
首頁 > 口語英語 > 口語英語學習材料 > 初級美語 Lesson 13:Talking About Occupations 談論職業

初級美語 Lesson 13:Talking About Occupations 談論職業

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Conversation A : At a Parent and Teachers Meeting?

MRS WEAVER: Good evening, Mr. Learner. How are you??
MARTIN: Fine, thanks. How are you??
MRS WEAVER: Fine, thanks. This is Mrs. Bane.?
MRS BANE: Hello. I'm Robin's mother.?
MRS WEAVER: Mr. Learner is a reporter.?
MARTIN: Robin is making a picture book.?
MRS WEAVER: That's right. Come see, Mrs. Bane.?
HAL: Hello, Mr. Learner.?
MARTIN: Hello. Call me Martin.?
HAL: Martin, this is Wendy Silver. She's a teacher, too.?
MARTIN: Good evening.?
WENDY: Hi. I teach third grade.?
HAL: Martin visited my room today.?
MARTIN: Yes, I saw the geography lesson.?
WENDY: You're a reporter.?
MARTIN: Yes, I write stories for the Voice of America. I'm writing a story about schools.
HAL: Martin, this is Mrs. Bane.?
MRS. Bane: We've met.?
HAL: And this is Mr. Bane.?
MARTIN: Hello.?
MR BANE: Hello. You're a teacher??
MARTIN: No, I'm a reporter.?
MR BANE: A reporter??
MARTIN: I'm writing a story about schools.?
MR BANE: I see.?
MARTIN: What do you do??
MR BANE: I'm a contractor. I build schools.?
MARTIN: Wonderful.?
WENDY: Martin, come meet Mrs. Steele.?
MARTIN: Excuse me, Mr. Bane, Mrs. Bane.?
WENDY: This is Jessica.?
MARTIN: Good evening. I'm Martin Learner.?
MRS STEELE: I'm happy to meet you.?
MARTIN: What's that??
MRS STEELE: It's a dress from Romania. It was my grandmother's dress.?WENDY: Mrs. Steele is Roberta's mother.?
MARTIN: Fifth grade geography??
MRS STEELE: That's right.?
MARTIN: What do you do, Mrs. Steele??
MRS STEELE: I'm a housewife. I'm raising three young children. I studied nursing.
HAL: Martin, this is Melissa's mother.?
MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner.?
MRS ROBERTSON: Good evening. I'm Rachel Robertson.?
MARTIN: I'm happy to meet you. This is Mrs. Steele, Roberta's mother.?
MRS ROBERTSON: We've met, thank you.?
MARTIN: What do you do, Mrs. Robertson.?
MRS ROBERTSON: I'm a farmer.?
MARTIN: A farmer!?
MRS ROBERTSON: Yes, I farm five-hundred acres.?
MARTIN: Wonderful! What's that??
MRS ROBERTSON: Corn. Soybeans. And wheat. I grow them.?
WENDY: Mrs. Robertson is Becky's mother, too. Becky's in third grade.?
MRS ROBERTSON: They are studying food.?
MARTIN: I see.?
PAT: Hello, I'm Pat Bryan. Who are you??
MARTIN: I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter.?
PAT: Where are you from, Martin??
MARTIN: I'm from Baltimore. What do you do??
PAT: I'm a farmer. And I'm a mechanic, too. I farm a hundred acres. And I fix tractors.?
MARTIN: What's that??
PAT: I have a boy in the third grade. It's beans.?
MARTIN: Soybeans??
PAT: No. Red beans. I grow soybeans, red beans, and white beans. Last year I grew green beans and peas.?

