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ing-bottom: 100%;">2023年12月英語四級翻譯預測:西部大開發


西部大開發是中華人民共和國中央政府的一項政策,目的是“把東部沿海地區的剩餘經濟發展能力,用以提高西部地區的經濟和社會發展水平、鞏固國防。” 加速西部地區發展,是縮小地區差距、實現共同富裕的中國特色社會主義的本質要求;是進一步擴大國內需求、保持國民經濟持續、快速、健康發展的客觀要求;是改善全國生態環境、實現可持續發展的急切要求;也是維護社會穩定、民族團結和邊疆安全的迫切要求。


China's Western Development Policy is a policy made by the Central People's Grovernment of the People's Republic of China. It aims at enhancing the economic and social development in the western region and consolidating the national defense by using surplus capacity of economic development in the east coast of China. Accelerating development in the western region is the essential requirement of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, the goal of which is to narrow the gap between different regions and to achieve the collective prosperity. At the same time, accelerating development in the western region is the objective requirement of expanding domestic demands and maintaining sustainable, rapid and sound development of our national economy. It is also the urgent request of improving ecological environment nationwide and achieving sustainable development. At last, it is the pressing claim for maintaining social stability, national unity and security in the border region.


“西部大開發”(Western Development)是中國促進經濟發展的一項重要政策。自從實行改革開放的政策以來,尤其是中國東南沿海城市的經濟特區(special economic zone)設立以來,中國經濟發展迅速。然而,由於位置偏遠、交通落後、與其他地區交流不足,中國西部地區在經濟、文化、人民生活水平等方面不夠發達。爲了解決地區間發展的不平衡,中國開展了“西部大開發”運動,在引進人才和投資等方面給予西部地區優惠 (preferential)政策。目前“西部大開發”的成就顯著,東西部地區的差距正逐漸縮小。


Western Development is an important policy of China aiming at promoting economic development. Since China adopted the reform and opening-up policy, and especially since the special economic zones were set up in the coastal cities in southeast China, the Chinese economy has grown rapidly. However, owing to its remote location, backward transportation, and insufficient exchange with other regions, western China is less developed in its economy, culture and people's living standard. In order to tackle the imbalanced development among regions, China has launched the campaign of Western Development, offering preferential policies to the west in many aspects such as introduction of talents and investment. Now the campaign of Western Development has made remarkable achievements, gradually narrowing the gap between the east and the west.
