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ing-bottom: 86.88%;">qq說說唯美最美文愛情傷感英語句子

1.I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time、Forexample, when you love someone, changes are all around、Then I stepbackward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.我喜歡並習慣了對變化的東西保持着距離,這樣纔會知道什麼是最不會被時間拋棄的準則。比如愛一個人,充滿變數,我於是後退一步,靜靜的看着,直到看見真誠的感情。

more you wanna know whether you have forgotten something, the better you remember; I once heard that, the only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.


man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is, won't make you cry.沒有人值得你流淚,值得你這麼做的人不會讓你哭泣。

matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness、Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.無論命運以怎樣殘忍的方式賜予一個人以磨難和不幸,但仍會相應地賜予他幸福與甜蜜,即使這幸福是如此短暫與不真實,也足以照亮他今後整個暗淡的人生。

e is no rehearsal in the life , once missing , it will be lost forever.世界上沒有破鏡重圓之說,一旦失去,就意味着永遠失去

you, think of you, love you secretly, eagerly love you, wait, feel disappointed, try hard, lose, and feel sad, go apart, and of these are for sake of you、And I will never regret for it.鍾情,相思,暗戀,渴慕,等待,失望,試探,患得患失,痛不欲生,天涯永隔,追憶似水流年……種.種這些,都曾因你而經歷,也就誓不言悔。


r frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,由於你不知是誰會愛上你的笑顏。

is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow、When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere、Friend is who can give you strength at last.愛情是燈,友情是影子,當燈滅了,你會發現你的周圍都是影子。朋友,是在最後可以給你力量的人。

unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.一段不被接受的愛情,需要的不是傷心,而是時間,一段可以用來遺忘的時間。一顆被深深傷了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。

unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting、A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.一段不被接受的愛情,需要的不是傷心,而是時間,一段可以用來遺忘的時間。一顆被深深傷了的心,需要的不是同情,而是理解。

y birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.夏天的飛鳥,飛到我的窗前唱歌,又飛去了。秋天的黃葉,它們沒有什麼可唱,只嘆息一聲,飛落在那裏。

14.I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一個路人似的,停留了一會,向我點點頭又走過去了。

the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.對世界而言,你是一個人;然而對於某個人,你是他的全部世界。

——s write that letter we thought of writing “one of these days”。曾“打算有那麼一天”去寫的信,就在今天寫吧。

17.I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is、But I feel happy every day for this.我知道這世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等誰,爲了這個,我每天都非常快樂。

because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.愛你的人如果沒有按你的方式來愛你,那並不代表他們沒有全心全意地愛你。

one makes me comfortable, so I want to rely on him; while another one makes me feel lonely, so I want to embrace him.有一個人讓我覺得很安心,所以想要依靠他,而另一個人讓我覺得很孤單,所以想要擁抱他

may only be a person in this world,but for someone,you're the world.你可能只是實際上的一個人,但對於某人來說,你就是全世界。

love from overlooking while women love from looking up、If love isa mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while womenwill see fewer men.男人的愛是俯視而生,而女人的愛是仰視而生。如果愛情像座山,那麼男人越往上走可以俯視的女人就越多,而女人越往上走可以仰視的男人就越少。


shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves、Andthen begin to love、Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be、Just wait for one love、Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.在自己面前,應該一直留有一個地方,獨自留在那裏。然後去愛。不知道是什麼,不知道是誰,不知道如何去愛,也不知道可以愛多久。只是等待一次愛情,也許永遠都沒有人。可是,這種等待,就是愛情本身。

r stop smiling, not even when you're sad,someone might fall in love with your smile.永遠都不要結束微笑,即便是在你難過的時候,說不定有人會因爲你的笑臉而愛上你。

g those people that appear in our life, some are to teach us, some to comfortus, some to share and some to love在我們生命中出現的人,一些給我們上課,一些讓我們痊癒,有的用來分擔分享,有的用來真愛。

you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.離開我就別安慰我,要知道每一次縫補也會遭遇穿刺的痛。

't forget the things you once you owned、Treasure the things you can't get、Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.曾經擁有的,不要忘記。不能得到的,更要珍惜。屬於自己的,不要放棄。已經失去的,留作回憶。

is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music、Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.一個人總要走陌生的路,看陌生的風景,聽陌生的歌,然後在某個不經意的瞬間,你會發現,原本是費盡心機想要忘記的事情真的就那麼忘記了。

't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.不要爲那些不願在你身上花費時間的人而浪費你的時間。

mber, the brick walls are there for a reason、The brick walls are not there to keep us out、The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want someting、Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough、They're there to stop the other people、—-Randy Frederick Pausch請記住,阻擋你的障礙必有其原因!這道牆並不是爲了阻止我們,這道牆讓我們有機會展現自己有多想達到這目標。這道牆是爲了阻止那些不夠渴望的人,它們是爲了阻擋那些不夠熱愛的人而存在的。

31.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am with you.我愛你,不是因爲你是一個怎樣的人,而是因爲我喜歡與你在一起的感覺。

there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world、But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit's always light, light、We all thought love was very deep, but infact it's very thin、The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.有誰不曾爲那暗戀而痛苦?我們總以爲那份癡情很重,很重,是世上最重的重量。有一天,暮然回首,我們才發現,它一直都是很輕,很輕的。我們以爲愛的很深,很深,來日歲月,會讓你知道,它不過很淺,很淺。最深和最重的愛,必須和時日一起成長。

't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.不要爲那些不願在你身上破費時間的人而揮霍你的時光。

worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫過於,他近在身旁卻猶如遠在天邊。

birth gives me hope and I hope to give you happiness.你的出生帶給我盼望,而我願望帶給你幸福。

this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness在這個世界上,只有真正快樂的男人,才能帶給女人真正的快樂。

tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time、This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by、It is the truth that we've all grown up、And we become different.


your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love、Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.


41.I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything、Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least、And then be a simple man.


all live in the past、We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.


forgive is not to forget, nor remit, but let it go; to be lonely is not becoz u have no friends, but no one is living in ur heart.


is not about running into each other in crowds、Love is an impossible meeting、For example, I am a bird flying in sky, u r a leopard in forest、We just fall in love accidentally.


r frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
