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TOKYO — When you speak to foreign English educators in Japan, one thing becomes crystal clear: English education in Japanisn't working. It's just awful. While English classes are mandatory in Japanese schools, the percentage of students who emerge with actual English abilities are surprisingly low. Students in China, Korea and Japan are in an arms race tosee who can produce students with the best English, and Japan seems to be trailing far behind in third place.



With the Olympic Games coming up in 2020,the Japanese government has proposed changes to increase the level of English ability in their students. Changes like starting introductory English classesin 3rd grade elementary school and making the subject compulsory from the 5th grade. Are these changes really going to help? We've gathered opinions fromboth foreign teachers and Japanese citizens about issues with the system and what might improve it.


Every foreigner who spends any amount oftime in Japan will understand the fundamental need to change the way students study English. But a recent thread on the Japan subreddit, which seems to havebeen started by an English educator, tried to assemble as many opinions aspossible about the matter in one place. Many of the complaints fell into three main categories:


1. Teaching to the tests


For those unfamiliar with the Japanese school system, most high schools and universities have a test that prospective students must take and pass. Especially in the case of high schools, there is amandated set of content that appears. And so, Japanese Teachers of English(JTEs) focus on the grammar and vocabulary that will be on the test. A broader understanding and the practical uses of English are largely ignored because they have to cover the specific material and don't have time for anything else.


So, if Japanese students have to learn specific material for the tests, why should they learn anything else? There isno point in actually learning the language if all that is required is being able to pick the correct answer on a multiple choice test. Many Japanese netizens agree, "Why change anything unless the style of testing is changed?"


2. The quality of the textbooks is quitelow


Many foreign language teachers criticized the textbooks used in the classrooms, complaining about all manner of things including content and grammatical errors. Even more specifically, many peoplefound the choice of grammar included to be suspect, saying it wasn't grammarused very often in native English. The JTEs have to teach these archaic forms through topics such as recycling plastic, people and animals dying in WWII andboring Japanese history, causing students to be apathetic. (Topics like theseare required in government approved textbooks.)


3. A focus on translating into Japanese and JTEs speaking in only Japanese. Where is the English?Perhaps one of the biggest complaints wasthe amount, or lack of English used in the classrooms.


The JTEs often teach all the grammar in Japanese, and check that the students can follow the textbook by translating the English into Japanese. Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs) are regulated to human tape recorders, and then set free to roam the class and "help" thestudents. Of all the hours of English education, how many of those hours were spent actually listening to and speaking English? (Repeating English is not the same as speaking it.)


Japanese people agree that the current teaching style often limits students to what little English they hear from the teachers and what words are put in front of them. Successful teaching should include as many senses as possible to surround students in English. One Japanese netizen suggests that TV dramas should be utilized to hear real English, while seeing the facial expressions and mouth movements all togetherin one package. How can a student not be excited to learn phrases like "OK, I'm on my way", "What's the problem?" or "Freeze! You'reunder arrest!"

日本民衆認爲目前的教學方式使得學生們接觸到的英語知識極少。成功的教學應該從多個方面讓學生們融入在英語學習環境中。其中一名日本網民建議說可以利用電視劇來讓學生們聽到真正的英語,而且還能同時看到劇中人物的臉部表情和嘴部動作。比如,“OK, I'm on my way”(好的,我已經在路上了), “What's the problem?”(啥情況)或者 “Freeze!You're under arrest!”(別動!你被逮捕了),看到這樣酷酷的英語表達時,學生們怎麼會沒有學習英語的熱情?

Which brings us to the main problem with the current system: Japanese students don't understand the benefits of learningEnglish. This is certainly not limited to Japanese learners, but how many time do you hear a student say, "I'm Japanese, so I will never use English in thefuture." Studying English as a language is one of the least interesting thingsabout it. But, what about all the different things that you can experience whenyou understand English? TV shows, movies, books, games, and it's not even limited to entertainment, scientific journals, international business and the majority of the Internet is conducted in English.


When the exposure of English is limited to the classroom and the unfortunate textbooks, a majority of the students will disengage from it and end up not learning anything. When students are forced to study and learn about certain grammar points and vocabulary, with no know ledge about how you can apply it to all the amazing things in English, of course, thestudents are going to do poorly. Expose them to the idea that, yes, this is a subject you have to study, but look at what you can do with it outside the can excite students with that and promote self-study, which is a much better approach than learning "This is a pen" for the sake of a test.



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