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ing-bottom: 66.56%;">戀愛中遇到的酸甜苦辣


He has a crush on a girl in our class.

單詞:crush 迷戀

短語:has a crush on(someone)暗戀(某人)  15.我對你有好感.I kind of like you .單詞:kind of 有那麼點兒也可以直譯: I have feelings for you I like you more than a friend.

2.他很花心 is player.單詞:player n.遊戲者


3.他很會吃醋 can get very jealous.單詞:jealous adj.吃醋的,嫉妒心強的


It would be better for us to be friends ranther than lovers.

5.愛情是一輩子的煩惱 is a lifetime of trouble.

單詞:lifetime n.一生;終生

6.你深深烙印在我心深處 impression has been etched deeply in my heat.

單詞:etch 蝕刻:銘刻類似說法: You will always have a pace in my heart. 你在我心中總有一席之地.

You are here in my heart .

你就在我心深處.(出自電影<<泰坦尼克號>>主題曲,My Heart Will Go On .)

7.一生只愛你一人 my life, I’ll only love you.

你也可以這樣說:You are the love of me.

You wii always be the only for me.


Because you,my life is filled with hope.


What is my place in your heart?

Do I have a place in your heart?


Love is blind.

單詞:blind adj.盲目的.

古今中外都認爲愛情是盲目的,因此中英文都有類似的感嘆,中文我們會說”情人眼裏出西施”,英文會說in love you are perfect.

11.不要敷衍我!Don’t blow me off .

短語:blow (someone) off 敷衍


You can turn me down,but don’t lie to me.


Who is his mistress.?單詞:mistress n.情婦


Who is he having an affair with?

With whom is he having an affair?

短語:have an affair with someone 感情出軌

the third party 第三者


I regret everything I’ve done.

15.我心碎了 heart is broken.

你也可以說:My heart is breaking.

或 My heart has started to wither.我的心開始枯萎了.(比較古老但富有詩意的說法)

16.我跟你完了. I’ll finished with you.

短語:be finished with (someone) 和某人結束了一段感情.你還可以這麼說:I’ve had it with you.

I’m done with you.

17.天天吵架,真的很煩! Arguing every day is really annoying!

單詞:argu v.吵架

18.讓我們分手吧!Let’s break up.

短語:break up 分裂;結束 也可以說:I want to split up.