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No problem going easy on the fried food after this one.
go easy on 有节制地使用/食用 to take it easy on someone or something
- The International Olympic Committee is considering adding chess as a sport.  
- Not a sport.
- See? Not a sport.  
- Neither is, ribbon twirling, bridge or synchronized swimming. I'm in the middle of something, aren't I? 
ribbon twirling 绸带舞
bridge 桥牌
synchronized swimming 花样游泳
in the middle of something 左右为难

in the middle of something以前讲过,当时是“正忙着”的意思,每日一句影视口语:没见我正忙着么?! 而这边则表示左右为难。

So, why not spend a few good hours with you guys until it all falls apart? 
fall apart 土崩瓦解 become separated into pieces or fragments

Heck, yeah, it does. 
heck = hell 避讳的粗口 影视口语:不说粗口!教你委婉地诅咒

hats off to the guy. 
hats off to somebody 崇拜某人,赞赏某人 admire somebody


Somebody really went after this guy. 
go after somebody 伤害某人,要某人的命 to attack or try to hurt someone or something

- lonely housewife, husband away on a business trip. Bow-chicka wow-wow. 
- What's bow-chicka wow-wow?  
- You know, A-boom-clicka-mow-mow. 
这一堆到底是个什么东西?联系上下文应该也猜得出来是说这个老婆红杏出墙。据说Bow-chicka wow-wow,A-boom-clicka-mow-mow是70年代A片的背景音乐,现在就是用来暗指sex。而福克斯台另外一档卡通片《恶搞之家》也用过这个说法,果然是福克斯台内部推广啊。不过这么深奥怎么能指望Bren同学明白咧?

3D's gonna blow your mind. 
blow your mind 抓狂,让某人心驰神往 amaze you beyond explanation

The Nav'i. Denizens of a lush planet called Pandora.

Dougie is autistic.
autistic 孤独症患者

Punky Pong is kind of an old school game, 
old school 老派的

I will not put up with this.
put up with 容忍

Sweets, I'm knee-deep in larvae and dicotyledons here. 
knee-deep in 忙于某事 Deeply occupied or involved
以前还讲过一个neck deep 每日一句影视口语:吭哧吭哧“埋头苦干”

He'll turn up. 
turn up 出现


Fresh Meat Tarts and a box of wine. Have at it. 
Meat Tart 肉塔,肉馅饼

We had a business deal and he left me high and dry.
high and dry 孤立无援, 处于困境

I had to move quickly or I was going to lose a ton of dough. 

I've always enjoyed calligraphy. 
calligraphy 书法

The postman who rang twice never rang again. 

You knew her all along.
all along = always 一直,总是

it'slike that one scene in Mimic where you're in a hot kiss one minute, andthen the next, you're getting your brain sucked out by amutant. 

You told me to get lost, so now, 
get lost 走开 go away

I'm going to flee right now. 
flee 逃走

You... you're the kind of guy, you don't just pitch a tent, you homestead the land. 
pitch a tent 安营扎寨【俚语】也是一个sex的暗指啦
homestead 家园,田产

Serves him right. 
serve (someone) right 罪有应得 To be deserved under the circumstances

If you were in my shoes, you would've gone for it, wouldn't you?
in somebody's shoes 处于某人的立场

Someone breaks your kid's heart, your own heart rises up, gets fierce.
rise up 起来反抗

Knock 'em dead. 
knock dead 让某人钦佩/搞定某人,摆平某人 to do something so well or look so attractive, other people admire you a lot
knock dead既能表示打败某人,也能解释为让某人钦佩。这里一句是Booth对Brennan说去把游戏对手杀得片甲不留吧;而后面还有一句Brennan回答说我一定会让你刮目相看的。

Big words. 

Bones 5.09观后感
   1. 叫人唏嘘的一个案子。不为利,不为益,只为了所爱之人的感受,这样的犯罪是可以被理解的么?
   2. 仨男生轮流去排队抢摊《阿凡达》首映式的场面实在很是爆笑;甜甜让我失望了一下,不过,反正他才24岁……Hodgins到底是有阅历的,说话很有道理。
   3. 强调一下这集的尸体太恶心太恶心了……柒十分努力地给自己做心理按摩:那只是糖浆……那只是糖浆啊啊啊……
   4. 这集Booth和Bren的戏份不算多啦,不过最后的那席对话强烈怀疑还是有所暗指滴~~~
   5. 下集预告,OMG OMG OMG……圣诞。Zooey。那那……那啥编剧大人太厉害鸟!!~~点此看预告>>
