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365天英語口語大全職場口語篇:遲到與早退 口語

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I'm sorry, I'm late.

padding-bottom: 100%;">365天英語口語大全職場口語篇:遲到與早退--口語

Oh, no, I'm late again.

I swear not to be late again.

I missjudged the time.

5. 公共汽車晚點了。
The bus was late.

6. 你不能再早退了。
you.can't leave early again.

I'll get off work early tomorrow.

I want to knock off an hour earlier.

A:Billy, you are late again.

B:I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept. Is the manager here today?

A:Yes he 's in his office.

B:Oh,I hope he didn't notice me.

A:Don't take any chances. It'd be best if you told him and promised not to be late again. He's already mad at you for last 2 times. Any more and he might fire you.

B:You said it. It won't happen again. Do you really think he'd fire me?

A:I think he might. You'd better go to his office.

B:You are probably right. I'll go right now and apologize. I try hard not to be late but it is difficult with Beijing traffic.

A:Good luck!