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鐵礦石價格反彈 Iron ore futures buoyed by steel export hopes

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Iron ore futures in China rose to a five-week high yesterday, recovering from a recent fall on expectations that Beijing’s moves to weaken its currency will help boost steel exports by the world’s largest producer.


The rise in iron ore prices also followed a chemical blast in the port city of Tianjin, which has disrupted imports.


Iron ore futures for January delivery on the Dalian Commodity Exchange rose nearly 4 per cent to Rmb388.5 a tonne. Ore with 62 per cent iron content for immediate delivery to China rose 40 cents to $56.20 a tonne, according to an assessment from The Steel Index.

大連商品交易所(Dalian Commodity Exchange) 1月交割的鐵礦石期貨價格上漲近4%,至388.5元人民幣/噸。據鋼鐵指數公司(The Steel Index)評估,中國進口的含鐵量62%的鐵礦石現貨上漲40美分,至56.20美元/噸。

鐵礦石價格反彈 Iron ore futures buoyed by steel export hopes

Iron ore, the main ingredient in steelmaking and a critical source of profitability for several leading mining houses, including BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, has rallied over the past month, after hitting a seven-year low of $44.10 in early July.

鐵礦石是鍊鋼的主要成分,也是必和必拓(BHP Billiton)和力拓(Rio Tinto)等多家主要礦商的關鍵利潤來源。自7月初觸及44.10美元/噸的7年低點以來,過去一個月鐵礦石價格出現上漲。

China’s central bank this week engineered the biggest fall in the Chinese currency since the mid-1990s. That should help steel shipments, according to analysts.


“If China continues to raise exports of steel, this would require more imported iron ore to produce, and thus iron ore could be a net beneficiary of renminbi devaluation,” brokers CLSA said. “Though this would partially be offset by steel production cuts to counter Chinese exports in other countries.”


The European steel industry body Eurofer said yesterday there may be “very real competitiveness impacts” for European steel companies due to Chinese steel imports that will now be even cheaper, Reuters reported.


China’s steel capacity is around 1.2bn tonnes, according to JPMorgan, more than three times its level a decade ago and nearly double its size from 2008.


Since domestic demand has been weak, much of that steel has made its way into global markets. The government has said it hopes to shift some of the overcapacity to countries along the Silk Road and fellow emerging market countries.


China’s domestic iron ore is considerably more expensive than overseas supply, meaning the country is likely to continue to rely on the seaborne market even with the devaluation. The country now consumes more than 70 per cent of the world’s seaborne iron ore.


The chemical blast at the port city of Tianjin was also supportive of prices. Miner BHP Billiton said shipments and port operations had been disrupted.



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