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英文天天寫:The New Emergence

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This week's topic:  the new emergence 新興事物 (90-110 words)

1) Share your story of embracing a new emergence
2) Is the conflict bewteen the old and the new inevitable?
3) What do you think of the New Local Policy of Online Car Service?
4) Anything you would like to write


History proves that the evolvement road of the new emergence never fails to be bumpy. It can be undeniable that the frictions between the novel and the traditional are intrinsically inevitable. Fortunately, newly emerging things will eventually survive and thrive despite the fact that they are more likely to be in a cramped and harsh environment at first. However, census has not been reached among scholars on how the innovative conquer all the adversities and finally win the battle. As far as I am concerned, it is the innumerable conflicts between the new and the old that boosts the novelty to proliferate.