初級美語 Lesson 13:Talking About Occupations 談論職業

會話A : 在教師家長會上?
馬 丁:很好,謝謝,你好嗎??
馬 丁:羅賓在做圖畫書。?
哈 爾:你好,勒納先生。?
馬 丁:你好,叫我馬丁吧。?
哈 爾:馬丁,這是溫迪·謝爾弗,她也是老師。?
馬 丁:晚上好。?
溫 迪:你好,我教三年級。?
哈 爾:馬丁今天來我教室了。?
馬 丁:對,我看到了地理課。?
溫 迪:你是記者。?
馬 丁:是的,我爲“美國之音”寫報導,我在寫一篇有關學校的報導。?
哈 爾:馬丁,這是貝恩夫人。?
哈 爾:這是貝恩先生。?
馬 丁:你好。?
馬 丁:不是,我是記者。?
馬 丁:我在寫一篇有關學校的報導。?
馬 丁:你做什麼工作??
馬 丁:太好了。?
溫 迪:馬丁,來見見斯梯爾夫人。?
馬 丁:對不起,貝恩先生,貝恩夫人。?
溫 迪:這是傑西卡·斯梯爾。?
馬 丁:晚上好,我叫馬丁·勒納。?
馬 丁:那是什麼??
溫 迪:斯梯爾夫人是羅伯塔的母親。?
馬 丁:五年級地理課上的那個嗎??
馬 丁:你做什麼工作,斯梯爾夫人。?
哈 爾:馬丁,這是梅利莎的母親。?
馬 丁:你好,我叫馬丁·勒納。?
馬 丁:很高興見到你,這是斯梯爾的夫人,梅利莎的母親。?
馬 丁:你做什麼工作,羅伯森夫人。?
馬 丁:農民!?
馬 丁:太好了,那是什麼??
溫 迪:羅伯森夫人還是貝奇的母親,貝奇在三年級。?
馬 丁:我明白了。?
派 特:你好,我是派特·布瑞恩,你是哪位??
馬 丁:我叫馬丁勒納,我是記者。?
派 特:你從哪裏來?馬丁??
馬 丁:我從巴爾的摩來,你做什麼工作??
派 特:我是農民,還是個機械師,種100英畝地,還修理拖拉機。?
馬 丁:那是什麼??
派 特:我有個兒子在三年級,那是豆子。?
馬 丁:黃豆??
派 特:不,是紅豆。我種大豆、紅豆和白豆,去年,我種了豆角和豌豆。?

Conversation B?

MRS WEAVER: This is Mr. Gary Durant.?
MARTIN: Hello. How are you??
GARY: Fine, thanks.?
MRS WEAVER: Mr. Durant is the assistant principal. Mr. Learner, would you like some coffee??
MARTIN: Yes, please. Excuse me, Mr. Durant.?
MARTIN: Black coffee, please.?
MRS WEAVER: No sugar??
MARTIN: That's right. Thank you.?
MRS WEAVER: Mr. McCammon. This is Martin Learner.?
MR MCCAMMON: Hello. I'm Malcolm McCammon. How are you??
MARTIN: Fine, thanks. How are you? What do you do??
MR MCCAMMON: I'm Conrad's father.?
MARTIN: What grade??
MR MCCAMMON: Second grade. I'm a father and a lawyer.?
MARTIN: Where are you from??
MR MCCAMMON: I'm from Lawrence, Kansas. I studied at the university there. What do you do??
MARTIN: I'm a reporter for the“Voice of America”. I’m writing a story about schools.
MRS WEAVER: This is Glen Edwards.?
MARTIN: Hello. How are you??
GLEN: Fine, thanks. How are you??
MARTIN: Fine, thanks.?
GLEN: Are you a father??
MR MCCAMMON: He's a reporter.?
MARTIN: I'm a father, too. What's that??
GLEN: It's corn.?
MR MCCAMMON: It's red!?
GLEN: Yes. It's interesting.?
MARTIN: Your child is in third grade??
GLEN: Yes, my son is in third grade.?
MARTIN: What do you do??
GLEN: I'm a gardener. I grow red corn.?
MR MCCAMMON: He's a gardener. He's a banker, too.?
MARTIN: Is your son a gardener??
GLEN: Yes. He grows carrots and onions. I grow corn, tomatoes, potatoes and squash.
MARTIN: Mr. McCammon, are you a gardener??
MR MCCAMMON: Oh, no. But I'm a cook.?
GLEN: Yes, he's a good cook.?
MR MCCAMMON: I don't cook red corn! I cook yellow corn and white corn, but I don't cook red corn.?
MRS WEAVER: Mr. Learner. Come meet Miss Frazetta. Tobi, this is Martin Learner.?
TOBI: Good evening. Are you a teacher??
MARTIN: No, I'm a reporter.?
TOBI: That's interesting. I'm a reporter, too.?
MARTIN: I write stories for radio.?
TOBI: I write for the newspaper. Are you a parent??
MARTIN: Yes, but my children are in Baltimore.?
TOBI: Are you from Baltimore??
MARTIN: Yes, I live in Baltimore.?
TOBI: My daughter is in fourth grade.?
MARTIN: I visited fifth grade today. What's that??
TOBI: It's a rock. They're studying rocks in science.

