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又是新的一年,大學英語四級對每個大學生來説都很重要。做到以下五點希望對你的大學英語四級閲讀有幫助。  大學四級閲讀技巧一:  Finding or Creating Work that Fulfills You  找到或創造一份能完結你價值的工作  Forty plus hours is a long time to spend in work that doesn't fulfill you -- or worse -- work that you hate. Those feelings and emotions will affect other areas of your life. We live in the Information Age. Never has there been a time with so much access to knowledge and opportunity to create income. You can use the Internet and social media to find your dream job or start a business you're passionate about. Use what's available to us to today to find or create work that fulfills and brings purpose to your life.  每週40多個小時的工作時間——假設從事的是一份不能體現你特長甚至你厭煩的工作,那這個時間可是太難熬了。工作上的負面心境也會影響到你日子的其他方面。身處信息時代,我們身邊前所未有地佈滿着很多能為我們帶來財富的知識與機遇。經過互聯網和外交媒體,你能找到心儀的工作,或許創立自己喜愛的工作。我們應當運用今天悉數可用的資本,找到或創造一份讓我們有成就感的工作,找到人生的政策。  大學四級閲讀技巧二:  Ending a Toxic Relationship or Moving Forward in a Good One  結束糟糕的愛情,去尋覓更適宜你的人  Just like our work, our relationships also have a tremendous effect on our life. They can bring us joy or frustrate us into depression. Relationships are hard because love is involved, and love is rarely rational. It can also be more than romantic relationships; any that are toxic can rob us of happiness. We have to make a choice to purge negativity from our lives in any form. If you have good relationships, make the choice to do the work it takes to grow together.  和工作一樣,我們的愛情也對日子質量有極大影響。因為它們,我們會快樂快樂,也會鬱鬱寡歡。因為與愛有關,而愛往往短少理智,所以愛情上的工作老是很扎手。它有時又不僅僅是浪漫聯繫:只需一段愛情讓你感到痛苦,那它就再無夸姣可言了。我們應當痛下決計,將日子中所有負面消沉的東西掃地出門。假設你的愛情很安穩,那麼就下決計好好運營愛情,讓兩個人一同成長。  大學四級閲讀技巧三:  Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone  走出“舒暢區”  It's not easy to do things that scare us or that we're not used to. Growing up, we were taught to follow the rules and do what society considers normal. When we stay within our comfort zone, we miss a huge opportunity for growth and adventure. To grow as a person, you have to try new things and figure out if they're right for your life. Step outside of your comfort zone daily and get a blueprint for the kind of life that makes you happy.  那些讓我們心生驚駭或沒有習氣的工作,做起來的確不容易。在成長的過程中,我們被經驗要循規蹈矩,按照社會常理行事。就這樣,我們一貫待在舒暢區裏,錯過了履歷冒險、獲得成長的好機遇。而檢驗新事物並找到適宜自己的方向,是成長的必經之路。試着踏出你每天現已習氣了的舒暢區,獲得走向夸姣日子的計劃吧。  大學四級閲讀技巧四:  Getting Committed to a Healthy Lifestyle  遵從健康的日子方法  Your health is important to living a long and happy life. Making healthy choices helps you have the energy you need to push forward and make big changes in your life. What you eat affects how you feel and the attitude that you have towards yourself and the world. Make healthy choices and will it will be a big contributor to your happiness.  想要天保九如、夸姣快樂,健康的首要性清楚明瞭。選擇了健康的日子方法,你才有活力大步向前,有精力讓日子煥然一新。你吃的食物影響着你的心境,也影響着你對自己和這個世界的心情。選擇健康的日子方法吧,因為它將是你得到夸姣的最大功臣。  大學四級閲讀技巧五:  Never Giving into Complacency  持久不要自命不凡  Each of us has a lot to be grateful for in life--despite of any hard situations. While we should have an attitude of gratitude, we should never confuse that with complacency. You can be grateful for what you have in your life while still wanting and striving for more. You have big dreams and goals in your mind and heart for a reason. Never let complacency convince you to settle for less than you deserve.  雖然日子佈滿艱苦,但仍是有很多值得我們感恩的地方。我們應當心胸感恩,但也不要因此自豪。謝謝日子中你所得到的,與此同時,滿懷希望,堅持尋求。你盡能夠希望高遠,政策遠大。持久不要因為自豪而故步自封,拋棄了你本應得到的。  You can have an amazing year and accomplish every "resolution" you set for yourself. You can live a happy life, but more than that, you deserve to spend each day living life on your terms. Make choices every day that lead to the kind of life you want to live.  新的一年裏,你會過得很精彩,完結自己定下的每一個政策。你也會過得很夸姣,但更首要的是,按自己的主見過好每一天。每天做出準確的選擇,過上你想要的抱負日子。