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Top Trending Diets of 2019


Intermittent fasting diet


The intermittent fasting diet caught everyone's attention recently when Jennifer Aniston revealed that she does it. There are different versions of this diet, which involves periods of going without solid food—Aniston favors the 16:8 version, which means she eats within an 8-hour window then fasts for 16 hours. But does it actually work? It can.

在詹妮弗·安妮斯頓(Jennifer Aniston)透露她採取了間歇性禁食後,這一飲食方式吸引了大家的注意。關於這一飲食方式存在不同的說法,其中包括不攝入固體食物的時段——安妮斯頓更偏向16:8的版本,也就是說在8小時內,她可以隨意吃喝,但之後的16小時必須禁食。但這種方法真的有效嗎?答案是肯定的!

"It's suspected that the reason it helps people lose weight is that eating within an 8-hour window simply limits the total amount of calories consumed in a day," New York-based nutritionist Lauren Harris-Pincus previously told Health.

“據認爲,這種方法有助於減肥的原因在於,只能在規定的8小時內吃喝會限制日攝入卡路里量,”紐約市的營養學家勞倫·哈里斯·皮納克斯(Lauren Harris-Pincus)此前對《健康》雜誌說道。

Noom diet


"Noom diet" was one of the top trending diet searches in 2018, and it's high on the list again this year. Noom is actually an app—one that lets users log meals, access workout plans, track exercise, set goals, rate their motivation level, and connect with like-minded people. It also has articles, recipes, and experience from personal health coaches.


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Keto diet


The high-fat, low-carb keto diet was at the top of last year's top trending diets list from Google. Quick refresher: the goal of the diet is to get your body to a state of ketosis, where you burn fat for energy rather than carbs, which leads to weight loss.


GOLO diet


The premise of the GOLO diet is that hormone imbalances lead to stress and anxiety, and this in turn makes you hungry and h triggers overeating. While diet and exercise are part of the GOLO plan, users are also advised to take a supplement called Release to help bolster those healthy habits and boost weight loss.


Dubrow diet


Created by Heather Dubrow of Real Housewives of Orange County and husband Terry Dubrow, the Dubrow diet is an intermittent fasting plan with three phases that focuses on restricting calories. The diet features sample meal plans and it doesn't eliminate carbs. But all the phases and fasting windows could make it a bit complicated to follow, Sass previously told Health.

杜布羅飲食法的創始人是《橘子郡嬌妻》中的希瑟·杜布羅(Heather Dubrow)和她的丈夫特里·杜布羅(Terry Dubrow)。杜布羅飲食法是間歇性禁食的進階版,分爲三個階段,着重於卡路里的限制。杜布羅飲食法提供樣本膳食計劃,不完全控制碳水化合物的攝入。薩斯此前對《健康》雜誌表示,這種飲食法區分了不同的階段和進食時間,實際上難以遵循。