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ing-bottom: 56%;">意大利中部地震遇難人數上升

An earthquake struck central Italy in the early hours of Wednesday, killing at least 120 people and destroying buildings in towns and villages across the regions of Lazio, Umbria and Marche.


At least 120 people died and hundreds more were injured in the magnitude 6.2 quake. The hardest-hit towns were Amatrice, Accumoli near Rieti, 80 miles north-east of Rome, and Pescara del Tronto further east.

這場6.2級的地震還造成數百人受傷。官員們擔心,最後的死亡人數將會高得多。羅馬東北80英里列蒂(Rieti)省的阿馬特里切(Amatrice)、阿古莫里(Accumoli)以及更東邊的特朗託(Pescara del Tronto)受災最爲嚴重。

Sergio Pirozzi, the mayor of Amatrice, said more than 2,500 people had been left homeless. Eyewitnesses reported scenes of devastation in Pescara del Tronto. Bodies were carried out of the hilltop town on stretchers as the road into the village had been destroyed.

阿馬特里切鎮鎮長塞爾焦•皮羅齊(Sergio Pirozzi)表示,2500多人無家可歸。目擊者描述了特朗託震後遭破壞的景象。屍體被擔架擡出這座山頂小鎮,通往該村的道路盡毀。

The town is one of the places closest to the epicentre and has a population of 2,600.


Mr Pirozzi said dozens of people had been killed by the quake, which hit when most people were sleeping at 3.36am local time. “We are preparing a space for the coffins,” he said.


Emiliano Grillotti, a photographer, reported he had seen people trying to dig through rubble with their bare hands to try to save a young family.

攝影師埃米利亞諾•格里洛蒂(Emiliano Grillotti)稱,他看到人們試着徒手挖掘廢墟,設法營救一戶有小孩的人家。

“You could hear the cries of the mother and one of the children,” Mr Grillotti told news agency Ansa.


A priest, Franco Gammarota, said he had seen five bodies pulled from the rubble in the town of Amatrice.

牧師弗蘭科•加馬羅塔(Franco Gammarota)說,他在阿馬特里切鎮看到五具屍體被從廢墟中挖出。

The epicentre of the quake was near the town of Accumoli in the north-east of the Lazio region.


Its impact was felt across central Italy from Gargano in the heel of the peninsula, to Naples and as far north as Bologna, according to the National Geophysical Institute.

國家地球物理研究所(National Geophysical Institute)表示,整個意大利中部——從位於半島後跟的加爾加諾(Gargano)到那不勒斯(Naples),甚至向北遠至博洛尼亞(Bologna)——都有震感。

Fabrizio Curcio, head of Italy’s Civil Protection Agency, said it was impossible to give an accurate death toll as the information was coming in from a vast area.

意大利國家民防局(Civil Protection Agency)局長法布里奇奧•柯西奧(Fabrizio Curcio)表示,由於信息彙集自一大片地區,現在無法給出準確的死亡人數。

He said the quake was comparable in intensity to one that struck the nearby L’Aquila region in 2009, leaving more than 300 people dead.


Matteo Renzi, Italy’s prime minister, said he would travel to the affected areas later on Wednesday and vowed not “to leave anybody alone — no family, no village, no town”.

意大利總理馬泰奧•倫齊(Matteo Renzi)表示,他將在週三晚些時候前往受災地區,並誓言不會“丟下任何家庭、村莊、城鎮不管”。

“We must work so that we can continue in the next few hours to find people alive under the rubble and so that we can give hope to all these people.”
