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ing-bottom: 140.04%;">有關九年級上冊英語聽力

Section A

聽錄音。這些學生是怎樣爲考試而學習1b Listen. How do these students study for a

的?寫出上面1a中的字母。 test? Write letters from 1a above.

男孩:嗨,同學們。星期二有一次大型Boy: Hey, everybody. There’s a big test on Tuesday.

考試。我非常需要一些幫助。你們I really need some help. Can you tell me how

能告訴我你們是如何爲大型考試you study for a big test?


(同學們的)聲音:當然!是的,我們Voices: Sure! Yes. Sure we will.


男孩:梅平,你在上次的英語考試中做Boy: You did really well on the last English test,

得很好,是不是? didn’t you, Meiping?

梅平:是啊,我做得還可以。 Meiping: Yeah, I did OK.

男孩:那麼你是如何備考的? Boy: Well, how did you study for it?

梅平:通過製作單詞卡。 Meiping: By making word cards.

也許我會嘗試一下。那麼你如何Boy: Maybe I’ll try that. So, how do you study for 男孩:

備考,彼得? a test, Peter?

通過向老師求助。她總是很高興Peter: By asking the teacher for help. She’s always 彼得:

地回答我的問題。 happy to answer my questions.

男孩:那很有趣。你如何備考,託尼? Boy: That’s interesting. How do you study, Tony?

託尼:我喜歡通過聽錄音帶學習。但有Tony: I like to study by listening to tapes. But

時我媽媽認爲我在聽音樂。然後她sometimes my mother thinks I’m listening to

會生氣。 music. And then she gets mad.

男孩:哦,那我可能不會那樣做。 Boy: Oh, maybe I won’t do that then.

聽錄音,標出(√)你所聽到的問題。 2a Listen and check (√) the questions you


歡迎來到英語俱樂部。今天我們Man: Welcome to the English club. Today we’re going 男士:

要談談學習英語的最好的方法。有to talk about the best ways to learn English.

人通過看錄像學習英語嗎? Does anyone learn English by watching videos?

女孩1:沒有。聽懂英語口語太難了。 Girl 1: No. It’s too hard to understand spoken


Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English? 男孩1:寫英文日記怎麼樣?你用那種

方法學英語嗎? Do you learn English that way?

女孩1:是的。它有助於我每天寫英語。 Girl 1: Yes, I do. It helps to write English every


男孩2:你曾參加過小組學習嗎? Boy 2: Have you ever studied with a group?

女孩2:是的,參加過!我用那種方法學Girl 2: Yes, I have! I’ve learned a lot that way.


男孩2:你和朋友一起用英語談話嗎? Boy 2: Do you have conversations with friends in


女孩2:哦,是的。它確實提高了我的Girl 2: Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills.


Girl 1: What about reading aloud to practice pronu- 女孩1:大聲讀來練習發音怎麼樣?


Boy 1: I do that sometimes. I think it helps.

Girl 2: I do, too. And I often look up new words in a


Boy 2: That’s a great idea!

2b Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above.

Man: Welcome to the English club. Today we’re going

to talk about the best ways to learn English. Does anyone learn English by watching videos? Girl 1: No. It’s too hard to understand spoken English.

Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English? Do you learn English that way?

Girl 1: Yes, I do. It helps to write English every day.

Boy 2: Have you ever studied with a group? Girl 2: Yes, I have! I’ve learned a lot that way.

Boy 2: Do you have conversations with friends in English?

Girl 2: Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills.

Girl 1:What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?

Boy 1: I do that sometimes. I think it helps.

Girl 2: I do, too. And I often look up new words in

a dictionary.

Boy 2: That’s a great idea!




詞典中查閱新單詞。 男孩2:那是個好主意! 再聽一遍錄音,把下面的每個答案和上面的問題搭配起來。 男士:歡迎來到英語俱樂部。今天我們




方法學英語嗎? 女孩1:是的。它有助於我每天寫英語。

男孩2:你曾參加過小組學習嗎? 女孩2:是的,參加過!我用那種方法









典中查閱新單詞。 男孩2:那是個好主意!