馬 丁:你好,你好嗎??
加 裏:很好,謝謝。?
馬 丁:好,請。對不起杜蘭特先生。?
馬 丁:請來杯黑咖啡。?
馬 丁:不要,謝謝。?
馬 丁:很好,謝謝,你好嗎?你做什麼工作??
馬 丁:幾年級。?
馬 丁:你是哪兒人??
麥克先生:我來自堪薩斯州的勞倫斯市,我在那兒的大學學習過,你做什麼工作?馬 丁:我是“美國之音”記者,在寫一篇有關學校的報導。?
馬 丁:你好,你好嗎??
格 倫:很好,謝謝,你好嗎??
馬 丁:很好,謝謝。?
格 倫:你是位家長嗎??
馬 丁:我也是家長,那是什麼??
格 倫:是玉米。?
格 倫:是的,很有趣!?
馬 丁:你的兒子在三年級嗎??
格 倫:是的,我兒子在三年級。?
馬 丁:你做什麼工作??
格 倫:我是園丁,種紅玉米。?
馬 丁:你兒子也是園丁嗎??
格 倫:是的,他種胡蘿蔔和元蔥。我種玉米、西紅市、土豆和南瓜。?
馬 丁:麥克卡蒙先生,你是園丁嗎??
格 倫:是的,他是個好廚師。?
託 比:晚上好。你是老師嗎??
馬 丁:不,我是記者。?
託 比:很有趣,我也是記者。?
馬 丁:我爲廣播電臺寫報導。?
託 比:我爲報社撰稿,你也是學生家長嗎??
馬 丁:是,但我孩子在巴爾的摩。?
託 比:你來自巴爾的摩嗎??
馬 丁:是的,我住在巴爾的摩。?
託 比:我女兒在四年級。?
馬 丁:今天我採訪了五年級,那是什麼??
託 比:是塊岩石,他們在自然課上學習岩石。

New Words and Expressions 生詞和短語?

contractor n. 承包商(建築)?
housewife n. 家庭主婦?
nursing ]n. 保育、護理?
acre n. 英畝?
soybean n. 大豆?
tomato 番茄?
potato 馬鈴薯?
squash 南瓜?
bean n. 豆類?
red beans 紅豆?
white beans 白豆?
green beans 青豆?
pea n. 豌豆?
gardener 花匠?
banker 銀行家?
carrots 胡蘿蔔?
onion 洋蔥?
science 科學

Proper Nouns 專有名詞?
Romania 羅馬尼亞?
Kansas 堪薩斯?

Language Points 語言要點?

1. Come see...來看,這是一種口語表達形式,正式語法中應該是 come and see...口語中省略了 and,這種現象在美國英語中比較普遍。
動詞 go 也可以這樣用,例如:I'll go look. 相當於 I'll go and look.?
2. I have a boy in the third grade. 我有個男孩在三年級。the third grade 三年級,third 是序數詞,即第三,在使用序數詞時,前面一般要用定冠詞“the”,例如:
the first, the second, the third, the fourth...?
序數詞的規則變法是在基數詞後直接加 th。

Cultural Notes 文化註釋

許多美國中學每年都要給學生安排一次“父子餐”(Fathers and Sons' Meal)活動。這一天父親專門到學校來跟孩子一起共進早餐、午餐或晚餐,並一起拍照紀念。?
教師家長會(parents and teachers meeting)是美國教育中的一種增強學校與家長溝通的形式。?