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ing-bottom: 390.24%;">雅思口語part2話題之湖或河流



Describe an important river, lake, or area of water in your country.

You should say:

where it is;

how big it is;

what it looks like;

and explain why it is important.


1. Do you think traveling by sea is as important today as it used to be in the past?

2. Do people enjoy traveling by ship? Will people prefer other transportation in the future?

3. Do children and adults enjoy the same thing at the seaside?

4. Why do people go to seaside and what are they doing there?

5. Do children prefer to go to seaside than adults? Why?

6. Will seaside become more popular (Will more people go to seaside) in the future?




Seeing this topic, I would like to tell you about the Yangtze river that is more than 6000km long. It is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world. If I'm not wrong, it is even the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country which drains one-fifth of the land area of China.

In China, the whole river is known as Chang Jiang, which literally translates to “Long River”. It plays a large role in the history, culture and economy of my country, its river basin is home to nearly one third of the country’s population. Many people depend on it in their daily lives, even until today. The river originates from several tributaries in the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. It has long been the backbone of china's inland water transportation system that remained particularly important for almost two thousand years, until the construction of the national railway network during the 20th century. The Grand Canal connects the lower Yangtze with the major cities of the Jiangnan region south of the river and with northern China.

In a nutshell, Yangtze river is important to my country. I can’t even imagine how the people's lives would be if anything had happened to it.


Describe an important river/ area of water in your country You should say:

How long the river is Where it is

What it looks like Why it is important

Speaking of an important river, I would like to talk about the Yangtse river, which is the biggest and longest river in China. It’s about 6,300 kilometers long.

The Yangtse River lies in the south of China. It stretches to 11 provinces in China and drains nearly one-fifth of the land areas of you see it on the map, you will find it looks not that special, maybe just like any other rivers, for example, the Nile or something. However, when you take a closer look at it, you won’t feel like it’s something that other rivers can copy.I remember when I was in the grade 9, I took a boat trip with my parents to Sanxia, where we saw the most stunning view of the Yangtse River along with the tall green mountains like Shennv Feng.

It is indeed very important, not only for the local residents who need the water for life, but it is also crucial for the entire nation, because there’s the Three Gorges Dam lies on it, and it ha’s been generating a lot of electrical power, which is used for all the families and industries in China.


Describe an important river/lake /areas of water you know. 描述一個你知道的重要的河流或者湖泊或者水域。


首先, 我們來一起看一下我國第一大湖:青海湖。


此外,我們還可以講鄱陽湖。鄱陽湖位於江西省北部,地處九江、南昌、上饒三市,是中國第一大淡水湖,也是中國第二大湖,僅次於青海湖。鄱陽湖主要由贛江、修河、信江、饒河、撫河等水源供給,自南向北在九江市湖口縣石鐘山附近匯入長江。鄱陽湖是長江中下游主要支流之一,也是長江流域的一個過水性 、 吞吐型 、 季節性重要湖泊。湖區面積,在平水位(14米~15米)時湖水面積爲3150平方公里,高水位(20米)時爲4125平方公里以上。但低水位(12米)時僅500平方公里,鄱陽湖在調節長江水位、涵養水源、改善當地氣候和維護周圍地區生態平衡等方面都起着巨大的作用。可以說有了鄱陽湖的蓄洪功能,長江中下游平原纔會避免了很多旱澇災害,它的重要作用不言而喻。

除此以外, 我們還可以看一看位於西藏自治區的納木錯,納木錯位於西藏自治區的中部,是西藏第二大湖泊,也是中國第三大的鹹水湖。湖面海拔4718米,形狀近似長方形,東西長70多千米,南北寬30多千米,面積約1920平方公里。納木錯南面有終年積雪的念青唐古拉山,北側和西側有高原丘陵和廣闊的湖濱。它的東南部是直插雲宵,終年積雪的念青唐古拉山的主峯,北側倚偎着和緩連綿的高原丘陵,廣闊的草原繞湖四周,天湖象一面巨大寶鏡,鑲嵌在藏北的草原上。“納木錯”爲藏語,蒙古語名稱爲“騰格里海”,都是“天湖”之意。











1. 每晚躺在牀上,入睡以前,聽BBC和VOA;

2. 看CCTV九頻道;

3. 教材: ‘New Concept English’Book III, ‘Listen to This’ ‘Step by Step’;

4. 用英文對自己自言自語,將一天發生的事情描述下來。要持之以恆。

5. 每星期至少一次看同一個英音的電影故事片,不要看下方翻譯,連續三個月以上,口語一定大有進步。

6. 到英語角去鍛鍊口語;

7. 10分鐘自問自答雅思口語問題,陳述卡片5 次,練習回答相關問題。