Section B

1c Paul finds it difficult to learn English. Listen and complete the learning challenges he talks about.

Ms. Manson: You look worried, Paul.

Paul: I am, Ms. Manson. I’m having trouble

learning English.

Ms. Manson: You said you liked English. What’s

the problem?

Paul: I can’t get the pronunciation right.

Ms. Manson: Well, listening can help. Why don’t

you listen to English songs on the radio and repeat the difficult words?


曼森女士:你看起來很憂慮,保羅。 保羅:是的,曼森女士。我學英語有

困難。 曼森女士:你說過你喜歡英語。有什麼





Paul: That’s a good idea. But what about all the new

words? I forget a lot of the new words.

Ms. Manson: You can always write the new words in

your notebook and review them from time to time. You can even study on the subway on the way to school.

Paul: That might really help! Thanks.

Ms. Manson: Can you understand when people talk

to you?

Paul: Well, not always. Sometimes I just don’t

understand what people are saying.

Ms. Manson: Why don’t you join an English

language club to practice speaking English? The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Paul: Maybe I’ll go. The only other problem is that I

don’t get much writing practice.

Ms. Manson: Maybe you should find a pen pal.

Paul: That sounds like a fun way to practice writing.

Thanks, Ms. Manson.

1d Listen again. Complete the solutions. Ms. Manson: You look worried, Paul.

Paul: I am, Ms. Manson. I’m having trouble

learning English.

Ms. Manson: You said you liked English. What’s

the problem?

Paul: I can’t get the pronunciation right.

Ms. Manson: Well, listening can help. Why don’t

you listen to English songs on the radio and repeat the difficult words?

Paul: That’s a good idea. But what about all the new

words? I forget a lot of the new words.

Ms. Manson: You can always write the new words in

your notebook and review them from time to time. You can even study on the subway on the way to school.

Paul: That might really help! Thanks.

Ms. Manson: Can you understand when people talk

to you?

Paul: Well, not always. Sometimes I just don’t

understand what people are saying.

Ms. Manson: Why don’t you join an English

language club to practice speaking English? The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.





保羅:那也許確實有所幫助!謝謝。 曼森女士:當人們和你說話時,你能聽



我就是不明白人們在說什麼。 曼森女士:你爲什麼不加入一個英語語

言俱樂部來練習說英語呢?英語俱樂部在星期二和星期四放學後開放。 保羅:也許我會去。僅有的另外一個問題

是我沒有得到大量的寫作練習。 曼森女士:也許你應該找個筆友。 保羅:那聽起來像是練習寫作的一個有

趣的方法。謝謝你,曼森女士。 再聽一遍錄音,完成這些解決辦法。 曼森女士:你看起來很憂慮,保羅。 保羅:是的,曼森女士。我學英語有

困難。 曼森女士:你說過你喜歡英語。有什麼




不通過收音機聽英文歌曲,並且重複那些很難的單詞呢? 保羅:那是個好主意。但是所有的新單




保羅:那也許確實有所幫助!謝謝。 曼森女士:當人們和你說話時,你能聽



我就是不明白人們在說什麼。 曼森女士:你爲什麼不加入一個英語語


Paul: Maybe I’ll go. The only other problem is that I

don’t get much writing practice.

Ms. Manson: Maybe you should find a pen pal.

Paul: That sounds like a fun way to practice writing.

Thanks, Ms. Manson.


題是我沒有得到大量的寫作練習。 曼森女士:也許你應該找個筆友。 保羅:那聽起來像是練習寫作的一個有



1b Listen and T for true or F for false. Mary: What a great day! Bill: Yes, it was really fun! Mary: What did you like best?

Bill: I loved the races! They were really interesting

to watch. How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!

Mary: Yes! And look at the colors of the boats.

How pretty they were!

Bill: I agree! But I guess it was a little too crowded. Mary: I don’t know…I kind of like to have more

people around. It makes things more exciting. Bill: That’s true. Oh, and I really liked eating zongzi. Mary: Oh, me too! The sweet ones are my favorite.

Bill: I wonder if they’ll have the races again next


Mary: Of course! They have them every year.

