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英文天天寫:The Science of Making Plans

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This week's topic:  The Science of Making Plans (90-110 words)

1) Share your story of making plans
2) What is your attitude towards making plans?
3) Did you successfully carry out your plan? Why or why not?
4) Anything you would like to write.


No one would never fail to prophesy the intricate complexity of working out plans. Not surprisingly, we, however, will eventually acknowledge that it is demanding for ordinary individuals to formulate a plan and then carry it out once we attempted to make a plan by ourselves. After all, it is exceedingly rare that plans can be satisfyingly accomplished. The science of working out plans is unfathomable. The spirit of making plans is to maintain some time for buffering. It should never be considered as sloth but as a plausible reaction to the eternal changing life.



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