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ing-bottom: 50%;">新鮮事:你有沒有好奇過狗糧、貓糧的味道?

Way back when, dogs ate standard grocery store kibble that no human would want to eat. But now, plenty of dog food companies make stuff that sounds good enough to eat—and one guy is doing just that to prove a point.


Mitch Felderhoff, who is part owner of the holistic dog food company Muenster Milling Company, decided to eat his company’s dog food for a month to show everyone that it’s actually pretty healthy stuff.


Felderhoff told Dallas-area NBC 5 that he wanted to do this to prove to people that the company's dog food is safe for their pet to eat. "So we thought let's put a face behind the bag and let's show them that we trust what we're putting in the food. We thought, 'There's no better way to do it than to eat our own food.' We thought, 'We're not going to feed your dog anything that we haven't eaten ourselves,'" he said.


So…he’s kicking off 2020 by eating, well, dog food. According to Felderhoff, he’s been making meals out of his company’s freeze-dried dog foods and snacking on its kibble.


Felderhoff also went on the company’s Instagram account to talk about what he’s eating. Their beef meatballs are “the bomb,” he said in one post. In the video, Felderhoff can be seen taking a bite of the meatball. “Mmm…that is something else,” he said. “I know dogs love it.”

費爾德霍夫還在其公司的Instagram賬戶上談論過他的飲食。他在一篇帖子裏用“the bomb(炸彈)”來稱呼他們的牛肉丸子。在視頻中,費爾德霍夫咬了一口肉丸。“嗯……那是另一回事,”他說。“我知道狗狗喜歡這種肉丸。”



1860年,美國一個電工詹姆斯·斯普拉特(James Spratt)乘船前往倫敦推銷避雷針,偶然發現他的狗特別喜歡吃水手吃剩的餅乾。他靈機一動,拿來麪粉、蔬菜、肉,加水攪拌,開始製造、銷售 狗糧。人類歷史上的第一份商業狗糧就是這樣誕生的。

