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情緒管理法:五行相生 五情相剋

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This is the method mentioned more than 2000 years ago in "Discussion on Principles of Yin-Yang Doctrine and its Relations with Natural Things and Phenomena", a chapter of Plain Questions. The content includes "anger impairs the liver while grief restricts anger"; "joy impairs the heart while fear restricts joy"; "anxiety impairs the spleen while anger restricts anxiety";"melancholy impairs the lung while joy restricts melancholy" and "fear impairs the kidney while anxiety restricts fear." This method of checking one emotion with another is based on the principle of excess curing excess. “五情相剋”的方法早在2000多年前的《黃帝內經素問》(小編注:《黃帝內經素問》簡稱《素問》,是現存最早的中醫理論著作,相傳爲黃帝創作,大約成書於春秋戰國時期。突出闡發了古代的哲學思想,強調了人體內外統一的整體觀念,從而成爲中醫基本理論的淵源。)討論五行學說與自然現象的章節中就有涉及。“五情相剋”的內容包括“怒傷肝而悲能勝怒;喜傷心而恐勝喜;思傷脾而怒勝思;憂傷肺而喜勝憂;恐傷腎而思勝恐。”這種方法的理論依據是“五行相生相剋”(小編注:五行相剋,指的是事物的相互剋制、制約或抑制的關係,如木克土,土克水,水克火,火克金,金克木。五行在中醫理論中是指構成天地萬物的五種基本物質,用以說明世界萬物的起源和世界是物質多樣性的統一體。)

情緒管理法:五行相生 五情相剋

1 Fear restricts joy 恐勝喜

This is a method to restrain great joy impairing the heart and restore mental functions by applying fearful factors to astringe the dissipated cardiac spirit. The method is often applicable to endless laughing as well as emotional disorders due to excessive joy. 這是一種利用使人恐懼的事物收斂心力、抑制狂喜對心臟造成傷害,恢復心臟功能的方法。通常用於治療笑病以及狂喜導致的情緒紊亂。

2 Anger restricts anxiety 怒勝思

This is a method to restore functions of the heart and spleen by using irritating factors to restrain excessive anxiety. The method is often applicable to melancholia, insomnia, epilepsy, etc. caused by impairment of the spleen and consumption of spirit due to excessive anxiety. 這是一種利用能夠激怒人的事物抑制過度焦慮,從而恢復心臟和脾臟的功能的方法。通常用於過度焦慮導致的憂鬱症、失眠症。

3 Joy restricts grief 喜勝悲

This is a method to overcome excessive grief by utilizing funny factors. The method often makes use of romantic, very witty and humorous language, and amusing performance, telling jokes, listening to xiangsheng and watching plays. The method is often clinically applicable to crying with grief and hysteria as well as diseases due to excessive grief. 這是一種利用使人愉悅的事物抑制過度悲傷的方法。通常利用智慧、幽默的語言,滑稽的表演來達到效果,比如聽笑話、相聲,看戲劇表演等。這種方法臨牀主要用於過度悲傷引起的慟哭、歇斯底里等症狀。

4 Grief restricts anger 悲勝怒

This is a method to restrain excessive anger by making use of grievous factors. The method is commonly applicable to other diseases with accompanying emotional excitement such as vertigo, mania and epilepsy. 這是一種利用使人悲傷的事物抑制過度憤怒的方法。用於情緒亢奮引起的眩暈、狂躁、癲癇等。

5 Anxiety restricts fear 思勝恐

This is a method to restrain fright and fear by adopting anxious factors. The method is commonly applied in rehabilitation to get rid of the patient's fearful mood. 這是一種用令人焦慮的事物抑制恐懼的方法。用於擺脫恐懼情緒的恢復治療。