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Upside down 'Fu' Character(倒貼的"福"字)

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padding-bottom: 100%;">Upside-down 'Fu' Character(倒貼的"福"字)

Not all luck-bringing papers are couplets. Some are four-character-phrases that express traditional sentiments(感情)for a rich and bountiful spring. Still others are single characters,for example,the Chinese character "fu ( 福)",meaning luck,blessings,happiness and good fortune.

The character "fu" is everywhere during the festival. On the doors of shops and families and even in rooms,people like to paste high the "fu" character calligraphed on red paper.

Fu (福 )is written on the paper squares,which can be pasted normally or upside down,for in Chinese the "reversed fu" is homophonic with "fu dao le" pronounced as "fu comes". The upside down fu becomes a pun that implies "good fortune has arrived". Thus,the paper squares represent the "arrival" of spring and the "coming" of prosperous year.

春節,在許多家庭院落的門窗上,往往會看到一些倒貼着的大紅“福”字,這可 算得上是我國人民的一個傳統習俗了。據《夢粱錄》記載:“士庶家不論大小, 俱灑掃門閭,去塵穢,淨庭戶,換門神,掛鐘馗,釘桃符,貼春牌,祭祀祖宗。 ”文中的“貼春牌”即是寫在紅紙上的“福”字。

據說,“福”字倒貼的習俗來自清代恭親王府。一年春節前夕,大管家爲討主子 歡心,照例寫了許多個“福”字讓人貼於庫房和王府大門上,有個家人因不識字 ,誤將大門上的“福”字貼倒了。爲此,恭親王福晉十分惱火,多虧大管家能言善辯,跪在地上奴顏婢膝地說:“ 奴才常聽人說,恭親王壽高福大造化大,如今大福真的到(倒)了,乃吉慶之兆 。”

福晉聽罷心想,怪不得過往行人都說恭親王府福到(倒)了,吉語說千遍,金銀 增萬貫,一高興, 便重賞了管家和那個貼倒福的家人。事後,倒貼“福”字之俗就由達官府第傳入百姓人家,並都願過往行人或頑童念 叨幾句:“福到了,福到了!”

“福”字倒貼在民間還有一則傳說。明太祖朱元璋當年用“福”字作暗記準備殺 人。好心的馬皇后爲消除這場災禍,令全城大小人家必須在天明之前都在自家門上貼上一個“福”字。

馬皇后的旨意自然沒人敢違抗,於是家家門上都貼了“福”字。其中有戶人家不 識字,竟把“福”字貼倒了。第二天,皇帝派人上街查看,發現家家都貼了“福 ”字,還有一家把“福”字貼倒了。皇帝聽了稟報大怒,立即命令御林軍把那家 滿門抄斬。馬皇后一看事情不好,忙對朱元璋說:“那家人知道您今日來訪,故 意把福字貼倒了,這不是'福到'的意思嗎?”皇帝一聽有道理,便下令放人,一場大禍終於消除了。從此,人們便將“福”字倒貼起來,一求吉利,二爲紀念馬皇后。