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had better 最好

half an hour 半小時

hand in hand 手拉手

hand in 交上;交進

hand out 分發

hand over 移交 ( 權力,責任等)

hand sth down from generation to generation 把…一代一代傳下去

have ( got ) to 不得不;必須

have a cold (患)傷風

have a fever 發燒

have a headache 頭疼

have an idea of 知道…

have breakfast 吃早飯

have sb do/doing 讓某人做某事

have some/nothing to do with 和......有些(沒有)關係

have sth done 使某人做某事

have sth on 穿着;戴着

head for 朝…前進,向…去

head off 把…引導別的方向去

hear about 得悉,聽說

hear from 收到…的來信

hear of 聽說

heart and soul 全心全意

help oneself to sth 自取;隨便吃

help out 幫助克服困難,幫忙

help sb with sth 幫助某人做某事

help to do 有助於

here and there 各處;到處

hold back 控制 (感情,眼淚等)

hold down 壓下,抑制

hold off 擋住

hold on (打電話時) 等着,別掛斷

hold one's breath (由於激動、害怕等)不出氣;並住呼吸

hold one's head high 昂首,趾高氣昂

hold out 提供,提出

hold up 舉起

hold up one’s head 高昂着頭

hope for the best 儘量望好處想

how far 多遠

how long 多久

how many 多少

how much 多少

how often 多久

how old 多大

how soon 多久以後

human being 人

hurry up 趕緊;急忙


in a hurry 匆忙地

in a minute 不一會兒,立刻

in a short while 不久

in a word 總之,簡言之

in all 總計,全部

in common 共同

in danger 處於危險狀態

in English 用英語

in fact 實際上

in favour of 支持,贊同

in fear of 在…恐懼中

in front of … 在…的前面

in fun 開玩笑似的

in future 今後

in good health 身體健康

in half 一半

in need of 需要

in order 按順序,井然有序

in order that/to 爲了

in other words 換句話說,也就是說

in place of 代替

in poor health 身體不好

in public 當衆,公開地

in rags 穿着破衣服

in search of 尋找,追求

in sight 在視野內,看得見

in someone’s/something’s favour 對…有利

in space 在空間

in surprise 驚奇地

in the day 在白天

in the daytime 在白天

in the distance 在遠處

in the distant future 在久遠的將來

in the end 最後;終於

in the face of 面對…而不顧

in the front of … 在…的前部

in the future 在將來

in the hope of sth 希望…

in the near future 在不久的將來

in those days 在過去,在那些日子裏

in time 及時,最終,遲早

instead of 代替;而不是


leave off (使)停止;停下來

leave out 忽略,遺漏;省略

at length 最後,終於

let alone 不干涉;不碰

let down 放下;降低;使…失望

let go 放開;釋放;發射

let in 讓…進入;放…出來

let off 放(炮);開(槍);寬恕

let out 放掉(水等),發出

let up 減小;(雨等)漸漸停止

on a level with 和…同一水準

lie down 躺下;(故意)躺下不幹

lie in 在於;分娩;睡懶覺

lie on 依賴;壓迫;折磨(人)

lie over 等待以後處理

lie up 臥牀;(船)入塢

in light of 按照,根據;鑑於

all one's life 一生,一輩子bring to life 使甦醒

come to life 甦醒過來

for life 終身

to the life 逼真地,維妙維肖

throw light on sth. 解釋,闡明

light up 照亮;點(煙)

make light of 輕視,藐視

set light by 輕視

and the like 等等,以及諸如此類

like any thing 象什麼似地;拼命地

limber up 使柔軟;柔和一下身體

go beyond the limit 超過限度

to the limit 到頂點,到最大限度

within limits 在一定範圍之內

in line 成一直線;整齊;一致

in line with 跟…一致;符合

listen for 等着聽…(的聲音)

listen into 收聽;監聽;偷聽

not a little 許多,很


live off 住在…之外;靠…生活

live on 靠…生活;以…爲食

live out 活過(某一段時間)

