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ing-bottom: 79.69%;">李清照《聲聲慢》英譯賞析(二)



林譯:Let fallen flowers lie where they fall./ To what purpose/ And for whom should I decorate?
楊譯:Fallen chrysanthemums piled up on the ground,/ So withered,/ Who would pluck them?
徐譯:About the ground, chrysanthemums are bestrewn./ Gathering into heaps-bruised-withering soon. / With myself in utter misery and gloom, / Who cares to save them from their approaching doom?
許譯:The ground is covered with yellow flowers,/ Faded and fallen in showers. / Who will pick them up now?

2)“滿地黃花堆積”中較爲難翻的是“堆積”這個詞。林譯只是表明花落,並未體現“堆積”二字。徐譯雖然將原詞意思完整表達出,但言語不夠精簡。許譯的“Faded and fallen in showers”,可謂佳譯,十分生動形象。至於”黃花“一詞,原文指代黃色菊花,林譯“fallen flowers”過於籠統,“chrysanthemum”和“yellow flowers”都可以,但前者個人覺得比較生僻,且發音略微艱澀,用作譯文不太符合詩歌朗朗上口的特點,也並非指黃色菊花。


林譯:By the window shut, / Guarding it alone,/ To see the sky has turned so black!
楊譯:Leaning on the window,/ How can I pass the time till night alone?
徐譯:Standing by the window-watching in anguish stark,/ Could I bear alone the sight until it is dark?
許譯:Sitting alone at the window, how/ Could I but quicken/ The pace of darkness that won’t thicken?

2)林譯對原詞有所誤解,一處是“守着窗兒”的守,不應是“guard”作守衛,守護的意思。其他譯者的“lean on”,“ stand by”, “sit at”都可以。另一處是後面的“獨自怎生得黑”,原詞的意思是難以熬到天黑,而不是林譯中的“the sky has turned so black”,天色已是一片漆黑。
3)徐譯和許譯對後一句動詞的處理比較好,選用了“bear”和 “quicken”兩個詞,生動形象地再現了詞人寂寞冷清,度日如年的心態,楊譯的“pass”相較則略顯平淡。


林譯:And the drizzle on the kola nut/ Keeps on droning:/ Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!
楊譯:The drizzle falls on the wutong trees, / Raindrops drip down at dusk.
徐譯:Against the tung and plane trees, the wind rises high./ The drizzle becomes trickles, as even draws nigh.
許譯:On plane’s broad leaves a fine rain drizzles/ As twilight grizzles.

2)許譯的“drizzle”, “grizzle”和徐譯的“drizzle”, “trickle”都採用了擬聲詞,保留了原文的意境,且注重押韻,展現原詞的音韻美。
3) 林譯更爲生動傳神。“droning”體現了秋雨單調低沉的聲音,而最後的“pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat”擬聲詞更是神來之筆,不僅富有音樂美,畫面感也十分強烈。

林譯:Is this the kind of mood and moment/ To be expressed / By one word “sad”?
楊譯:At a time like this, / What immense sorrow I must hear!
徐譯:How, in the word “Miserable”, can one find-/ The total effects of all these on the mind!
許譯:Oh, what can I do with a grief/ Beyond belief!
解析:1)“這次第”總概上文,筆鋒急收,“怎一個愁字了得”,情感噴薄而出。愁的不僅是自己的孤苦寂寞,更是國破家亡的痛心疾首。“這次第”三詞概括了上述的種種情景,四位譯者的譯文皆可,但值得一提的是林譯“Is this the kind of mood and moment”在表意的同時兼顧押頭韻,體現譯者深厚的功底。
2)“愁”字爲此句字眼,四位譯者對“愁”字的處理各不相同。林譯選擇“sad”,雖然用引號括出,表明其暗含深意,但仍然略顯單薄。楊譯選用“immense sorrow”,增加了程度修飾成分體現悲痛的深重。徐譯的“Miserable”在體現悲痛的同時,選擇使用引號和大寫這一方式凸顯這一詞。許譯“a grief beyond belief”對原詞進行了一定的轉化,特別是後面的“beyond belief”較好體現詞人的愁思。
