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英語笑話:Stunning Reply 出色的回答

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My five-year-old son was not picking up his toys while I was preparing dinner as I had asked him. When I inquired why he wasn't doing his chores, he said that he didn't feel like it. Exasperated, I said, "Where would you be right now if I didn't feel like making dinner?"  He thought for a moment and then replied, " A restaurant?"我在準備晚飯的時候,我叫年僅五歲的兒子把玩具都收拾起來。當我問他爲什麼沒做他的差事時,他說他不想做。我感到有些惱火,就對他說:“要是我說我不想做晚飯,這時你會在哪裏呢?”   他略加思索便回答說:“在飯店裏?”

英語笑話:Stunning Reply 出色的回答