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運用一切資源武裝自己 ISIS不僅靠嗜血立身

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Ever since the radical totalitarians of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant erupted into the consciousness of the world, with their lightning surge from Syria into Iraq, they have been much examined with a mixture of horror and fascination.


The ferocity of the fighters, switching between irregular and conventional warfare; the novelty of a jihadi group that is well armed, with self-sustaining funding and the ability to place itself at the head of a mass movement of disaffected Sunni; their acute media and propaganda skills alongside a sulphurous and savage sectarianism – all these facets of Isis have been duly noted.

運用一切資源武裝自己 ISIS不僅靠嗜血立身


What is under-examined is their political sophistication, which is gradually enabling them to damage the fragile cohesion of neighbouring states, giving them a reach beyond the swaths of territory they have grasped in Syria and Iraq.


Isis is banging violently on the doors of its neighbours – Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan to some extent, and maybe eventually Saudi Arabia. While it can be repulsed militarily, it can still rack up political advantage by sowing fear and exploiting divisions. It does not need to break the doors down, just wait for the faultlines to open on the other side.


“They seem to have read everything,” says a western official intimately involved in Syria and Iraq. He is referring not to the Koran or the hadith but to Mao Zedong and Frantz Fanon. Like previous iterations of jihadism, Isis may yet over-reach and self-destruct. For now, it is a sophisticated, lethal cocktail.

一名熟悉敘利亞和伊拉克情況的西方官員表示:“他們好像什麼都讀過。”這位官員指的不止是《古蘭經》(Koran)或聖訓(hadith,即默罕默德言行錄——譯者注),還包括毛澤東和弗朗茨•法農(Frantz Fanon)。像之前那些經歷了興衰的聖戰主義組織一樣,ISIS仍有可能擴張過度、自取滅亡。但就目前而言,它是個高明、具有致命威脅的組織。

The siege of the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani, for example, on the border with Turkey, is often described as strategic or symbolic. Yet there is no especial imperative why the warriors of the Isis caliphate should expend the lives of about 500 of their number to seize this particular stretch of Turkey’s 1,300km frontier with Syria and Iraq. They have turned Kobani into a symbol, but by attacking it they have driven a wedge between the neo-Islamist rulers of Turkey and their Kurdish minority.


In Lebanon, where wounds from its 1975-90 sectarian war are still livid, the spillover can be more direct. In August the jihadis burst through the Syrian border into the Sunni town of Arsal. Heavy fighting between the army and Sunni Islamist radicals continues in the city of Tripoli. The Lebanese army, in operational alignment with Hizbollah – the Iran-backed Shia paramilitaries fighting for the Assad regime in Syria and holding the political ring at home – seem able to cope. But this is at the cost of Sunni alienation, a political benefit for Isis.


Isis will keep trying to link up with local radicals and their sympathisers among the millions of Sunni refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan – where a notorious al-Qaeda spiritual guide, Abu Mohammed al-Makdisi , was arrested on Monday for incitement against the US-led “crusader” coalition against Isis that Jordan has now joined. Salafi fundamentalism has long incubated in Jordanian cities such as Zarqa and Maan, and helped spawn the precursor of Isis. “I’m not worried that Da’esh [an Arabic acronym for Isis] will break through our borders,” says a leading businessman in Amman, “I’m worried about what’s already inside them.”

ISIS將繼續設法聯合地方極端分子,以及土耳其、黎巴嫩和約旦境內數百萬遜尼派難民中的同情者。因爲煽動民衆反對美國領導的對抗ISIS的“十字軍”聯盟(約旦如今加入了這個聯盟),臭名昭著的基地組織(al-Qaeda)“精神導師”阿布•穆罕默德•馬克迪西(Abu Mohammed al-Makdisi)不久前在約旦被捕。長期以來,薩拉菲原教旨主義在約旦的薩卡(Zarqa)、馬安(Maan)等城市滋生,幫助孕育了ISIS的前身。“我們不擔心Da’esh(ISIS的阿拉伯語縮寫)會衝破我們的邊界線,”約旦首都安曼的一名商業大亨表示,“我擔心的是原本就存在於我們境內的東西。”

Isis is conjuring from the Sunni sense of betrayal in Syria and dispossession in Iraq the fanciful idea that Sunni worldwide – about 1.3bn of 1.6bn Muslims – are in some way a victimised minority. Countering this narrative politically needs mainstream Sunni leadership. What we have instead is a west slipping back into its comfort zone of backing Sunni autocracies. Chief among those is Saudi Arabia, with which Isis shares Wahhabi doctrines such as that the Shia are idolatrous apostates, and which has filled the void of Sunni leadership with petrodollars and poisonous bigotry.