Bill: Then I believe that I’ll be back again next

year to watch the races! Mary: Me, too!

2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and the correct words in the sentences.

Harry: What did you do on your vacation, Wu Ming? Wu Ming: I visited my aunt and uncle in Hong


Harry: Wow! So what did you do?

Wu Ming: Well, we ate out a lot. I believe that we ate

at least five meals a day! How delicious the food is! I’ve put on five pounds!

Harry: Haha! Yes, the food in Hong Kong is delicious.

What else did you do?

Wu Ming: Shopping, of course. Hong Kong is a great

place for shopping! I spent so much money.

聽錄音,正確的圈T,錯誤的圈F。 瑪麗:多麼棒的一天啊! 比爾:是的,確實很有意思! 瑪麗:你最喜歡什麼?




麼美啊! 比爾:我同意!但我認爲有點兒太擁擠了。 瑪麗:我不知道……我有點兒喜歡和更

多的人在一起。它使事情更精彩。 比爾:那是真的。噢,我非常喜歡吃糉子。 瑪麗:噢,我也是!那些甜的是我最喜




瑪麗:當然了!他們每年都舉行。 比爾:那麼我相信我明年還要回來觀看

比賽! 瑪麗:我也是!


哈里:在假期中你做什麼了,吳明? 吳明:我看望了我在香港的姑姑和




爲我們一天至少吃五頓飯!那食物好吃極了!我胖了五磅! 哈里:哈哈!是的,香港的食物很好吃。

你還做了什麼了? 吳明:當然是購物了。香港是一個購物


Harry: So what was the best part of the trip?

Wu Ming: Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival for sure.

They had teams from all over the world!

Harry: I’m planning a trip to Hong Kong next year.

I wonder whether June is a good time.

Wu Ming: Yes, if you want to see the boat races.

But it’s quite hot in June. That’s one thing I didn’t like.

Harry: Oh, I don’t mind hot weather.

Wu Ming: OK, then I think that June would be a

perfect time for you to visit.

2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but there were also downsides. Listen again and fill in the chart.

Harry: What did you do on your vacation, Wu Ming? Wu Ming: I visited my aunt and uncle in Hong


Harry: Wow! So what did you do?

Wu Ming: Well, we ate out a lot. I believe that we

ate at least five meals a day! How delicious the food is! I’ve put on five pounds!

Harry: Haha! Yes, the food in Hong Kong is delicious.

What else did you do?

Wu Ming: Shopping, of course. Hong Kong is a great

place for shopping! I spent so much money.

Harry: So what was the best part of the trip?

Wu Ming: Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival for sure.

They had teams from all over the world!

Harry: I’m planning a trip to Hong Kong next year.

I wonder whether June is a good time.

Wu Ming: Yes, if you want to see the boat races.

But it’s quite hot in June. That’s one thing I didn’t like.

Harry: Oh, I don’t mind hot weather.

Wu Ming: OK, then I think that June would be a

perfect time for you to visit.


的部分是什麼? 吳明:噢,當然是端午節了。他們有來

自世界各地的隊! 哈里:我正在計劃明年去香港旅遊。我

想知道6月是不是個好時間。 吳明:是的,如果你想看龍舟比賽的話。

但在6月,天氣相當熱。那是我不喜歡的一件事情。 哈里:噢,我不介意熱天氣。 吳明:好,那麼我認爲6月將是你參觀



哈里:在假期中你做什麼了,吳明? 吳明:我看望了我在香港的姑姑和




爲我們一天至少吃五頓飯!那食物好吃極了!我胖了五磅! 哈里:哈哈!是的,香港的食物很好吃。

你還做了什麼了? 吳明:當然是購物了。香港是一個購物


哈里:那麼這次旅行中最好的部分是什麼? 吳明:噢,當然是端午節了。他們有來

自世界各地的隊! 哈里:我正在計劃明年去香港旅遊。我

想知道6月是不是個好時間。 吳明:是的,如果你想看龍舟比賽的話。

但在6月,天氣相當熱。那是我不喜歡的一件事情。 哈里:噢,我不介意熱天氣。 吳明:好,那麼我認爲6月將是你參觀
