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考研寫作採用總體評分(Global Scoring)的方法,即閱卷老師就總的印象給分,而不是按語言點的錯誤數量扣分。閱卷老師主要從內容和語言兩個方面對考生作文進行綜合評判,考慮作文是否切題,是否充分表達思想,語言上的錯誤是否造成理解上的障礙等。一般而言,閱卷老師在看到作文10秒鐘之內就會根據第一印象得出打分檔次,然後在餘下的時間裏確定 整篇作文的分數,該分數通常會在印象分基礎上上下浮動10%左右。爲了給閱卷老師留下良好的第一印象,寫好第一段是關鍵。此外還有注意各段落的銜接和結構安排的合理性。





1. 校園生活類

2. 課餘生活類

3. 熱點話題類

4. 工作求職類



考研作文的體裁主要有議論文、應用文和說明文三類。其中,議論文出現的次數較多(尤其是在最近幾年);應用文出現的次數次之;說明文出現的次數最少。在過去11年考試中有12次考到了議論文,佔總數的55%;應用文出現過5次,佔總數的23%;說明文在真題中出現過4次,佔總數的18% 。






01 / 對立觀點型







Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in _________.


Therefore, there is a hot debate over _________.



Some people are in favor of the idea of _________.


They believe that ________. (詳述理由一)

They also argue that _________. (詳述理由二)


However, other people stand on a different ground.


They consider ________.


What’s more, they firmly point out that _______.



There is some truth in both arguments.


But I think the advantages of ________ overweigh the disadvantages.


In my opinion, _________.


例:Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? (2007年6月考研考試作文真題)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 有人做好事期望得到回報;

2. 有人認爲應該像雷鋒那樣做好事不圖回報;

3. 你的觀點。



•然後從現代社會的要求以及獎勵好人好事對於提高整體社會風尚的作用方面進行闡述,如:great deeds deserve recognition and should win public acclaim.

•第三段則應從反方立場進行陳述,即要具體論述“應該像雷鋒那樣做好事不圖回報”的觀點。考試可以從有些人以做好事爲幌子來達到利己目的這個角度出發,通過舉例來使觀點更具說服力,如:For example, a few entrepreneurs donate to a charity with an aim to getting tax reduction instead of helping others from the bottom of heart.

•第四段可結合自己的理解來討論這個問題,表明自己的觀點,如:In my opinion, although good deeds are supposed to come from spontaneous reaction in face of certain circumstances, doing something good in exchange for rewards is not an offense.


Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?

Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in expecting a reward when doing a good deed. Therefore, a hot debate arises over whether one should perform good deeds for a reward.

Some people are in favor of the idea that great deeds deserve recognition and should win public acclaim. They believe that it is extremely important to recognize and promote all kinds of noble deeds.They also argue that rewarding good deeds is an effective way to set inspiring examples to the public and to encourage more good deeds.

However, other people hold an opposite viewpoint. They consider that people who perform a real good deed shouldn’t expect reward. Respect and acclaim shouldn’t be given to people who do good deeds with potential motives. For example, a few entrepreneurs donate to a charity with an aim to getting tax reduction instead of helping others from the bottom of heart. What’s more, they firmly point out that people should perform good deeds like Lei Feng without hoping for any economic or material reward.

There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of expecting a reward when doing a good deed outweigh the disadvantages. In my opinion, although good deeds are supposed to come from spontaneous reaction in face of certain circumstances, doing something good in exchange for rewards is not an offense. It merits respect. I believe that a role model sometimes outweighs a sole good deed.
