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購物常用英語口語對話 實用口語帶翻譯

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ing-bottom: 100%;">購物常用英語口語對話_實用口語帶翻譯

1、charge or debit?(credit or debit?) 使用信用卡或是電子錢包?

2、cash back?是否要找回現金?

3、how are you going to pay?你要怎麼付款?

5、bring your receipt to the customer service,and they will refund you。 把你的收據拿給顧客服務部,他們就會退錢給你。

What can I do for you? 我能爲您做點什麼?

May I help you? 我有什麼可以幫到您的?

Can you show me that pair of shoes? 請你把那雙鞋子拿來我看一看。

Can I have a look at this shirt? 我可以看一下這件襯衣嗎?

Can I try it on? 我可以試一下嗎?

Have you any bigger sizes? 你有沒有大一點的?

I'm looking for a sweater for my son. 我想給我的兒子買一件羊毛衫。

Any particular color? 有什麼特別的顏色嗎?

What size do you want? 您想要多大碼的?

What style does he want? 他想要什麼款式?

Do you have anything cheaper? 你有沒有便宜一點的?

Do you like this design? 你喜歡這個款式嗎?

The quality is excellent. 質量很好。

This is what I want. 這就是我想要的。

I'm afraid we haven't anything in your size. 恐怕我們沒有你要的碼數。

How much are they? 多少錢?

What's the price for it? 這個賣多少錢?

Are these trousers on sale? 這些褲子減價嗎?

I'd like to buy three kilos of apples. 我要買三公斤蘋果。

That's too much. 太貴了。

I'll take it. 我買下了。

  購物對話舉例  Dialogue 1

A: What can I do for you,sir? 我能爲您做點什麼,先生?

B: I'd like to buy a shirt for my son. 我想給我的兒子買件襯衣。

A: What size? 要多大的?

B: 42. 四十二號。

A: Does he want any special color? 他想要什麼特別的顏色嗎?

B: Do you have red ones? 你們有紅色的嗎?

A: I'm afraid we've sold out the red ones.

We've some white and yellow ones.


B: Can you show them to me? 你能給我看一下嗎?

A: Yes, of course. 當然可以。

Dialogue 2

A: How much are these apples? 這些蘋果怎麼賣?

B: Five Yuan a kilo. 五元一公斤。

A: That's too much. Do you have any cheaper ones? 太貴了。有便宜點的嗎?

B: No, we haven't. Look at the color. What fresh apples. They just arrived this morning.


A: Give me two kilos. 給我稱兩公斤。

B: Wait a minute. 馬上就來。

Dialogue 3

A: Good morning! What can I do for you? 早上好!有什麼我可以爲您做的嗎?

B: Just looking. 我只是看看。

A: OK! Go ahead 好的,請隨便看。

A: Good afternoon! May I help you? 下午好,我可以幫到你嗎?

B: Do you have diamond ring? 你們有鑽石戒指嗎?

A: Yes, we have. 是的,我們有。

A: Please show me this one! 請把這個拿給我看一下。

B: Ok, here you are. 好的,給您。

A: How much? 多少錢? B: 2000. 2000元

A: It's too expensive. Do you have discount? 這太貴了,你們有打折嗎?

B: 20% off. 八折。

A: Can you come down a bit? 可以再便宜一點嗎?

B: Sorry! We have only one price. 抱歉,我們是不講價的。

A: How about this one? Do you like it? 這個怎麼樣?你喜歡嗎?

B: Ok, Take it. 好的,我買了。

A: Cash or card? 現金還是刷卡?

B: International Credit Card. 國際信用卡。 A: Do you have passport? 你帶護照了嗎?

B: Yes. Where do I pay? 是的,我在哪兒付錢? A: This way please. 請這邊走。

Dialogue 4

店員: Excuse me, what can I do for you? 請問,有什麼我可以幫您的嗎? 客人: I want to buy a shirt, what do you recommend? 我想買件襯衫,有推薦的嗎?

店員: Follow me, we have two new styles, I think they must be suitable for you.

跟我來,我們這有兩款新款,我想會適合你。 客人: Let me have a try. 我試試。

店員: (ten minutes later) these two styles are very fashionable,which one do

you like best? (十分鐘後)這兩款都很時尚,哪款你更喜歡呢? 客人: One is elegant,the other is cute, I don’t know how to choose. 一款比較端莊,一款比較可愛,我不知道怎麼選。 店員: If as a office lady, I recommend you the elegant one. 如果作爲職業女性,我推薦你端莊這款。

客人: Yes,considering on this point, I think it’s just what I had in mind. 恩,考慮到這點,我想這正是我想要的。

店員: OK,I will pack it for you. 好的,我幫你包起來。 客人: Thank you. 謝謝。


- Is this the sale price? 這是特價後的價格嗎?

- If you give me a discount, I’ll take it right now.如果你給我打折,我馬上就買。 - Is 20% off OK?打八折好嗎?

- Is there any discount? 有折扣嗎?

- How much discount do you give? 你們可以給幾折?

- Could you cut the price a little, please? 你可以把價格降一點嗎? - How about 30 yuan? 30元好不好?

- My last price is 20yuan. 我最多隻肯出20元。

- If it was a bit cheaper,I’d take it. 要是能便宜一點,我就買。

-How much are you willing to pay? 你願意出多少錢? -It’s quite reasonable.價格很公道啊。

-the price in our store are fixed.我們這裏不降價。


-How about giving me a little discount?給我稍微打點折怎麼樣?

-I’m afraid I can’t. I can show you some other shirts that are more affordable if you’d like. 恐怕不行。如果你願意,我可以給你看看其他一些便宜的襯衫。

Dialogue 2:

-can you lower the price? 能便宜些嗎? -Not a chance. 不講價的。

Dialogue 3:

-How about 20% off? 打個八折怎麼樣?

-I’ll give you if you buy two. 如果你買兩件的話就可以。

Dialogue 4:

-Well, I do like this I think the price is too high.我非常喜歡這件襯衫,但我認爲價格太高。

- the quality is top-notch. I’m sure you’ve heard of this brand before. 這個質量是一流的,我相信你以前聽說過這個牌子。





