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最近,馬雲又火了一把,這次是在美國底特律。他在“連接世界”(Gateway 17)的演講吸引千人擠爆現場,當地觀衆千金求一票。那麼,他去底特律到底是幹什麼呢? 

底特律當地報紙 Detroit Free Press是這麼說的:

ing-bottom: 124.27%;">馬雲美國演講“燃爆”全城:他到底講了什麼,造成萬人空巷?

China's leading entrepreneur, Jack Ma, offered heavy doses of rags-to-riches inspiration and exhortations to embrace free trade and globalization during his keynote speech today at Detroit. 

中國著名的企業家馬雲,在底特律的主題演講中,給大家打了一劑強勁雞血,講了他白手起家的故事,鼓勵美國人擁抱自由貿易和全球化時代。 說到這,就不奇怪美國人爲什麼也癡迷於馬雲了。美國人一直鍾情於哪些 rags-to-riches 的企業家,憑藉美國夢,靠雙手打出一片天下。美國人崇拜的英雄,遠至林肯,近到比爾·蓋茨、拉里·佩奇、馬克·扎克伯克都是這樣的類型。加之,馬雲的英語演講魅力非凡,這次在底特律這座“鐵鏽”城圈了不少粉。話說,馬雲選擇底特律做演講也是“頗有心計”的舉動。 曾經享譽全球的汽車城底特律,因爲經濟衰敗、產業空洞化,大量藍領工人下崗,因而整個城市蕭條破敗不堪,鏽跡斑斑,成爲“鏽鐵帶”(上圖紅色地區就是Rust Belt)的典型城市。這座城市一度破產,如今人口銳減,就業機會稀少,宛如一篇空城。

Ma said Alibaba picked Detroit for the conference because the Midwest has a lot of small businesses, particularly those providing various food products that could please Chinese consumers.



Ma's message: Doing business in China via e-commerce sites such as Alibaba proves ideal for small businesses and entrepreneurs like many found in Detroit."Small business, you have nothing to lose," Ma exhorted his roughly 3,000 listeners. "The only thing you have to lose is the opportunity. Lose the hope, lose the future."


Along with the inspiration he sprinkled some startling statistics to capture the opportunity in China: That the Alibaba platform recently sold 2 million lipsticks in 10 minutes, or that when the site first started selling live Canadian lobsters for delivery to China, they sold nearly 100,000 immediately, enough to shut down the supply.



His goal, he said, is to allow consumers anywhere to buy products from anywhere in the world — salmon from Norway, coconuts from Thailand — and receive them within 72 hours.




While he gave thanks to the U.S. since his Alibaba dream was heavily influenced by the American dream, he thinks that over the next 30 years, the Chinese markets are going to be the ones influencing the American ones. With that in mind, he urged U.S. entrepreneurs to act. "Embrace the future, change yourself, [and] you'll have a better chance," he added.



"In the company’s last fiscal year, Alibaba’s core commerce platforms generated nearly $550 billion in gross merchandise volume, of the total value of sales on its marketplaces. If GMV were GDP, that would make Alibaba the 22nd-largest economy globally, just behind Argentina." 


此外,主持人還“挑了下事”,問馬雲阿里巴巴目前有哪些競爭者。就當大家都以爲馬雲將提到老對手騰訊的時,馬雲又出乎意料地給了下面這種回答:我們可能在這個領域與騰訊競爭,在另一個領域與亞馬遜競爭。現在說這個問題還太早。未來30年裏,互聯網和電子商務會改變世界。我告訴他們,互聯網就像一場萬米長跑,我們只是剛剛完成最初的100米,很難說你旁邊的人就是真正的競爭對手,再向前跑3000米,你才能發現到底誰是你真正的競爭對手。我們今天發展得不錯,可如果我們失去了希望、失去了願景、失去了公司文化,我們就什麼也不是。有很多公司曾經都發展得不錯。Netscape公司曾經多麼成功,可誰會想到它就這麼消失了。Yahoo公司當年多棒啊,誰會想到會變成今天的樣子?所以不要以爲你的公司會永遠處於好的狀態,要時刻謹慎小心(Be paranoid)。 


Never give up!Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine. If you give up tomorrow, you will never see the sunshine.



“The business schools teach a lot of skills about how to make money and how to run a business. But I want to tell people that if you want to run a business, you have to run the value first, to serve the others, to help the others – that’s the key.”



“I think crazy is good! We are crazy but not stupid! If everyone agrees with me and if everybody believes in our idea is good – we will have no chance.”



“In this world, if you want to win in the 21st century, you have to be making sure that making other people become powerful, empower others; making sure the other people are better than you are, then you will be successful.”



“I find that when a person makes a mistake or fails, if he or she always complains or blames others, that person will never come back from the failure. But if the person checks inside, this person has hope.”



 "My relationship with the government is: Be in love with the governments, but do not marry them.”



“If eBay are the Sharks in the Ocean – We (Alibaba) are the Crocodiles in the Yangtze River. Never fight in the Ocean, let’s fight in the Yangtze River.”



“Today, people write about the successful stories of Alibaba. And I really don’t think we were so smart, we made so many mistakes and we were so stupid at times. So, someday, the book I personally really will want to write about is Alibaba’s 1001 mistakes. These are the things people should remember and people should learn.”



“Going anywhere, doing business, takes time. No market welcomes gamblers – You go there, create value for local people, have time – it will have chance.”


