
首頁 > 口語英語 > 英語突破情景對話 > 茶話會第409期:往事一去不復還


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1. It wasn't you. fault. It was just one of those things.
不是你的錯。這是命中註定的事。用這句話安慰人還是挺能起作用的。It wasn't your fault. 不是你的錯。聽到這一句心就放心了一半兒。接下來的One of those things字面理解為“就是那些事兒”,哪些事兒呢?這裏指的是某些倒黴的遭遇,説話者其實想説這種倒黴事兒真沒轍,大部分人也都經歷過。我們可以將one of those things理解為“命中註定的事”。I missed the train and had to take a later one. It was just one of those things, I guess. 我錯過了那趟火車,還得等下一趟。這種事真沒辦法。


se do not worry about it any more. It is all water under the bridge.
3.請不要再擔心這件事了,都過去了。Worry about是“擔憂”的意思,not more-不再。Please do not worry about it any more.請不要再擔心這件事了。It is all water under the bridge. Water under the bridge字面理解為從橋下流過的水,我們知道水流走了不可能再流回去,因而這個短語用在口語中指“不可改變的既成事實、 無法挽回的過去”。Last year's dispute is (all) water under the bridge now. 去年的爭論(都)已是覆水難收了。

's done is done.
這是一個完整的句子,意思是已經做了的事沒法改變了,木已成舟,覆水難收,過去的就讓它過去吧!What's done is done. It's too late to change it now. What's done is done.現在再改變已經來不及了,木已成舟。既然這樣What's done is done, what's past is past; rather than ask why, it's better to face what is in front of you. 木已成舟,過去的已經過去;不去追究緣由,而應着眼未來。其實Canace個人覺得放開過去是好事兒,但面對壞情緒甚至是失敗,分析緣由是必要的,這樣才能在下一次做得更好。
