詞後作賓語補足語的不定式常省略。再如:

Don’t touch the light unless your mother allows you to.

Don’t plant potatoes until the peasant tells you to.

(3)He didn’t want to hand in his composition, but he had to.

在be able to, be going to, have to, need to, enough to, usedto等後的不定式需省略。再如:

I don’t sing much, now, but I used to a lot.

If you don’t want to say anything at the meeting, you don’t need to.

She didn’t go out last night, because she was afraid to.

在afraid, glad, happy, pleased, sorry等詞後作狀語的不定式常省略。再如:—Will you go with meto see the film tonight?

—I’ll be glad to



“非謂語動詞”可分爲動詞不定式、動名詞和分詞.它在句子中的作用很多:除了不作謂語外,它可以充當主語、賓語、表語、定語、狀語與複合賓語(主語補語或賓語補語).有些及物動詞後面接不帶to的不定式作複合賓語.這些動詞歸納如下:一感(feel).二聽(hear,listento),三讓(have,1et, make),四看(see,watCh,notice,observe).再加上help somebody(to)dosomething和美國英語look at somebody do somthing.還有“二讓”屬特殊:get somebody to dosomething 與keep somebody doing.而有些及物動詞後面接動名詞(the -ing form)作賓語.這些動詞歸納爲一句話:Papa Cmakes friends.這是由如下動詞的開頭字母組成:permit,advise, practise,avoid,consider,mind,allow,keep,enjoy,suggest, finish,risk,imagine,escape,need,delay,stand(忍受).爲了容易記住,也可以編成順口溜:“允許完成練習,建議避免冒險,考慮延期逃跑,喜歡保持想象,需要反對忍受”.其相對應的動詞依次是:permit/allow,finish,practise;

advise/suggest, avoid,risk: consider, delay, escape/miss; enjoy/appreciate,keep, imagine; need/want/require,mind. can't help/can’t stand.



例如:A、The news that our team has won the match is true. (同位語從句)

B、The news that he told us surprised everybody here. (定語從句)

關鍵的區別在於連接或關係代詞that:有意義的是定語, 無意義的是同位.因爲引導定語從句的that在從句中作主語或賓語,而引導同位語從句的that只起到連接詞的作用.


例如:A、All that we have to do is to practise every day.

B、The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten.

C、I have lost my pen,which I like very much.

D、The house in front of which there is a garden is my home.



例如:It is nor easy to finish the work in two days.

然而有少數表語之後接動名詞作真正的主語.這些表語是:無助(no help)、無用(no use)、沒好處(no good);工作(hardwork)、費時(a waste of time)、又危險(a danger).

例如:A、It is no use crying over spilt milk.

B、It is a waste of time waiting for him.


例如:A、He made it clear that he was not interested in this subject.

B、I think it no use arguing with him.

3、It用於強調句式.要強調句子的某一部分(主語、賓語、 狀語),可以把it當作先行詞.這種句子的結構是:It is(was)+被強調部分+that(who)+句子的其餘部分.

例如:A、It iS Professor Lin who teaches us English—(強調主語)

B、It was in Shanghai that l saw the film.—(強調狀語)

C、It was in 1990 that I worked in the factory.(同上)


例如:D、It was 1990 when I worked in the factory.(定語從句)

在強調句式裏,我們把強調結構It is(was)…that除去,句子還很完整.如例句C.而例句D就不能.




A、Here comes the bus.(副詞提前,全倒裝)

B、Here he comes.(代詞作主語,不倒裝)

C、In front of the house lies a garden.(介詞短語提前,全倒裝)

D、Never shall I do this again.(否定詞提前,部分倒裝)

E、Young as he is ,he knows a lot.(讓步狀語從句,表語倒裝)

F、Only when he told me did I realize what trouble he was in.(only修飾狀語,主句倒裝)

G、Only he can save the patient.(only修飾主語.不倒裝)

H、Not only will help be given to people,but also medical treatment will beprovided.(否定詞提前,部分倒裝)

I、Not only he but also we like sports.(連接兩個主語,不倒裝)


虛擬語氣也是一個難點.所謂虛擬語氣是表示說話人的願望、假設、猜測或建議,而不表示客觀存在的事實.它通過句子的謂語動詞的特殊形式來表示.現歸納如下:純假設,用虛擬,動詞時態退一級:條件句,分主從,主句謂語前加would(should,could,might);表願望,用虛擬,wish後面接賓語(從句):現在過去與將來,動詞時態退一級:提建議,用虛擬,賓語(從句)動詞用(should)do:倆建議,三要求,再加堅持與命令(suggest,advise,demand,require,request,insist,order):Itis time和eoukd rather,後接叢句用虛擬:部分主語從句中, 謂語用虛擬結構 (It is necessry/important/natural/natural/strange/strange that……should do). 下面舉例說明:

A、If you came tomorrow,we would have the metting. (條件句虛擬)

B、Without air,there would be no living things.(同上)

C、We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.(表示願望虛擬)

D、He demanded that we (should)start right away.(表示建議虛擬)

E、It is(high)time that we left (should leave)now.(特殊從句虛擬)

F、I would rather you gave me the book.(同上)

G、It is necessary that we should clean the room everyday,(主語從句虛擬)

H、He speaks English so fluently as if he were English. (特殊從句虛擬)