live through 經歷過;度過;經受住

live up to 無愧於;做到;符合

live with 接受;忍受;承認

be located in 位於…,坐落在…

at longest (把日期)至多,最晚

in the long run 從長遠來看,最後

long for 渴望so long as 只要,如果;既然

look down on 蔑視,看不起

look forward to 盼望,期待;預期

look into 觀察;調查;窺視

look on 旁觀;觀看;面向

look through (從頭至尾)瀏覽;溫習

look up 向上看;查出

look up to sb. 尊敬,敬仰

lose heart 灰心,泄氣

lose no time 立即

at a loss 困惑;虧本地

be loyal to 忠於

in the main 基本上,大體上

major in 專攻,專修

made up of 由…組成,由…構成

make as if 假裝;裝作

make away (急忙)離去;逃走

make away with 攜…而逃;摧毀;浪費

make beds 鋪牀疊被make down 改小(衣服)

make for 走向,向…前進;衝向

make fun of 嘲笑;開…玩笑

make off with 攜…而逃

make one's way 前進;成功,發跡

make out 開列;書寫;辯認出

make out of 用…製造出;理解

make over 把(財產)轉讓;改造

make up 拼湊;組成;補償

make up for 補償,彌補

many a 許多的,一個又一個的



1. at birth 在出生時。如:

He weighed eight pounds at birth. 他出生時重8磅。

2. by birth 出生,血統;天生,生來。如:

He’s French by birth. 他是法國血統。

She’s an actor by birth. 她是天生的演員。

3. give birth 生。如:

Here nobody gives birth at home. 這裏沒人在家裏生孩子。

She gave birth to a fine healthy girl. 她生下一個健康可愛的女孩。



1 . have charge of sth [sb ] 負責照顧或管理某物或某人。如:

He has charge of the branch. 他主管分店。

Doctors have charge of sick people. 醫生負責照顧病人。

2 . in charge of 負責管理,主管。如:

Mr Smith is in charge of the factory. 史密斯先生負責管理這個工廠。

Mary is in charge of the children. 瑪麗負責照顧這些孩子。

注:有時可以不出現 of 短語。如:

Who is in charge here? 這裏誰負責?

3 . in the charge of 在……的管理之下。如:

The factory is in the charge of my father. 這家工廠由我父親負責。


Mr Smith is in charge of our class.

=Our class is in the charge of Mr Smith. 我們班由史密斯先生負責。

注:in the charge of 中的介詞 in 有時可換爲 under。如:

The baby is in [under] her charge. 這個嬰兒由她照看。

4 . take charge of 管理,負責。如:

Soon he will take charge of the department. 他很快會來負責管理這個部門。

The department was badly organized until she took charge

. 這個部門在她負責管理以前組織工作做得很差。

5 . charge some money for sth 因爲某事物而索取錢。如:

How much do you charge for a room with a bath? 一間帶浴室的房間要多少錢?

They’ll charge at least 50 dollars for doing it. 做這工作他們至少要索50美元。

注:若要指明是向誰而索,可在 charge 後加 sb。如:

He charged me five dollars for this magazine. 這本雜誌他向我要了五美元。

I’m not going there again --- they charged me $2foracup of coffee.我再也不去那裏了---- 一杯咖啡就要了我一美元。

6 . charge sb with sth 指控某人做某事,因爲某事而控告某人。如:

She charged him with cheating. 她告他進行欺騙。

The police are going to charge him with murder. 警方準備控告他謀殺罪。


He was charged with stealing. 他被指控偷盜。



1. go to bed 上牀睡覺。如:

He goes to bed at nine. 他九點上牀睡覺。

He didn’t go to bed until his wife came back. 直到他妻子回來他才睡覺。

比較 go to bed(上牀睡覺)與 go to the bed(到牀邊去)。如:

He went to bed at 10 last night. 他昨晚10點鐘上牀睡覺。

He went to the bed and found a letter on it. 他走到牀邊,發現上面放着一封信。

2. in bed 在牀上(睡覺)。如:

He is still in bed. 他還在睡覺。

He’s sick in bed with a cold. 他因感冒而臥牀。


3. make the bed 鋪牀。如:

Make the bed whenever you are up. 起牀就要鋪牀。

注:make one’s (own) bed, 意爲“自食其果”。如:

As you make your own bed, so you must lie on it. 你是自作自受。

4. on a (the) bed 在牀上。如:

There is a red box on the bed. 牀上有個紅色的盒子。

注:該結構通常應有冠詞或其他限定詞,有時它與 in bed 大致同義,只是搭配不同而已。如:


正:It is a bad habit to read in bed.

正:It is a bad habit to read on a [the] bed.

5. put sb to bed 安頓某人上牀睡覺。如:

I’ll just put the children to bed. 我就安頓孩子們去睡覺。